Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Last Night for Bowling....

This morning wasn't any different, walked this morning. Won't be walking tomorrow as Ruth is having eye surgery.

Came home and goofed around for awhile. Tried to get my pogo game and called it quits after awhile. Then I pulled out my next cross stitch project and got it ready. I put the fabric on the bars. Now when this one is done, I'll be ready to start the next one. This is the one that I was excited about back in Feb.

I then sat down and worked on my current cross stitch. It took me three times - yep, ripping it out tw times! - before I could get the corner right. I had to rip out the bird as well. I was so off, it wasn't funny! Hated taking out all that work. I was taking it out so many times last night! I even took some out this morning, but now I'm back on track.

Decided to check on my family history again today. Got quite a bit added. Found a few more relatives. Haven't gotten answers back from others.

Tonight is the last night for bowling. It's a potluck and "fun night." Should be fun!

Looking forward to tomorrow - Happy Quilting!

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