Thursday, July 2, 2015


Today was HOT! I did get an early walk in and I didn't have to wear a jacket, or heavy shirt. I did wear my shorts though!

After walking I got ready to go to the Toyota place to get my car worked on. It took 2 hours, but the best part was dad coming to pick me up. I spend the two hours at mom and dads. Dad had his coffee and watched TV, while mom and I were in the quilt room. She was cutting more fabric for more 9 patches. She's using up a lot of her fabrics and making them into quilt tops. Moms fast when it comes to quilting, so I doubt she will have to worry about having quilts ready to quilt. I was working on our Pogo Boggle game. I did take a yellow fabric from her stash for my eagle.

The yellow will replace that gold on the shield. I wanted a color that wouldn't blend in with the shield. I will start working on the bird here pretty soon.

I got plenty of basting in. The fabrics on the bird don't look like they go together in this photo, but in true color they do. I'm hoping it will look better when it's done. Plus the photo is a little whiter than the fabric truly is.

When I got home, I went downstairs and spent a couple hours with the 9 patches. I'm not even half way done. I did start the iron, and got a little more caught up then I was yesterday. When my back was telling me I was working too much, I decided to call it quits. This is where I am right now. I have more strips to do. More to come.

I printed out the P3 Designs patterns for the baskets. I will probably get back to those as well. I have way too much to do, and little time to do them in. Then again, if I didn't play games so much, I could probably be caught up and working on all the stuff I want to. My brain can't think like that. It goes from one thing to another. Guess that's part of dyslexia. Who knows. I haven't had to play the dumb blonde lately, so maybe I'm getting bored! lol

Now I'm off to play a couple games before 8 pm and then back to my applique. In other words, Happy Quilting!

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