Friday, July 29, 2016

One Heck of a Friday!

Walked with Ruth this morning. Ended up with a 3 mile walk today. Hard to believe I walked all that much but when the rest of the day was added, I had move then usual in my steps! I've walked 11,178 steps so far today.Will probably add another two hundred before the day is over.

Got home and Patrick was ready to go. We did go to the casino. After that we ended up going to Walmart, Shop'n Kart, and Safeway. We picked up a cooler at Walmart as well as the drinks for our family reunion on Sunday. We did our own grocery shopping at Safeway. So, now we are ready for my Uncle and cousin tomorrow.

After all that, we came home and started cleaning up getting ready for this weekend. My nephew and his wife showed up while we were getting cleaning done. It was awesome to see them! I got to meet my nephews wife. Their little girl is a cutie and busy. I loved having her here.

I've been working in this area so far. It's got a lot more work to go.

I'm getting closer to the cat. I'm looking forward to getting more done but with a weekend like this,  don't know how I'm going to get much done.

I didn't get to go quilting today, but will try to get some in tomorrow morning if I can.

I did make a Zucchini Chocolate Cake this afternoon for tomorrow. I'll post the recipe when I try it out (smiling). It's an old recipe that Mary Frances Sain had. I love her recipes. I found it in moms recipes, plus I found a sausage recipe that my grandmother used to make as well. I will try it out one of these days. Just hope it's as good as hers!

In the meantime, I can dream about being Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Day With Mom

Today we got in our 2.5 mile walk. I even took my camera with me to take photos of the Golden Finch birds that we see every I was taking photos, I realized I was missing my disc that holds all the, the photos I thought I was taking...didn't happen...ugh.

Got home and cleaned the living room carpet. Took a good amount of time to do it. I could have done it again to get more dirt up, but really wasn't in the mood to spend my hole morning cleaning the carpet.

I went downstairs to let the carpet dry. I was able to get a lot of quilting done.

I started quilting around the upper butterfly - it was rolled more - didn't get any photos today. I like the way it's coming along. I hope to get it done soon, but with family and family reunion this weekend, I may not make it this month, I need to clean up my room tomorrow and vacuum the floor. There is a lot of stuff on the floor that needs to be picked up. Plus I need to move the quilt frame so we can get around it.

I then went to moms to take her to the hospital for her class. Dad decided he wanted to go along as well, so I went with both of them. It was about an hour long. Got back to mom's and Chris (brother) and Sonja (SIL) were there. Chris and I went over our family history. It was fun to chat with them.

I made it back home around 3:30 pm. Guess they were having shrimp for supper tonight, but Patrick has a meeting he has to go to, so we didn't have supper with them. Dad said they were looking for us last night, but we were never invited, so didn't know about it. lol

I haven't touched my cross stitch today, so I'm going to get moving on that tonight. I'm doing pretty good getting both quilting and cross stitch in in a day. So far so good, Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

More Cleaning.....And Quilting.....And Cross Stitching

Today we got a really good walk in. I then came home and started working on my carpet cleaning. I did the hallway one more time, then came and got the dinning room done. I did the dinning room twice, and couldn't believe the dirt!! I have done the living room and dinning rooms often, but this new cleaner seemed to be the right stuff. I will do the living room in the morning before I go to moms to take her to the hospital.

I went downstairs to let the carpet dry. I was quilting!

I was able to get a lot done on the quilt today.

I was able to roll the quilt! One can see the top of the quilt coming up! Actually I think it's the bottom, because the center had he butterfly upside down while I was working on it. I'm happy to see the end is NEAR! I may have this quilt done this summer if I just keep going down there for an hour or more a day! I've been doing pretty good with that lately. I'm happy to see it coming to an end. I will put Katt's black and white quilt on when this is off the frame.

I'm all set with my next project in cross stitch! Can't wait to get started,but then I remembered I told a friend I would finish her cross stitch for her. 

