Saturday, June 30, 2018

A Day Of Cleaning....UGH

This morning started out like any other day. I got up....Then the day started.

Patrick got up and asked what I wanted to do - go figure! I'm not used to being asked what I wanted to do or what I want to watch on, I said, of the choices I had, that we needed to go shopping. And that's what we did. We went grocery shopping.

Came home and unloaded the groceries. We had a small amount compared to usual.

Once all that was done, it was time to clean!

This was just after I pulled everything out of the shelves. This closet was full!

You can see some of the stuff I took out of the closet, and piled on the floor as well as the desk. 

Plus a few things were put in that desk as well. It was one big mess. I decided to start with the closet before working on the desks and the room. I figure if I got the closet cleaned out, it would be easier than doing the desks and putting more stuff in the closet. If I put it in the closet, it would be coming back out. So, closet first. 

I had two shelves that I didn't have before. I put some of my bookkeeping in there as well as my genealogy stuff. I have a ton of genealogy around the house. I have more downstairs as well as outside. So, I seriously need to get them done. 

So, that area that had three boxes stack, now has one box. I put the genealogy in the closet so it didn't clog up the room with boxes. Storage is so much better in the storage/file boxes. 

Then we decided to go to the Red Lobster for supper. We had one heck of a waitress! She was awesome! She replaced Patrick's potato because they put sour cream on it, and she even brought me more shrimp scampy because she didn't like the looks of the ones I got. We have enough left over for supper! So, we'll be having that tomorrow or Monday. 

After going there, we stopped in at Target, right next to Red Lobster. I wanted to get another box for the genealogy because my Taylor family box is overflowing. We picked up 2 boxes. They were only $8 and that's a lot cheaper than staples or amazon. I also picked up a box for my BE floss. It was $14, but I'm okay with that. It's a little nicer than the other boxes and see through. 

We got back home, I fixed the genealogy boxes and then I filled my floss box with the floss from the 2 boxes I had downstairs. 

Then, I found 2 letters sitting there on the desk - which still needs to be cleaned - and copied them onto my computer. Then I put them in my "Letters From The Past" blog. I only got 2 done today, but that will be coming. If you look closely, the binders at the top of the shelves has my genealogy letters that I have put into the blog. I have 174 letters, and that's since I started the block in 2012. Not the best, but I'll try and get moving on them. 

Tonight, I'm hoping to sit down and work on my cross stitching! 

Do you ever get in those moods to clean - something you don't normally do?? What's your "quick fix" clean up?

Looking forward to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, June 29, 2018

A Day At Mom's With Quilters

This morning I had to get up early and plan on going to moms. I had actually thought I would stay home, but because mom and Ethel got in late last night, Ethel's car was at moms. Ethel doesn't drive late at night, so mom and my niece took her home, then came here to get Daisy. They didn't get back till around 10 p.m. So, I was the one picking Ethel up this morning to take her to quilting. So, I had to go to moms. LOL -  Not as I had hoped, but that's okay.

Picked Ethel up and took her to moms. We arrived around 9:30 am and just about everyone was already there. I guess since dad passed they figure they can go in as early as they wanted.

We had a good meeting, I got a lot of quilting done. I was able to get more than I expected done. It was nice to be able to quilt that much.

Mom said the guy that we waited on a couple days ago was supposed to get here at 3 pm. Did you get that part?! (SUPPOSED TO)....well, I hung around, and guess what.......another no show and no call. Told mom that if he calls, she could tell him no more appointments since he doesn't show up when he makes them. lol

Came home around 4 pm. Patrick was getting ready for golfing. He is getting back to golfing and that's good. He needs something to look forward to, since he is retiring soon.

I got back to working on my cross stitching.

The butterfly is fun to work on. I'm getting there. In a day I'll be getting the next pattern piece off line.

Then I thought I would try to do a YouTube video, and my OS Studio gives me a blank screen. I need to figure out how to work it. I may just go to the old computer and do one, just to get it out there. I need more learning on how to start it and get the camera to work again. I did try the camera on my computer, but it did't come out very good. The viewing was good, but it was sketchy.

Now I'm going to get back to working on my cross stitch. I was happy to be able to work on two things today.

Hope you are as happy as I am being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Babysitting Mom's Dog - Daisy

Today I was up and ready to go get Daisy. I really didn't want to get up and go, but I did promise mom I would look after her dog. So, I brought her home with me.

I picked her up, got a tea at Starbucks, and headed home. When we got in the drive she was so excited she tipped my cup and it spilled on my leg as well as the drivers seat. So, I had to clean that up. Then when I was chatting with Patrick, noticed she had disappeared. Called her and she came up from downstairs. Took her outside to go potty but she really didn't want to go, so I had a bad feeling about that. Went downstairs and she peed in the spot she peed last time she was here with mom and dad. Ticked me off!! Now I'm going to have to run the carpet cleaner down there. Really didn't want to, but will do it anyway.

