Saturday, November 30, 2024

Still Not There Yet

This morning I was up while Patrick slept.  He spent most of the day in bed. He did come out to the living room for a bit. 

I pretty much played my games and watched TV with the shows on Britbox. 

I decided to start another puzzle.  The first one I wanted to do was all put together and was told to makes sure it's all there with the alphabet on the back, then take it apart.  I was half way with taking it apart and called it done. Then went downstairs to get another one. 😅

I'm still not Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, November 29, 2024

Another Bad Day

This morning Patrick was up and down. He didn't get much sleep and neither did I. 

I made him stay in bed most of the day. Kept bringing him something to drink or eat. He wasn't doing much of either. He is way too weak for my liking.  His back is a little better, but stiff. Around 3 pm, I had him coming into the living room so I could change the bedding.  

I pretty much cleaned up and played my games. I didn't want to make a lot of noise and I kept busy with laundry.  

After supper,  I finished this puzzle. It was fun to do. May pull another one out to work on tomorrow. 

It was another bad day which left me no so Happy Quilting!

Thursday, November 28, 2024


 As much as I would love to say today was a fun Thanksgiving with just the 2 of us, it wasn't. 

Patrick woke after me. He is still having trouble with his back. On top of that he's stomach is acting up. 

So my day was spend washing laundry and being quiet so he could sleep on the couch. Katt and Phil called. Katt only talked to me because Patrick wasn't up to it. He didn't eat much and betting he didn't drink much either. Teri come over for ice. 

Our Thanksgiving will be this weekend hopefully.  

After playing games all day, decided to work the puzzle I got at the store the other day. It's only 300 pieces, so goes pretty quickly.  I watched "Vera" while working on it. 

Tomorrow will probably be like today.  Really not looking forward to it. I know his chemo is hitting him with side effects again. He's not hungry again. Plus taste buds are changing, again. Watching him go though this eith chemo is hard. He's determined to keep going. So far it's working but he's going through too much suffering at times. 

So, today was not a Happy Day, let alone a day of Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Trip To Urgent Care

This morning Patrick told me we were going to urgent care. So, I got what needed done and took him to Kaiser in Olympia.  We waited an hour to get in and another 30 mins for the doctor or PA. They talked about his muscle giving him pain. The usual discussion of what meds he can take. Then he was given a muscle relaxing med with a list of cream and pad to get at the pharmacy.  While we where there he got his blood tests. 

Came home and let him nap on the couch while I watched TV, played games and crochet.

Almost done.

Mom called to say her grandson was picking her up. Then Patrick and Christine were bringing her back on Friday to leave again on Saturday.  

I just played games to relax. But found some time to be Happy Crocheting/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Still Not In The Mood

Today Patrick was up before me. He's still hunched over in pain. Can't get him to go to urgent care. He tells me it a muscle and just needs time. After 2 weeks, I would think he would get it checked. It's a guy thing I guess. 

I played games and enjoyed watching TV most of the day. Patrick got a nap in. He's been napping a lot lately.  

I finished this potholder.  

Then started another one. They don't take long. I was crocheting and playing my games. Games seem to relax me and lately I am so stressed, that it helps.

The other day mom commented that my hair was getting really thin and asked why. Told her it's stress. I have been under stress for almost 4 years now. Read it takes 6 months to a year to grow back, as long as one has stress under control. Oh, what fun!

I still can't seem to get into the mood of doing my crafts. I have a quilt that needs Quilting, a bead project that needs finished, a cross stitch that needs worked on, and a lot of unfinished stuff that I lost count on. So, I really need to get my stress under control and get back to enjoying my projects. 

At least I found the time to be Happy Crocheting/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 25, 2024

Fun Day With Friends

Today was embroidery day - or was supposed to be. There was 4 of us today.  Jeannette is here from Canada visiting her sister Sandy. It was so good to see her. Gerilyn worked on her quilt while Sandy and Jeannette worked on there embroidery pieces.  I worked on my crocheting. 

I finished the top one at home, then I started the red and blue one. Thinking of groupings of potholder to give out. 

Had to stop at Safeway on my way home. Panicked that I thought I lost my credit card. Ended up paying cash instead. Then when I got home, had to go out to the car and see if I could find my cc. Found it between the seats. Couldn't believe it! Or, yeah I could! I put it next to my seat when I got gas. Ugh. 

I really love spending time with good friends and being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Casino Yesterday, Relaxed Today

Yesterday we traveled to the Quinalt casino in Ocean Shores WA. The was for our Anniversary gift to each other. It was an all day trip. Takes 2 hours to get there. Sandy V lives over there and didn't realize what a trip that is fir her every Monday.  Patrick won $1,250 jackpot.  We played really well the first  hour and a half.  Then other 2 hours they took our money.  Good news is we came home with $700 ahead. So, we stopped off at the House of BBQ on the way home.

Today has been working on laundry and cleaning up. After all that, I wanted to play games and listen to the audio books. 

Made some cherry turnovers that turned out pretty good. 

Still have some work to do on the pastry. It's flaky but needs more practice. Love making it though.

We did go to Grocery Outlet to get our turkey. They had a special- spend $35 and get a turkey for $3.50. We picked up a few things and came home. Since it's just the 2 of us for Thanksgiving,  we are almost ready for it. 