This is starting to "come to life." I love the way the outlining is helping it out. I was working on the flowers today. I'm close to getting started on the cat. I'm trying to keep in one area but the outline color that I need at a time is what I'm working on. It seems to get me off track. Oh, well, I'm still getting a lot done. I've been finding stitches that got missed as well, and fill them in as I go. 

Now the BIG question is....Will I be working on my projects this weekend? With family here, it's hard to say. I don't know if I'll be able to do much tomorrow either. I'm having to take mom to a class at the hospital. She wants me to go with her.....I need to take a book or something to work on, 'cause I really don't want to sit through the class...then again, I just might...all depends.....waiting to see. 

So, in the meantime, I'm still doing my thing.....Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Working On Cleaning House

Today I did the usual....walking. I had a good walk. Came home and vacuumed the hallway and then used the cleaner to clean the hallway. I ran the cleaner over it twice. May have to do it again. I'll do that again tomorrow.

I then went downstairs and tried to put a few more stitches on the quilt. I got a few more stitches in and can't wait to get more!

I got about a third of it quilted. Was more interested in something else, so didn't get as much done as I wanted to.

I was able to get more done on the cross stitch as well. I am working on the flowers in the middle.

I got working on this area, and couldn't stop. I'm having so much fun getting this together. I like the results. My work wasn't what it used to be, but I have been fixing it as I go. I am not crazy about the designers way of outlining but I'm not going to complain, it does the job. 

I have the living room and the dinning room to clean next. The carpet hasn't been clean in a while. I wanted it to look better for when my Uncle and cousin comes to visit on Saturday. 

I called the Vet Museum and the plaque is done. We will be going over there Saturday at 1 pm. I need to let Phil know so he can go as well. 

I may actually finish two more projects at this rate - by the end of the summer! Things are looking up....Happy Quilting!!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Another - Best Laid Plans...That DIDN'T Happen!

Today was back to normal. We walked 2.5 miles and got caught up on Ruth's trip to AZ. She had a great time. We had a great chat this morning.

Came back and got some of my games done. I could not believe how tired I was. I thought about taking a nap, but that didn't work. I kept getting up for one reason or another. I kept thinking, I need to do this...I need to go to the bathroom first...I need to clean the kitchen....and the list got done as I kept getting up. Then decided the heck with this, and went downstairs to quilt!

Started out at this point, where the butterfly needed the wing done. I also had the meandering going really well.

Before I knew it, I had the center piece COMPLETELY quilted. I finish it off. Now I'm going to do the meandering more now. I had a couple more needles going. Before long, I was rolling the quilt!

This was the point when I was ready to roll it.

Loving how it's coming along. It wasn't that long ago that the center was in the middle of the quilt frame. Now I can get moving and get this done!

Hard to believe it's going so well now. I was thrilled to roll it again. I did roll it a little more before I called it done for the day.

Last night I worked more on the cross stitch. I'm liking the results. I am just surprised at how long it's taking me. But then again, I didn't get to work on it today because I took Ruth to the eye doctors just in case. So, after the eyes went went to the store. Came home and my cousin Cindy called, so we chatted for awhile. Then it was time for supper, and here I am 2 hours behind. So, we'll see just how much I get done today. I still have to post on Instagram.

I have to get moving, so will just say, Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Awesome Day on the Deck

This morning I was up early - darn the sunlight! I waited about an hour before putting the cinnamon rolls in the oven. Patrick was still sleeping and figured by 9:00 am he could get up for the rolls. (laughing) Yea, just a little mean for not letting him sleep in. He likes the rolls fresh out of the oven, so he had to get up or let them cool down. (still laughing)

It was a really nice day today. Think we made it to 92 degrees. Not my favorite heat, but thankful it wasn't in the 100's. Bet my brother is enjoying this weather since he lives in Las Vegas. They were going camping last I heard. If they went to the ocean beach, then it was a lot cooler there too.

I spent a good amount of time out on the deck. I took my computer out there and copied (by typing them) letters from the family. Add them to my Letters From The Past blog. This is letters from my family that my great grandmother and grandmother kept over the years. They have helped with my family history too.

last night I got the wording in on this. The cross stitch is called, "Summer Cat Sampler," by Janlynn.