She's been sleeping her most of the day or on my lap. She follows me everywhere. Mom is off and hitting "shop hop" around the area.

I decided to just work on my cross stitch to keep her calm.

I did get quiet a few done. Then I realized my copy of June's wasn't copied right, so had to re do the copy. Which is fine because I was just missing the 3 rows on the edge. This is going pretty good and quick. I need to get the next month in a couple days. It might go faster if I had the next months stuff.

Worked on laundry and things are looking good. Quilting is at mom's tomorrow and I'm not sure if I want to go. I should so I can get working on Katt's quilt. I'll figure it out tomorrow when I get up.

Did you have a good day working on your projects? Finish anything?

We're doing good. I' thinking of dad every day and saw a photo of him, that I had to change on my Facebook page. I know he's enjoying his life where ever he is.

Looking forward to keeping Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Still Running Around

This morning I was up early. I tried to contact Cherrill but she wasn't home. My morning was busy with cleaning the carpet one more time. Then I went next door to see my neighbor but she wasn't home either. Once the carpet was clean, I hid in the back room working on my bookkeeping. At least that is now up to date.

I then got moving and went to the bank, Phil's, Staples, and then to moms.

Mom wanted me to be there for the funeral director from the National Cemetery that wanted to come and talk to here. When I got there he wasn't there and had called to say he was running late. As it turned out - he was a no show. While we waiting I showed her her family history on the Matheson side.

I had received a message that there could be a change in mom's 2nd great grandparents. I was told her great grandfather may have been the child of the oldest daughter of what I thought was her 2nd great grandparents. So, there my be a generation in-between. If that's the case, that means he shouldn't have been a Matheson but another name. It will be interesting to see if this rumor is true. If it is, then he may have been a son of someone named "Green." This is another fun puzzle to figure out.

While we waited from 3 pm, I worked on Katt's quilt.

I had some help keeping the quilt down from Daisy. It's coming along. Katt should be happy I'm working on this. I will have to go get Daisy tomorrow while moms gone all day. She'll be staying with me.

Finally came home after being at moms for 3 to 4 hours. We put the house back in order. The floor looks a hundred percent better. I'm happy!

Now it's time to get working on my exercise and then work on the cross stitching.

Looking forward to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Most Of The Family Left Today

This morning I was up early to see my nephew and his family off. They were heading over to moms and then to the airport. I told them I'd meet them over at moms. My brother and his wife were leaving today as well as my other nephew and his daughter.

I arrived at moms around 9 am. I wanted to chat with my older brother before he left. We had a good walk with Daisy - mom was at PT - and we chatted. It was good to get a few things off my chest. I stayed about an hour and then left. Said goodbye to mom (she had just gotten back from PT).

I went home and was going to work on my bookkeeping when I saw some stuff I needed to put away. Well, that didn't last long, because it ended up being some genealogy papers I printed on the different families I'm working on. So, I sat down and got to work on them.

Patrick came home while I was doing genealogy to meet someone. They walked the area and tried to figure out where meters would be put. So, while they were doing that, I kept working on my genealogy.

Patrick got done with the gentleman. We then took and moved furniture so I could carpet clean the house. I ran the cleaner getting as much as we could. Then we left, letting it dry.

We went to the casino and picked up the cutting boards they were giving out. After that we went to Dairy Queen and then to the bowling alley.

We bowled really good. I bowled a 241, 219, and a 221. Love 9-pin no tap! Patrick actually beat me by 2. I could have beat him, if I had bowled a 8 or better, but I got a 7 instead. Never fails!

So, today was another day that I didn't get to my cross stitch or quilting things. I have quilting this week, but I'm not going to go. I need the break. I still haven't decided if I will go to moms quilting on Friday either. I'm actually tired of the family. I need to go see mom tomorrow because of a gentleman coming to talk to her. My younger brother's daughter and her husband are staying with mom for a couple weeks. Not sure how moms going to feel about that. She usually gets tired of family after awhile.

How is your summer going? Mine seems to have started out with a bang.

Are you adopting any animals? - I'm ready to look for another cat. Wish me luck. Any suggestions?

Stay happy and being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

A Day Of Organizing!

When I mean organizing - that's what I did. I really got myself busy with organizing the genealogy papers. What a mess.

I worked all day getting my files to work like the way I wanted them to at work. This way it will be easier to find what I wanted and to file my stuff. I used to have them organized by the documents that I have. Then I decided that wasn't working because they were getting mixed up. So, I am now filing them by name. I still have a pile of files that I need to put in the new files.

I had 2 file boxes full. So, I did the Wiltzius family first - because that's only about half a box. The Taylor box is another thing. I need to get more files and another box. I picked everything up before family came back.

Still haven't done any crafts but that's okay. I'm cleaning up my files and getting ready to clean up the computer room.

