Saturday, July 9, 2016

Out and About

Today I was up at 6:30 am. Just couldn't get much sleep. Patrick slept in. When he was up, we were off.

We had a good time till about 2 pm when mom called and left a message. We called them back and were invited out to dinner. We had about a half hour to do what we wanted and then we were off to dinner. We had a good time. Came home and played games.

Last night I spent the time appliqueing the flower together. I have the center ready but need to add the blue to one more petal.

This is the center. The green in the background is the leaf. I'm almost ready to applique it all to the block background.

I'll probably work on that tonight or tomorrow. I do want to get at least one of the 4 blocks done, so I can have something to go with the other finished blocks.

I really need to get back to my cross stitch as well. I'll work on it tomorrow. I'm wanting to get it done by the end of the month. Really loving the outcome.

So, today was an "out and about" day. I got very little done today. Happy Quilting!

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