As I typed that, I went on to eBay and found the others there. One was $16.83 with free shipping - so guess what I did!! Yep - bought it!! UGH more to work on! This one was the Autumn Cat Sampler. Haven't told Patrick yet! (laughing again)

 I'm working on this flower area too. I'll get it moving tonight.

I've been getting the bird feeder outlined. It's taking a lot longer than I thought it would too. I also noticed that I wasn't paying attention because I found more "x" empty spots then I thought I had out there. So, I was filling in the "x" area as I was going. I did get the french knots done on the hummingbirds and moving down to these birds. I do like the way it's coming along.

I saw on Instagram where another cross stitch stores her work in a "Artists Portfolio" and it looks great. She keep them in the portfolio and looks at them often. I on the other hand, have them rolled in towels and all over this house! In one draw or another. I need to get them all in one place. Told Patrick about it, and he thought I should put them in my "boxes" that I have a "ton" of. I told him, all those boxes "I have a ton of," are being used. Try again.

I spent a good 3 to 4 hours out on the deck today. That's a long time for me. I was enjoying the weather with the breeze off the deck. I got a lot of outlining done. I also got 4 letters done. So, I can't complain.

I did walk down to see Ruth and chatted with her. I helped her pick blueberries and then came home to pick more. Phil showed up, and I gave him the blueberries as well as some rolls. Think he came for the rolls. (smiling) My baking still bring family around. If I get lonely - meaning my family doesn't come around, then I bake and con them into coming over. I do miss my kids!

Getting tired of politics and not going to voice my views. I would love to, but I don't want to add politics to my "quilting blog." We don't need it.

I'm hoping to get downstairs tomorrow and get some more stitches in the quilt. Then in the afternoon will work on getting more outlining done - NEED to finish another Project!!

Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Movie Saturday

Today we were up and running. We did our usual casino trip, and it actually was a good day for us.

We headed back and stopped at mom's to drop off her car keys that I brought home yesterday. Took a sheet for Alicia on the piecing she's doing. It was the blank "Patchwork and Crosses" pattern. She can get a good idea from them. Asked Christine how she did on it. Guess she didn't have any idea she was working on it. teehee

We then went to Phil's and gave him his Birthday gift. I forgot yesterday to do up a page for his Birthday. I would have posted a lot about him yesterday. Thinking today is an "after thought," and won't do it. We picked him up and headed to the movies. We went to the Star Trek movie. I LOVED the movie. I'm a fan of Star Trek. It was really good.

Came home and Patrick mowed the yard.

I worked on the cross stitch while he was mowing. I didn't do much as far as gaming today. Casino doesn't count! I added the French knots to the hummingbird eyes.

The outlining is coming along great! I'm getting excited about getting to the middle of the cross stitch. I have most of the upper part done. I needed  put words in on the sides.

Amazing how "life" is coming to the cross stitch. I do like the way it coming along. I'm keeping up with the 93 days of summer on Instagram. I already have the next one lined up.

So, even though things were busy today, I'm still Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Getting Mom Ready For Surgery

Today was a day I needed to spend with mom. I got up and ended up going to moms. I arrived at their place about 8:15 am. Mom's appointment was at 9:15 am with the doctor. We headed over to the doctors and they asked all the questions they needed. Then we went to the hospital to get ready for surgery on the 1st. Mom had x-rays and a few other things done. We finally finished that up around 11:30 am.

Got home to my brother, Patrick and his family there. They were getting their camper ready for camping this week. We took Alicia and her bow to Subway to get some sandwiches. We came home and had lunch. Then mom had to leave again for her physical therapy.

While mom was gone, I showed Alicia how to do the English paper piecing. I had those "Patchwork and Crosses" that I ordered. Gave her all that was done and left the templates for her to make more if she wanted to. She stitched the center 4 pieces together and stared on the next row. She was doing an awesome job. So, I left all my stuff with her so she had something to work on. She's just like me, she needs something to keep her busy. Can't wait to see what all she gets done.

I was able to get part of this done.

