Monday, August 24, 2015

One Thing After Another.....

This morning was up early to get to my dental appointment. After an hour of getting my teeth cleaned, I came back to get my cell phone and go for a walk with Ruth. We took about an hour because we had to deliver notices to the water group.

After walking, got back in the car and headed to Walmart to pick up a few things we needed. Wanted to get there before it got too crowded. I rarely go, but when I do go, I make sure I get what I want and leave.

Arrived at the folks just before my physical therapy time. I chatted with dad. He looks great and is handling the situation very well. He will know in the next two days if he will be part of that 10% of people who get surgery. Mom had a couple things she wanted me to for her. I stayed after they both left - mom to take care of a client of hers, and dad to show the neighbors how to get to my sister-in-laws mothers place. I ordered what mom wanted ordered, then I played her game for a few minutes and went home.

Arrived home to work on Patrick's dessert of "Scotch-a-roo's." I have made them over the years. It's one of the family favorites. Just as I was getting the chocolate melted, the power when out. Called the power company and was told there was a car accident and the car hit a poll.

I tried to work on block #15 of "Bountiful Baskets" and was able to get a few more stitches in. Not that crazy about this block, but still working on it. Seemed to be on the phone more than anything.

Last night we picked up the quilts. I saw Donna had a ribbon like this one, and thought that was awesome she won a prized ribbon. Then when I picked up my quilt, I had the same ribbon on my quilt! I was shocked! It's a people choice ribbon. Like Patrick said, that is better than any ribbon I have ever gotten. It tells me others like my quilt! I read what was said about my quilt, and I agree with the markings that were given. I had "excellent" on all but one thing. The one was "good" because of two things. My batting doubled up and there was puckering. If one reads my Hawaiian Quilt pages, they would see I knew that and was working on trying to fix the problem. I had forgotten about that, till it was brought up. I agree with everything the judge said, and am happy to say, this judge judged on my work and not on her personal ideas. It felt good to get another ribbon as well as a blue.

Today was busy, and not a day I would like to repeat. The power went off around 3:30 pm and came back on about 5:30 pm. Guess we were lucky it was that short. Art called to make sure I was ready for tomorrow. We are going to the casino and he wanted to make sure I wasn't changing the date. It's a pain, because every day this week has one thing or another.

I still have more work to do on the solid stash of table mats. I need to get the binding on those. Will try and work on those Wednesday, if all goes well.

May we all be Happy Quilting!!

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