How was your day? Hope you were Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Spending Time With Family

I couldn't post yesterday because it's too fresh. We put my father to rest yesterday. We had the full military honors for him. We even had the motorcycle group come and escort dad to the services. It was a tear-jurker. Mom received his flag, cartridges, and a plaque from the motor guards. It was short and sweet. We even stopped to see where he would be buried.

After all that, we had everyone over to our house. A few were late. But that was all because of traffic on the way back. It took 2 1/2 hours to get home. When it took us 1 hour and 40 minutes to get there. Not a lot of fun coming back, but we made it.

Today I was up and worked on my photos off my phone. I loaded all the pictures and then deleted them off my phone. Now I have plenty of room on my phone.

Around 2 pm we went to moms. Only my brother and his wife were there when we arrived. We chatted awhile before mom and the others started coming in. We had a fish BBQ, which my younger brother did an awesome job.

Found out my nephew taped the services "live" on Facebook. So, I got the link for that to share with Phil. I'll share it here too. Dad's Military Service.

I haven't had time to work an any of my crafts, but I do know I really need to because the "negative" part of me is coming out. I want to be back to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

What A Day

This morning I was woken by the country scratching the road. It was like having a squeaky wheel in the fan. I thought it was the fan at first, but Patrick told me it was the county getting ready to gravel the road. They are getting ready to put the oil down.

I enjoyed the morning to myself after everyone left. Then I met my brothers and mom at the attorneys office. Mom set her will and we all were there to support here.

Katt arrived before I went.

Then came home and worked on my cross stitching. Katt and I had a good chat about what was going on. She helped me with my computer as well.

I was able to get quiet a bit done on my cross stitch - but when I cleaned up my photos, I lost the photo I wanted to use. I was working on taking the photos off my phone and keeping the ones I wanted, getting rid of the others. I was loading the photos to my thumb drive and then deleting them, giving me more room - so I thought - because now I can't find what I'm looking for. NEVER fails! I still have a ton of photos to go through off my phone. Now that I know how, this is awesome. Maybe I will be better with the photos again, now that Katt has fixed my pictures area, and Patrick showed me how to clean up my photos by putting them on my computer or thumb drive. I decided I want photos on the thumb drive more, so they are being put there. That way I can clean up all this stuff. Then I can go to Walmart and print the ones I really like and have them put into a photo album. AT LEAST that's my thought. Let's see how far that gets me!

So, yes, today was a good day. How was your day? Good, bad or awesome??

Awesome is when we are Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Family Is Starting To Arrive

I just realized I hadn't posted yesterday. Funny how that happens. One minute I think I did, the next minute I realized I didn't.

Yesterday my nephew and his family arrived at our house. We have them for company. They have the two cutest little girls! Reminded me of Katt when she was little. The difference is that Katt's eyes are bluer than theirs.

We bowled last night, and I ALMOST bowled a 9-pin 300 game, but only got a 287. So close!

Today I was up when Patrick was up. He left and said the kids were up, so I got up. Sure enough, they were up and had breakfast already. They were on their way out the door. Told them I would meet up with them in about an hour and a half.

I got dressed and ready to go. Went to the funeral home and picked up dads flag. It's all ready for Friday. Been chatting with !Dan about getting him ready to go. We will pick him up on Friday before we head up to Kent.

Went to moms and everyone was working on moms yard. Kaylee cleaned out the front area of weeds. Sonja worked on watering and spraying the bugs. It was interesting. Took mom to the Gathering Place to get her a walker that has 4 wheels. Took us a while to figure out how it unfolds, but we got it. Was too funny, took us 5 mins or more!

Granddaughter figured out what this was all about! She climbed on, and off they went.

I headed back home.

Got a lot done with the May part. It's actually almost done. I need to get June's started.

I was getting a little help from Emilyn and it took more work. I'm happy to say I rolled it, because I couldn't keep working at the foot of this. Specially with a magnifying glass light.

We all had a good time. I got stuff done and watched the "Who Do You Think You Are?" shows. Got caught up. Loved that on Smart.

Okay, I'm calling it a day. May we all be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Always Enjoy Being With Good Friends

Today was our BFF meeting day. Brazilian embroidery day. I had it here because Pat wasn't coming and she's the one that opens the church. Lately the church has other things going, so during the summer we usually come here.

I was up early, got coffee ready to make, and waited. Cherry called and said she couldn't make it because she had an appointment change with her hair. She also was waiting on the lawn guys to go over to her place. That was the only one I heard from - other than Sandy (2) and Pat. So, I thought we'd have a good meeting......

10:00 am came and went. I texted Sandy and told her no one was there. We laughed and figured it would just be the 2 of us. She arrived first. About 5 mins later, Bev and Phyllis came in. By 10:30 am everyone that was coming was here - 4 of us. We had a great time. We talked about the Seminar and we worked on our stuff. Sandy and I worked on the "Shadow Work Flower" that we took the class on.