I've been doing a lot of my work on the center piece. I need to add the french knots for the eyes and I need to work on the rest of the center. I'm going to try and finish up the left side with the birds and then add the french knots for the birds. I have been finding a spot that I missed. I have been filling them in when I get to them.

Things are going along great. I'm slowly getting a few things done. This week and next are going to be interesting with family coming around. I'm not sure what will go on. Not even sure I will be able to get much done these next two weeks. Time will tell and I'll always be looking at being Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

A Day of Both Quilting And Cross Stitch

Today was one day I could actually sleep in - all of 1 hour. I was up and enjoying the time to myself. I got laundry going and I even went downstairs! I worked on my quilt down there! It felt good to finally get back to being downstairs.

I finished up the quilting on the right side. I actually got a good 2 hours in on quilting.

It felt good to get more done.

I was able to roll the quilt! I'm so thrilled. It is getting closer to getting done at this rate. I need to get down there more often! I'm going to try and finish this. If I can do that, I'll have finished at least one quilt for the past 3 years!! Woo Hoo!!

I got this much done last night.

Then I worked on it again last night. I'm liking the way it's looking.

I was able to get this far today. It's looking great. I have been doing pretty good. I was a little lazy today too.

I did vacuum and took two of our kitchen rugs and washed them. I don't know how they got so dirty! It's amazing how clean those two got! I will do the other two tomorrow. It was starting to come apart in the back. We were saying it will last a while and we could always get more rugs later. In the meantime, I want them to look clean when my relatives get here. I still have more clean up downstairs to. At least the sheets are clean for them. teehee

Tomorrow I'll be taking mom to the doctors. We'll see how much I get done tomorrow. May take the English piecing with me. I will need something to work on. teehee

Having fun......Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

From One Thing To Another....

Today I was up as usual, but didn't get my walk in. I did do a lot of walking around the house, but that didn't make up for what I didn't do.

I had to send a message to my BE group to let them know I couldn't host the BE meeting on the first. I'm really bummed about it, but that's life. I then got the sheets from the two beds downstairs and worked on my laundry. Took the sheets and put them out on the line. That way they will be ready for company next weekend.

I then thought of an idea for my needles last night while reading the book on the Civil War quilts. I read the story about the Confederate quilt. It talked about a raid along the MO. I enjoyed the reading, and found where they talked about the sewing kits that the Union soldiers took with them. I liked the way it was fold-able. So, I decided to modify it for my needle case. I wanted one where I had a lot of room for all the different needles, from tapestry to quilting. I will also have my pins on one of the pages as well.

I sewed the sheets for the needles. I found the floss to use for decorations. I've got a few more things I'm going to do with it, but I have 6 sheets for each of those in the photo. That gives me 12 sheets. I have 2 to 1 on the yellow to the green sheets. I'm going to attached that scissor holder and put ribbon for the rings I have. I want to have my needles handy. Yep! I DID IT! I actually started another project without finishing one!! When am I going to learn...heck if I know! I seriously need to finish some projects.

My day was spent with picking blueberries, answering phone calls, and trying to get mom calmed down. Dad went and got shingles and she is scheduled for surgery on the first. She's not happy with dad right now. Now it's a wait and see if she gets it. If she does, then they will have to reschedule her hip surgery, and she doesn't want that.

Our phone rang none stop today! It was the Republican party telling who to vote for, the magazine company trying to get me to renew, neighbors, and of course my parents. I didn't get as much done as I was hoping, but with a lot of phone calls and trying to get some laundry and other things done, it didn't work out for me.

I did sit down for about 1 hour before Patrick got home.

I've started bring life to the cross stitch. It's slow but fun to get the out lining done. I'll work on the bird tonight. I'm hoping to get a lot more done tonight.

So, even though I wanted to go down and quilt, time did not allow it. I will be working on the embroidery of my needle holder when I get the chance. I haven't decided on what I want to design on it, but when I do, I'll get moving on it. That's my BE group meetings.

Too many projects, too little time.....but I'm there....Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Busy Day!

