Friday, July 1, 2016

Hello Long Weekend!

Today was the usual, off for a walk. I came home and mopped the floor. Then I vacuumed the house. I wanted to get this place to look great. I've actually kept it clean compared to usual. I'm one of those that "plops" stuff on the dinner table. Then I just keep adding to it. When it gets to be too much, I start putting things away or Patrick beats me to it, and suggests the table needs to be cleared. I just laugh. It doesn't bother me when he says something because by the time he does, I've already gotten in my head to do something.

I washed my Brazilian embroidery piece. I had a hard time getting the pencil out of the fabric. I'm not happy about that. The fabric that I was using (came in the pattern) was Trigger fabric. I do not recommend that fabric. I've done enough embroidery over the years that I do know this is a piece of crap. It's too stiff! Even when one washes it, it's stiff! I don't like how the needles "pop" every time the needle goes through the fabric. I found out another fabric that will work better, and I'm going to go pick some up. It's part linen and that should work out great. I'm looking forward to getting that fabric.

While I was washing the piece, I pieced the binding on the QOV quilt. It only took a short while. I put it in the wash. I need to put it in the dryer now. I had a load in the dryer already, so stalling...going to do it here when I'm done typing.

After the quilt was bound, I pulled out dad's eagle. I've sewed down the head.

I also worked on the tail. I'm almost done with the tail. Once that is done, I will work on the branches and leaves. I'll add the flower to, I think. I'm still trying to decide. I have to work on more blocks for this quilt.

I was able to get more stitches in on the cross stitch as well. I'm pretty proud of myself for doing a couple things a day instead of just one thing. I'm pretty happy about the way things are going right now. The cross stitch is really coming along! Looks great and I'm still Happy Quilting!

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