Thursday, August 13, 2015

Quilt Meeting Day....

This morning I walked a little early today. When I got back home my Uncle and Aunt were heading out to sit on the deck. I surprised them. haha They thought we were still in bed. I wasn't, but Patrick was. haha

We went out to breakfast with them. It was funny, because I told Patrick I had a meeting about 2 blocks away. He didn't want to take 3 cars, (Uncles, his, and mine). So he drove us (him and I) to the restaurant. Uncle took his car because they were leaving shortly after breakfast. After breakfast, Patrick drove me back home, where he got in his truck and I got in my car to leave. He went to work (half way between restaurant and home). I got to the store and figured out I forgot my threads. But I at least had some thread on my needles that were on the blocks.

I was able to do the stem on my Baltimore Liberty block.

I also got to finish two more leaves. I have two more leaves to finish in this area and then I can work on the other three.

Once these three are done, then the block will be done. I work on it when I get the chance. Will probably finish it up tonight. I still have the embroidery to do on the other eagle block.

Mom called after she was done with judging and said I received a blue ribbon. I asked, "Is that all?" She came back at me with, "What did you expect?!" I then asked about Donna's quilts and she said she didn't know which ones were hers. I told her, and she said she didn't judge those. I then asked who won the "big" prize and found out David Christensen won the big price and the one under that was a beautifully done embroidery quilt. Both quilts were machine quilted.  I was a little disappointed that a hand quilted quilt didn't make it. My pride was hit, but that's okay, I'm okay with it. I would like to know what the judge had to say about my quilt - not. Patrick told me I do and that I need to see what was said to make me a "little better." I understand his way of thinking, but at the same time, I'm uneasy about all this process. I don't like being judged. It makes me "belittle" myself.

Good news! The QOV quilt will be delivered next week to my husband's Uncle. His sister in law is excited about it and thrilled I was able to pull that off. She promised to send me a photo of the presentation. I can't wait and I hope he makes it till after he gets the quilt.

Tomorrow is lunch with Jeannie Austin, Mary Ann Wilson, and my mother. Should be interesting. I'm excited about going. I will take her two blocks that I'm working on. I have to return her block as well. This will be exciting.....depending on......

I will try and work on the QOV quilt this weekend. I'm going to make a couple changes, and then I'm going to add the other borders. I'll request a quilter and then we have a quilt here for our QOV group.

Things have been busy this week and I've been keeping up with what I can. Still Happy Quilting!

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