Today started out fast and out the door. I went to pick Art up and go to Red Wing Casino. It was our monthly trip. I didn't do that great, but I did come home with some money and that's all that matters some times.

I got home just before Patrick. We had a guy show up for the roof. I wasn't too thrilled with him and the best part was it wasn't to work on the roof, but to give an estimate. I listened to his walking up there and found that he really didn't walk around much. Trouble was that his estimate was $2500 more than the other guy. So, I'm not going with him! Actually that should be "we."

So, my day for doing any crafts didn't happen....yet. I really wanted to do some quilting today, but it didn't work out. That's okay, sometimes life gets in the way.

I did get some back stitching done. I'm hoping to get more done. I really didn't get much last night. I was busy doing a few other things. I really am getting used to the back stitching. At first I didn't like it but now that I'm looking at it a different way and through the camera, it's okay.

All's looking good. This week is quilting on Fridays at moms. This weekend is going to be busy and I'm going to have to clean up my quilt room again. We are having the family reunion on the 31st, so I'll have to clean for relatives coming. I don't want them to see what a mess I can make of things. lol I really do need to try and get a few things done before they come. I'll see about sewing tomorrow. Try and get a hour of each....or is that hoping too much?! Here I go again with more ideas....ideas...and more ideas....ugh.

Haven't heard from the Veteran's Museum on the plaque. I need to hear from the soon. We want to get the "fellows" all together to see it. Time will tell.

Okay, I seriously need to get working on finishing another project this year! This cross stitch is on it's last legs and I'm going to get it done! Keeping up on my days on those other cross stitcher's, they are SO helpful and inspiring! I just love seeing what they are up to. I also have Jeannie Kimbill on my following list. She has some awesome stuff. Lately she has been doing a lot of traveling.

Life is good, and I'm still keeping on track! Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Tried Cleaning My Computer...UGH

This morning I got my 2.55 mile walk in. I won't be walking with Ruth the rest of the week, because she's off to Las Vegas with her 4 daughters. Should be interesting for her. lol

I helped her with her computer and then come home to run off to our Brazilian embroidery meeting. We had 6 of us showing up. We did miss 4 of our members. It was fun! We really get to laughing when we get together.

I started working on the second bird of the bird feeder. I needed to do some work on the wing, so that is what I'm doing now. I had the belly work in there, but I'm going to add more yellow in the belly. That will be a little later, as I'm still working on finishing the cross stitch. All because of my posts all summer of what I'm working on.

Came home and worked on the cross stitch till I had the doctors appointment. I wanted to make sure I was okay with my legs swelling up so much. It's normal, so I guess I'm least that's what they think. lol

When I came home I got dinner going and then sat down to work on the computer.....well, that was an hour process....I had cleaned up my computer yesterday! I turned my computer on and it had that wonderful message of information lost on Windows, and it needed to be fixed. Panic! I know I didn't get rid of anything that was supposed to be least I didn't think I did. Apparently, I did. So, for the past 1 1/2 hours, the computer has been repairing itself. UGH!! That left me with less time to work on the computer......dang!

While the computer was fixing itself - I worked on my cross stitch.

I finished the framing and now I'm working on the out lines. I' really not that happy with the way they have this for outlining. At this point, I'm not going to fuss over it, because there really isn't anything I can about it now. If I had thought about it, I would have added 1/2 stitches or even quarter stitches.

I did get a needle case pattern today, based off my grandmother's pattern. I am going to do mine a little different so it's more like a book then opening from the skirt. I know! Another project! I need to finish the cross stitch. I seriously need to finish a couple more projects before getting onto more projects. But I really do need the needle case.....but I also need to finish my projects! I need to spend more time downstairs, and since I'm at the casino tomorrow, that won't happen.

I will TRY to get downstairs this week to work on my projects....I NEED to get down there and finish at least one of those projects....REALLY, REALLY, NEED to FINISH something SOON!

Okay, off to finishing the cross stitch, as I'm excited to start another one!! At least my embroidery is ONE project at a time!.....Let's see how long that lasts.......Oh, well.