I was able to get the leaves worked on today. It went really quick, and it's really fun!

We had lunch, and then we chatted for a good while before they decided 2 pm was time to leave.

After they left, I sat in my chair and decided to work on my cross stitch. I need to get moving on this piece!

I had to rip out some of it, because I really was off. I did get more put in, so that's a good thing. I want to finish the area on the right, so I can roll this piece to work on the middle piece of June.

Patrick was home early. So, I stopped watching my shows and got dinner going. Now it's almost 8 pm and I need to work on my exercises. That's next. I am planning to get back to working on the cross stitch for the night. I will get back to the shadow work later.

All in all it was a really good day of getting stuff done! I'm happy to say, today was one of my better days in a long time.

What are you working on? Are you Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting?

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Father's Day - Without My Father

Today is father's day. I took a picture of dad and posted it on Instagram. AND cried. I would have loved to have given him a hug and kiss!

So, we worked around the house till it was time to go to the movies. We decided to go to the movies. I worked on my red heart piece.

We went to see "Then Incredible s" at the theater. It was a good movie! I really enjoyed it. Trouble was, I could see some political stuff in it, but I didn't care.

Got back and enjoyed working on my heart piece. Then I started on the beads. It's going pretty quick. I just found that the white beads she gave us, don't work. They holes are not big enough, so I went and got my white beads to work with.

We picked up an African Violet for Father's Day.

Between laundry and catching up on our shows, I' still working on the heart. It keeps me busy and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Enjoying Being Back Home

Even though Seminar is still going on tonight, and people will be leaving there today, it was nice to be home again. After two weeks of being gone, I am happy to be home again.

Today I slept in for a little while. Then got up and played on my tablet. It had been awhile since I was able to play on my tablet, since I didn't take it with me.

One of the guys from Patrick's work came and brought his son. They checked out our car and decided to buy it. It was the first brand new car I owned and it was sad to see it go, but it was time. I'm so tired of it getting hit or damaged every three years. Patrick was happy to sell it, and that covered what we paid for the van. So, we came out even.

Then Patrick and I went to Costco. We picked up some stuff for when the family gets here. I also got the girls some books to read. I'll have that for them when they get here. The books come in a bag with the store book titles on them. It's a cute little bag that they can use for whatever they want.

Then we came home and I watched "Perry Mason" while Patrick worked in the yard. I played more and got some laundry done.

I worked on one of my pieces from Seminar.

I need to get more red on the top of that piece, but I may just leave it. I am going to do the next stitch beside it and another one beside that. We'll see what happens. I'm just winging it, and hoping it will turn out decent.

Then we went and picked mom up. We went to the "Evergreen Playhouse" for a play. It was "The Importance of Being Ernest." It was awesome!

This was intermission. The play was really good. I love going to their plays.

Now it's late and I'm calling it a night. Keeping up with being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

One More Day And We Head Back Home

Today we were up and off to our morning class. We took a class from Debbie Kelley called "Queen of Hearts." We all got a kit and some floss to go with it. We ended up paying a little more because it cost a little more then she thought it would. So, we all were happy to help her out.

This is Debbie Kelley's piece. Mine will be different.

I surprised myself by liking the class. I am going to do something different from her pattern, so it will be fun.

We then had lunch with everyone, but we seem to be sitting by ourselves more often then not. I did get Elaine to join us, since she seems to sit by herself a lot too. We don't mind.

Our next class was with Charlene N. She's an awesome teacher. That class was "Rose of Winter" and we worked on the roses that go to this piece first. Then we worked on the leaves, and lastly we worked on the pine cones. They were all great! I really enjoyed this class. I did my work on the original piece. I'm not a "doodler" when it comes to embroidery.

After class we headed to see what was on the list for dinner. They had food neither one of us could have. So, since we said we wouldn't be eating today anyway, we went out to eat. We tried to come back as soon as we could, but it took awhile while we were out. Came back and they had the general meeting going. We listened into the last part of it. Then they were doing the ice cream social. I didn't stick around to have any ice cream - still trying to behave! I came back to our dorm and had trail mix instead.

We sat in the gathering room and worked on our floss. We organized the floss we bought and have them ready to hang in our bins.

It's been a long day. We pretty much called it quits at 11 pm. I'm still going but dying out. So, I'm going to say, good night and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Second Day Of Seminar!

This morning Sandy and I slept in. We aren't doing the breakfast with everyone, so we ate in our rooms. I worked out great, because nether one of us are breakfast people - or she's not right now. She's lost 70 lbs so far, and has been doing great! So, she has her food for now. I just don't do breakfast, never really was crazy about breakfast after I turned 20.

