Friday, July 17, 2015

Friday's Day of Quilting

Today I did the usual, walking and cribbage. Patrick took the day off. He wanted to work in the yard, and just "putts" around. Which he did.

I went over to moms and enjoyed a good day of applique with everyone. We had a total of 6 of us showing up. We laughed a lot. Mom had to go to the doctors because she's got a bit that has festered. She got another one on the other leg. Found out whatever it is, she's allergic to it. Doctor told her to quit working in the yard till it gets fixed.

Yesterdays photo. I was working on this today. I have the feathers on the left almost done. I'm thinking of where I want the embroidery to go. I will work on that.

I was able to sell more raffle tickets for the quilt QOV is raffling. It's awesome.

Came home and called dad to see where he was on the freeway. We were going to go back to mom and dads for crab, but he was still on I-5. It took him 5 1/2 hrs to get home from Seattle. It USED to take 2 hours. Because of all the construction on I-5, it's taking longer to get from point A to point B.
There were accidents, fire, and just slow drivers on the road. So, we will have supper with them tomorrow.

Life is good....Happy Quilting!

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