Happy Quilting!!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Getting Closer To Finishing Another Project

Today was a day I could sleep better.

I enjoyed the morning while Patrick slept. Phil stopped by and gave me so lettuce from the garden. It was awesome! I gave him the blueberries I picked on Friday. Good trade I think.

Patrick was replacing the old lights (ceiling) with the ones mom was getting rid of. They look great in the two rooms. It's funny how often I heard him swearing! lol

While he was doing that, I baked some Zucchini Bread. It was my grandmother's recipe. It turned out really good.

I then took the day and worked on my cross stitch. I'm so close to being done, I can taste it!

I got most of the right side done and started finishing up the boarder. I need to fix the hummingbird on the top. I didn't count right. I'm down to the boarder and then it's done as far as the cross stitch goes.

I took out some pieces, put some in, filled in the areas that I missed. Each step got me that much closer to finishing this piece. I will get started on the outlining next. I really do want to get this done tonight. I will enjoy the outlining.

Tomorrow is Brazilian embroidery and I can't remember what I am going to work on. I'll figure it out tomorrow before I go and then I have something else to work on. I am doing the birds if I remember right.

I did do some genealogy today. I had Patrick watch the TV show "Who Do You Think You Are?" because it was on his ancestor. He learned some interesting things on his family. I really wish I could have told him mom about it before she passed.

I'm heading back to my cross stitch! Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Listing Things To Be Finished...UGH

This morning I was enjoying my extra half hour of sleep. Then I was up and enjoying my games before we left.

Headed to moms to hang some photos on the wall. Patrick is the "expert" on hanging pictures. Mom must have had 10 pictures for her to hang up. We stopped off at Home Depot to pick up a shower head. Then Patrick put the shower head up as well as the photos. He did an awesome job and mom was happy with what he did. Dad and I were laughing at why we didn't do the hanging of photos - we really don't measure, we just put up. Patrick likes to make sure they go in an order.

After that, we went to the movie "Ghostbusters!" I recommend that movie! I enjoyed it, and Melissa McCarthy was awesome, not one "F" word out of her mouth! It was great!! I did like the other gals as well. It turned out a lot better than I expected. I liked the original as well as this one. The original movie members made appearances in the movie which was even better!

I added the bird on top. I am liking this one! Patrick isn't that crazy about this piece, but like I told him, when the outlining goes in, it will be better. I do like this piece. It's really close to being finished. I'll work on it tonight.

I really haven't had the change to go back downstairs to quilt. I usually don't get the chance to go downstairs to quilt while Patrick has his weekends. I'll try to go back down tomorrow.

The group on Instagram is asking for the list of things I can finish in Sept. So, I thought about all my projects - Katt's black and white, my cross stitch, Brazilian embroidery birds, Butterfly quilt, Friendship blocks, Friendship quilt (dolls), Baltimore Liberty, table cloth in embroidery, Celtic table runner.....oh, crap...that list isn't getting any smaller. When will I get some of this stuff done?!

We have been talking about downsizing house wise. We have also been talking about what we would like in a home. I want to have a big enough room for my crafts. Plus I'd like a little bigger living room and kitchen. Both of those are small here. Bedrooms I can do with 3 and not 5 like we have now. I'll have to make a list of what I would like. We did see a house that looked nice, that was up for sale. Trouble is, we have 3 years before Patrick will retire and we haven't decided if we want to stay in the area or just live in another area.

A lot has been done lately. I'm still on track! Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Best Laid Plans.....

Today was the norm...walking in the morning. We walked a little faster today. Came home and picked blueberries.

Had a visitor while picking berries. 

While this guy was flying around, I decided to let him be. I didn't want to get too close. 

Patrick's garden is doing great. He's getting a lot growing now.

These are really growing.

Tomatoes are awesome. I'm going to have more than I need.

After all that, which took me 2 hours to pick the berries.....I was back in the house cleaning up the blueberries. Got a lot of berries.

Then I took another 2 hours and worked on cleaning up the photos in my computer. I moved the TAS group pictures to a thumb drive. I still have a ton more to go, but it did clean up my computer by 2 g's. I'm happy, now I have about 2 1/2 more years to go. ugh....