We didn't have a class this morning, so we got a few things together, worked on a couple things, and then headed out to Acorn and Threads. That is an awesome shop!! One of my favorites. She carries a lot of cross stitch and flosses. I just love walking around there. I did buy some stuff! Plus I got 15% off because I spent over $100! It was nice. I only get there once a year, so I always prepare for the shopping there. I knew I would spend a lot. It turned out more than I thought, but I'm okay with at.

We then headed back to the University for lunch. We didn't do lunch yesterday, but paid for it, so we had lunch today which we didn't pay for if you consider the days we signed up. But then we look at it in the way that we paid for so many at lunch and so many for supper, so if we miss a day, we could pick it up the next time.

Our class today was with Ruby Scrubbs. She's awesome! One of my favorite teachers! I really enjoyed her class. We worked on Shadow work.

It's really quick and easy to do. I really, really like the technique as well as the design. This is so much fun! I got 5 of the petals done. Just need to do two more and then I'm done with the petal. All this work is done on very thin fabrics.

After supper we went and worked in the merchant mall. I sold 1 thread catcher. Not much, but at least one got sold. I may see if Rita will sell the others for me or think of something else to do with them. I don't think I have that many friends! lol

We then went to the lobby and worked on our projects. Sandy worked on the Shadow play and I worked on the Design class. I figured out what I'm going to do. So, I got to work on it. Had to use BE techniques with the beads. It's interesting. I sat with a 2 of the other 4 in my class. Elaine is doing a dog, and the other gal is doing a flower. I'll try and remember to take a photo tomorrow and post it here for mine.

It's midnight and ready for bed. Hope you are enjoying your time - whatever that may be. Try to be with me and stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Arrived At Seminar!

Today is the day for Seminar! Even though it started yesterday, we arrived today. It was a morning trip that started at 9:30 am. We arrived here in Portland, OR around 11:30 am. It's not far, but the roads can be a pain at times. The roads were good till we got to Jansen Beach area. Then we took a little longer to get past that area to get here.

We arrived and collected our stuff. We got a room next to a couple of TX gals. It's kinda hard to do, when they keep the bathroom door shut all the time. We have to constantly knock on the door to use the bathroom. I'll get used to it, but it's hard when someone walks in on you. lol

Sandy brought salads, so we had a salad for lunch 😋. We got our room all set up.

Then I had class. My class was a design class by Debbie Kelly. She gave us some beads and told us to create something.

So here are some beads that I need to create something with. It's homework thank goodness!

I came up with very little. Guess I'm thinking too small.

After class we had supper. Of course there wasn't much I could eat. They had cooked carrots and fried potatoes, which are on my "no" list. I ended up having a salad and tough meat.

Then we went up to the merchant mall area and set up stuff to sell. Well, that was a bust. Not many if anyone was buying. We did sell some floss for Rita, but not a lot. I'm hoping they come back and purchase stuff tomorrow.

It's fun to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Yet Another Busy Day Getting Ready To Leave

It was another one of those days that seems to never end. I'm okay with the "never end" part, but we all know it does end.

Today started out by getting up out of bed - like every other day. Then I needed to get moving. I texted my nephew and then I was off. As I was out, got a call from mom asking where I was. I told her in the car and would meet her at her house when I'm done.

First trip was to Michael's for a sketch book. I want to have that since I'm taking a design class and figured I could use that for my designs and not for doodling.....let's see how far that goes. I found a few stickers for "vacation" that I bought as well. I'm going to put the San Diego trip into a book to enjoy. I figure since I have the stuff for "scrap booking," I might as well use it. I may even have a book to put it all in.

Next stop was to the gas station. Since we have a Safeway, I went there for gas. Got 70 cents off, which was nice. Then it was off to Dairy Queen to get their $5 meal deal. I bought mom and I a chicken salad that was awesome. Plus we got ice cream to enjoy after.

Spent time with mom. She didn't seem to be doing as good as she usually does. I told her I'd call her while I'm in Portland. We both had it rough today. We played a few games. I helped her with her Pogo game.

Then I was off again to Whalen Quilt Works to pick up some stuff to sell at Seminar for her. I have floss and a couple of kits. She's dropped the prices, so I'm sure they will sell. Once that was done, I headed home.

I called Cherrill to see if I could come over. Visited with her and had a good chat. Then mom called and she was having trouble with her TV. I helped her get through that. Then she called because she couldn't find her phone, so I called for about a half hour till she found it. Once again she called to get help on the TV. It was getting comical. She wasn't having a good day. We both had a bad day.

I had to go through our change jar to get enough change for when we sell stuff at Seminar. That will start tomorrow night. So, I'll work on my thread catchers while we sell stuff. I don't think putting buttons on will take that long. I have about 10 of them ready for buttons. I have 4 or 5 that need to be completed. Not sure I'll get there but I will try.

We are leaving in the morning. I need to be there in time for class in the afternoon. We need to get set up in our room. Plus we will be getting lunch on the way I think. Not too worried about it. I have oranges that I'm taking and will eat that. I need to get a mug to take with me to have my tea in. A few more things need to be done and then I'm good to go!