I then sat down and worked on my cross stitch. I didn't get an hour in before I was so tired I had to take a nap. Me, taking a nap?! NO way, but yep. Then I was woke up by a guy checking on our roof. Patrick came home to chat with him and then we were off to supper and a movie.

So, as they say, the Best Laid this case didn't work out. I did have a good day and can't complain. I would have loved to have been downstairs to quilt but it wasn't in the cards. I'm still there and Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Quilting and Potluck Day

Today started out as usual....guess I could just quit saying that..but, hey!, I do walk in the mornings.

After getting back (was running late today), I went looking to make sure I had something to work on when I get to the meeting. Didn't want to be like I have been in the past....forgetting something. I found the two blocks that I basted for the Baltimore Liberty. The good news was, I had two blocks I could work on. Surprise, Surprise!

I worked on this block at the meeting. Since it was our Potluck day, I didn't get a whole lot done. I was surprised, I really wasn't hunger today. I didn't take the medication that I was put on. I found out that that medication must be working, because not only did I have pains, I also had an "attack" around 4:30 pm where I sweated and shook so bad. I was dripping with sweat. I couldn't believe it.

I dropped of the cake at Patrick's work. I baked a cake yesterday for the potluck. It was so simple. I put the cherry filling in the bottom of a greased pan, sprinkled yellow cake mix over the cherries, and then poured 12 oz sparkling water (blackberry favor) over the top. I didn't have 7-up or Sprite, so I used the sparkling water. Baked it for 30 mins. It turned out great. Even I was surprised.

While I was at the meeting, Kathy H, brought her cross stitch she started years ago. She hadn't finished it, and was about to give it away. I told her I would finish it for her. There really isn't a lot that needs to be done. I have the floss and will finish it for her. I finished moms and now I'll finish hers.

Last night I was able to get a few more stitches in. I'm at a point where I'm not "thrilled" with the area that I have to work with. I'm hoping to get it closer to being done, then I can work on the next one I want to do.

I played a couple games on Pogo so I could get the games done for the weeks challenge. I finished one, just need to work on the other one

I did go down and quilt on the Butterfly quilt this morning before going to the meeting. I threaded about 10 needles, then I started quilting the butterfly "flights." I will make sure I get some time one the quilt tomorrow as well. I seriously need to get that done!

This is the area where I was working this morning. Since the center piece is finally quilted the rest should be easy going.

Back to normal! Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I Actually Quilted Today.....

Today was a day without walking in the morning. I goofed around for a little bit and then went downstairs.

I tightened the quilt on the frame, loaded up my quilt needles for quilting, and set up my table to enjoy as well.

Once I was set up, I was ready to go. Even turned the TV on to see some shows.

Sized the quilt up to see what needed to be done. I need to finish quilting about 6 inches on this side of the quilt, then I can roll it again.

Spent the next 2 hours quilting. I was able to finish the quilting on the center boarder. That made me happy because now I can get moving on the butterfly lines and finish this up!

I do have a little more to do on the tips but otherwise this is ready to move on. I'll try and quilt the right side tomorrow. If I can get myself to just go down and quilt at least an hour a day, I can get this thing finished! I seriously need to do that.

After quilting, I came up and did some laundry. Then mom called and wanted me to order a couple things for her. I decided to take a walk and order them when I get back. Took a 2.3 mile walk on my own. Then came home to order the shower head for mom. Called Patrick to check on its quality. He told me to tell mom he was buying one for her. That took care of that. Then I called the physical therapist on ordering mom's ankle weights. Got those for her since she's having hip surgery on the first.

After all that, I took some beets down to Ruth to see how she was doing. She looks great and will be ready for walking in the morning. I'm glad. She gave me some stuff to make a cake for the potluck tomorrow. Came home and baked a cake for tomorrow.

Now I'm relaxing and getting ready to work on my cross stitch. I've been getting more and more done on both my quilting and my cross stitching, so really can't complain.

Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...