Last night I was able to get more done on here. I wanted to get it ready so I can work on the triangle for the June SAL. I'm looking forward to getting started on June, but the way this month is going, I think it's going to be hard to get caught up, but I'm going to try. Next week is when the family shows up again.

Today isn't over, and I have more to do. So, I'm still keeping busy (when I can) and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Getting Ready For Yet Another "Vacation"

This month is a busy month. Between going to San Diego, Seminar, and dads in-urnment. It is one thing after another for this month.

Today started out the same. I actually got moving on packing - again. I pulled out my sewing machine to see if I can sell it at Seminar. Had to clean the case, because it was pretty dirty. Funny how that happens when I haven't used it in over 5 years. I have a lot of stuff at the door, ready to go. Yet, there is more to do.

I did work on the thread catchers. I sewed the sides to 6 of them, and had 5 of them already done last night. Now I need to sew on buttons and may find myself doing that at Seminar. I can handle it. Sandy and I have been texted each other to make sure we have what we need. I need to pull out the folding table on the deck to take with as well.

I also work on laundry - yep, that laundry we brought back with us. I still have a couple more loads to do, but I'm getting it done before I leave. That way Patrick doesn't have to worry about it. He cleaned up downstairs and has it ready for my nephew and his family coming in about 2 weeks. Guess now that I think of it, it's about a week.

I got my pattern for June's SAL.

I did get a few stitches in on this piece. I'm at least getting time to put a few stitches in. It seems like this year has been hard for me to be able to do much stitching. I'd love to be working on more than one thing right now, but I am not so lucky.

Here's something from our trip -

We went to the Cat Cafe and had tea/coffee. We were able to go into a room and sit with the cats. It was over loaded, so we sat outside.

This was one of the cats there. This one is the "resident cat." But they did have more cats for adoption. They only had 8 of them when we were there.

Okay, as boring as my day was, I better get moving. I have a few more things to do before being ready for Seminar. Tomorrow I have to go and pick a few things up, so it's going to be another busy day.

In the meantime, I'm going to try and stay Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

It's Nice To Be Home Again

This morning it was nice to be home! I actually slept really well last night. I enjoyed being back in my own bed.

This morning I was up as usual. Played a few games. The Patrick was up and we headed to the casino. We played for a little while and then went to see mom.

Mom wasn't home when we got there, but she did show up while we were there. I went to get a few more buttons for my thread catchers. I picked up a few more buttons from here. Had a good visit with mom and then headed to Phil's.

We arrived at Phil's so I could get his sleeping bag for my trip to Portland. After that, we headed to Safeway to get groceries that we were low on.

I actually started a load of laundry but that didn't go very far. I'll probably be doing that all day tomorrow.

After we got back home, I worked on my thread catchers. I sewed buttons of 4 of them, and I sewed the seams on 4 more. They are slowly getting done. I counted them and think I counted about 23 of them being done. Not sure though. Will count them again tomorrow. I have about 40 of them if I can get them done by Tuesday. I need to get my stuff together because I only have 2 more days to go.

I have a very sweet teenager that I correspond with in Russia. She has been sending me beautiful photos of her work. I wish I could copy and paste them on here. I'm going to send her a couple patterns when I pick them up this week. I think she will like them.

So, today has been a pretty good day. We got the things we needed. Now I can hopefully enjoy a day without going out and without having too much going on. I really need to start getting ready for Seminar.

As you can see, I'm still keeping busy with the thread catchers. I'll have them ready to sell. Life is good.

Keep up the fun of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, June 8, 2018

A Busy Day....Then The Trip Home From San Diego

Yesterday was one busy day. We did so much in a day. It started out from breakfast at "The Broken Yoke," and ended back at the Hotel before Pizza.

We decided to do some shopping for the last day. So, we went over to Coronado. We took the Uber to the Hotel de Coronado. That is one big Hotel. We didn't tour it, but we could have if we would have left a little earlier. They do daily tours around 10 am. But in truth, that Hotel is just WAY to busy for me! Hard to get around.

We took a walk on the beach.

Got Katt and Pat to sit so I could take a photo or two.

There were a lot of live shells going on. I really got a kick out of these.

It was so much fun being out there on the beach. I could stay on the beach for hours!

Instead we headed (walked) across the island to the fairy. We walked quiet a ways. Then we waited about 10 mins to get on the fairy. It was a quick ride back to San Diego - not far from our Hotel.

But we didn't go to our Hotel, we took the trolley to Old Town San Diego. We spent a good hour or more walking around there as well. I bought some jewelry and then we took the trolley back to the Convention Center where we could walk 2 blocks to the Hotel.

We spent a couple hours at the Hotel and then went to a really good Pizza place. It's the Gaslight Cafe! It was the best! I got a really good hamburger there. Pat and Katt shared their Pizza.

We called it a day after 18,000 steps for the day. We did 8 miles of walking.

Today we woke up early. We were off to get breakfast and then we went to the Cat Cafe to sit with the cats. Trouble was they were at capacity when we got there. We did get a drink and sat outside. Katt and I went into the room where the cats were. It was very small and there were 8 people in there already with about 6 cats. I believe one of the cats was getting adopted as we were there. It was a kitten that another guy was having fun with. Not sure how they get the cats, but they were fun to see.

Then we were off to the Hotel and got an Uber to come get us and take us to the Air Port. San Diego's airport is small. We sat and watched the planes. At 3:00 pm we were loading. It is funny how people are in such a hurry to get on, that they don't board like they should. They called rows 20-35, and when we got on (row 26) there was half the rows before ours already filled. BUT I will give everyone credit, it was the best unloading plane I have been on in a long time. No one hurried to get up, they sat till it was their turn to get up and go. Only when it got down to our row, one gal tried to cut in front of everyone else. I haven't seen a plane that had people so courteous in a very long time!

We finally made it home, unloaded and relaxed before calling it a day. I have tons of photos and will try and post them more later.

Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Another Busy Day In San Diego

We slept in today. Then went back to the Broken Yoke for breakfast. I had a Greek Yogart Parfait

It was pretty good.

Then we got an Uber car to take us to the park. It's the famous Balboa Park. We walked quiet a bit. Not as much as the last two days, but close. We checked out the Japanese garden and I was really disappointed. I would spend the money to see it if I knew what there was.

Then we went to the model train musuem and I loved that! I could be there all day watching the trains go around. They did an awesome job!

We then went to the Air and Space Musuem. That has a ton of stuff. Both Patrick and Katt loved that. They are into that sort of thing. It was very informative, so I got a lot out of it.

Nexted we headed back. Stopped at the Crab place. It was a Louisiana company with lots of spice. It reminded we of the Crab Shack in Seattle. Both have good food.

Tben we decided to head to the movies. We went to a place called The Lot. We were assigned seats. Walked in and the chairs were reclining chairs! Plus we got servers! If we wanted to eat or drink they would get if for us and bring it to us! Loved it! Didn't ask for service but was nice. Electric chais!

I'd show more photos but my photo whited out my photos from today. I'll try again tomorrow.

Hope your Happy Quilting/Happpy Stitching!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Spent The Day On The USS Midway

This morning we slept in later than yesterday. Then we walked down to the Broken Yoke for breakfast. I had a Tiki Toast for breakfast. Patrick has a Crispy French Toast and Katt had another breakfast sandwich.

We then walked about a mile or two to the USS Midway. I got a little emotional when we were in the radio room. That was similar to what my father did in the Air Force. This month is really hard on me. Knowing in two weeks we put his ashes to rest.

We had a photo done there of us. I actually like this one.

We had to get photos at the statues. It was fun getting poses.

Lots of aircrafts were on the carrier. It was so huge! Took a good 2 1/2 hours on the tour. Took tons of photos as well.

Afterwards we took a 2 hour ride around the harbor. We got to see even more Navy ships. Some in service, some being worked on, and some in dry dock. Really enjoyed both.

We then went to The Cheesecake Factory. It was awesome. I had a huge salad, which I couldn't eat all of. After dinner we shared a cheesecake.

It was so good! This was the raspbery with white chocolate. Really, really good!

Then it was a 2 mile hike back to the hotel. My feet are killing me. I think we will be going to Seaworld tomorrow. Should be fun.

Thinking of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, June 4, 2018

San Diego Zoo & Baseball

This morning we were up earlier than we planned. It went pretty good this morning. We were not in a hurry to leave. When we did, we walked a couple blocks to get breakfast. Then we ordered an Uber driver. This guy was more talkative the the one yesterday.

He drove us to the San Diego Zoo. It was $54 each. That is an all day pass. We walked the whole thing!

Most of my photos were on my camera. When we got to the last area, I finally took my phone out to take photos.

A good portion of the animals were out and about. A couple I really wanted to see didn't come out.

The ones that did made it a little easier to take photos. Isn't that the way it usually goes? What we want to sse, doesn't happen!

The stadium is in view of our room. We decided to go to the game today.

Katt and I got this photo. Loved the water fall.

The field was so close! We had really good seats. Not a lot of people tonight. Nothing like watching the Mariners but it was a good game. The Padres won. It was one of the best games I sawvin a long time. In Seattle, people cansit still. Here, it was less people here and they came for the game, not the food.


Sunday, June 3, 2018

On Our Way To San Diego

This morning were up early and moving. We stopped at Denny's for breakfast. Figured it was better than McDonald's. We had a good breakfast and then we were on the road.

We arrived at Portland International Airport by 10:15 am. We werent leaving till 11:20 amwe had a good flight. Katt was ready to get off about 15 mins before we landed. She's as bad as I am when it comes to "adhd" attention. We wer laughing about that. I did have a couple hard times, when I was thinking of growing up in the military and traveling with dad. This is never going to be easy at this rate.

We arrived at the airport and Patrick reqested an Uber car. We couldn't believe the driving but we made it to the hotel. We settled in and the took a walk around San Diego. We got dinner at "Cold Beer and Cheeseburgers." That was realky good. Then we walked more and stopped for ice cream on the way back. Then we sat at the bar in the hotel and enjoyed watching passers by. I enjoyed feeling the breeze with their open windos. Made it seem like we were outside.

Lastly we came up to the room to relax before heading to the zoo tomorrow. Looking forward to tomorrow!

Are you having a great day too? Happy Stiching/Happy Quilting?

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Getting Ready For A Trip

Today I was up and vacuuming downstairs for Katt's cat. She's going to be staying downstairs. We have the neighbors checking on her while we are gone. I have a couple neighbors that are awesome. They know when things aren't right. So, they will be helping us out while we are on our trip.

Katt arrived around noon. I cooked her some creamed shells. Then after that we went to moms. Mom wanted her to go to the church shop to see if she found any dresses she wanted. We went and she didn't. She did like the dress mom got her the other day. Mom picked up a couple jackets for the other girls in the family. Then we headed back to moms. Katt helped mom with her cell phone in the car. MOm has the hook up in the car, and didn't like all the contacts and messages that were left. So, Katt cleaned up the car. She took my brother's phones off as well as a nephews. Just because they borrowed the car, they didn't need to put their phone information in it. Katt got it good and ready for mom. Now she shouldn't have any trouble.

Came home and got stuff ready for our trip in the morning. I'll have my tablet with me, so I'll be able to post about our trip. I am starting to get excited. I had to call the airlines because our miles weren't attached to the tickets. I lost my mileage, but Katt watched the video to keep hers last month. I didn't pay attention to my email, so I didn't do that. I had to re-register. I was going to get Patrick re-registered, but the computer was down when I was chatting with them. Patrick doesn't think it's worth it, so I'm not going to worry about him. At least I get my mileage.

It's been pretty quiet today. We're just sitting around. I'm going to try and work on my cross stitch and get my IG updated with what I was doing last month. I'm going to work on the thread catchers while we are gone. That will give me something to work on. Who knows, I might find something there to work on.

Enjoying my hanging baskets. I have a red one as well. They are really pretty.

I was working on my genealogy earlier. Patrick's side has BANTA, VAN WINCKEL, and more in his family. I have added about 50 names to those two names. His tree is growing, but not as fast as mine. I have close to 10,000 names now. I'm really close. Patrick's is around 3,500 and I need to get moving on those names as well.

I'm having to close this up. The computer wants to update. That may take awhile.

Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, June 1, 2018

Another Day With Quilting Friends At Moms

Today was a fast day in the morning. I was over to moms by 8:30 am. I had to get moving this morning. Mom wanted me to walk her dog. Just as I arrived, she had Daisy hooked up and ready to go. She was looking as if she was going to walk her. I took Daisy for a walk. While I was walking her I got a call from the state.

I had called yesterday to see where the investigation was on dad. She gave me another number to call. I called it while we were walking. Had to leave a message. Then when I got back to moms I got the return call. I asked how the investigation was going, and she told me it was "on going." They received it on the 9th and it has been in the works. I asked if she could tell me how it was going and if they found anything. Since she was the supervisor, she told me that she didn't have that information and the worker will let me know when she completed it. She was really nice, and said that it is taking some time to investigate. I'm thinking that it's been 3 weeks, and they are still working on it. My friend that's a nurse, told me it usually is done in a couple weeks. So, this tells me there is more to this investigation than they thought.

We had 7 of us quilting today. I worked on Katt's black and white quilt and got quiet a bit done. I have a few more rows done. I'm happy with the way it's coming along. I left the quilt at moms place.

After everyone left, mom and I went to Whalen Quilt Works. We picked up the bolt of black fabric and the floss I ordered for Brazilian embroidery. I left the bolt of black at moms because she's going to cut a border out of it. Then I'll bring it back. I paid for all of it. She's going to pay for the white that is 120 x 120" that we need for our Hawaiian quilts.

Came home and Cherrill and I went walking. This is the beautiful hanging plant she has in her yard! I loved the colors!

I went downstairs and put everything away. Now I just need to go back down there and vacuum. That will be tomorrow.

Patrick went to the movies and I stayed home. I got 2 more thread catchers done. Still have 19 more to go.

Then I decided I wanted to get more stitches in on this piece. I was able to get a few more before I needed to do my exercises. I figure every little bit helps. Now I need to buy the June pattern. I'll bet a couple of the people working on this has it done by tomorrow. Some of them are really quick and I've been slowing down on my cross stitching.

The the best part of today - I've actually been Happy Quilting and Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...