I did pick up a puzzle to do. 🤣🤣

Love the tin and there are cookies in there too. 🤣🤣

Tomorrow is another day. It wasn't time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 22, 2024

Quilting Day At Moms

This morning Patrick beat me getting up. I showered and was out the door. 

Got to moms before everyone else.  She had me do a couple things for her. Then everyone started coming in. There were 7 of us.

Worked on moms quolt block. She asked me how many I had done. I laughed at her and said I was lucky to have this close to being done. I had to get the Velin pattern from the bottom underneath the drawer. That took some doing since it was the bottom drawer. At least I put the 2 leaves I took off. Then got to work on the circles. Once that is done, I can start on the next block. 

After helping mom with computer stuff,  I finally came home. Brought 4 quilts home with me. Wasn't in the mood for anything else. When mom has stuff for me, it wears me out. I love mom, but lately the "too needy," is driving me crazy.  Told her to have Patrick and Christine help her when they come. Since we aren't invited for Thanksgiving, I am not in the mood to see them either.

At least I found time for Quilting and being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Anniversary Today

This morning Patrick slept in. He's back is better but still not enough to go golfing. 

I decided to enjoy the day by doing my cross stitching. 

I was able to get a lot done. I hate the gold floss and may have to order more. I haven't decided if I want to add the gold around this piece.  If I do, the gold will show through when traveling from one point to another.  May have to figure something else out. 

We had reservations (6 pm) at The Quincy in town. The food was good but really not worth the price. I had booze and it was OK. I usually don't get alcohol.  We had dessert that was really good.  I couldn't believe they had a lemon bar for dessert! We didn't get that. Not at $15. It was so nice to be out and enjoying the evening. It's been 42 years today. Hopefully a few more years to come. 

Between our anniversary and stitching,  it made for a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Back To Stitching

This morning I was up when Patrick came to tell me what time it was. He wasn't sure when I needed to get up. He was going to try to go golfing but his back wasn't quiet there yet. 

I left around 10 am to pick Debbie up. We went to Walgreens for the mini candy cane's. That is what we will give out when we are doing the Borst Park decorations in Dec. Then it was Dutch Brothers for coffee and the credit union.  We then went to the museum to find they closed it this week. We were able to see Sam anyway. Changed a couple dates for 2025 presentations. Then we headed to Rite Aid for a couple things. I Then dropped Debbie off and came home. Made lunch and relaxed.

I then pulled out my cross stitch and got to work.

While I worked on this we watched Britbox. I am getting real close to being half way. At least the dove is finally done. At this rate, I may actually get half way before the year ends. At least I can hope. 

Mom called. She thought Katt was coming for Thanksgiving.  So, that means we aren't invited to my nieces on Thanksgiving.  So, we will ho shopping for our turkey in the next couple days. 

At least I will be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Quiet, Tuesday Of Cross Stitching

I was up early  today. Patrick slept for another hour. I listened to my book on audio.  Cleaned up a little today. Then wanted to play fir a bit. 

Once that was out of my system,  I pulled out my cross stitching. 

Good news is that i got some crosses done.  We watched TV will I stitched. It was fun being able to put a bright color like purple in. I may be pulling more time in with this. It really does need to get finished and I know what I want to do next. I really don't want to start another one with this one not finished yet.

Laundry is done, and I really was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 18, 2024

Organizing Beads

We had our embroidery meeting today.  Just Sandy and myself.  We went through the 2 bags of beads we ordered. Then we put the numbers on the bead tubes.

We organized some by color.  Then we put some in another bag to get rid of. Got some earrings out of it as well. Plenty of tools to help with making earrings and jewelry.  Maybe one of these days I will try necklaces. 

Came home and spend the afternoon putting my beads away. Add them to my excel program. 

Once all that was done,  I decided to spend time with my bracelet.  I think if I am going to do another one, it's going to be the flag I made for Debbie.  

I was able to get this farther. Not really impressed.  Wish the pattern was better than it is. I probably paid for it too. I need to pay better attention to patterns I buy. 

My day was having fun being Happy Beading/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Cleaning And Beading

 This morning I was up early. Enjoyed a couple hours without Patrick.  😅

Got yo work on cleaning around the house.  Patrick turn the stove on downstairs for me to work on the quilt top. Wasn't in the mood.  So, went down and turned it off. 

Instead we went shopping for groceries.  I needed more veggies for supper.  We picked up a few things and was there during the church crowd. At least we didn't have to wait too long in line. 

I wanted to do the bracelet for Debbie's Birthday tomorrow.  She'll get it late, but at least it was done today.

It's a lot brighter then it comes up in the picture.  

Then I thought I could start the one from yesterday.  It still wasn't a good word chart. So, I decided to do it on my own to see how it will come out.

Not sure if I will like this, but I will do it and see if it comes out. The stars are weird how they have them set up. After doing this I may figure something better if I want to do another one. 

That's pretty much what my day was, Happy Beading/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Feels Like Sunday

This morning I slept in. Felt good not to get up early.  Think I am needed the sleep lately.  I have even gone to bed earlier than usual. 

I worked on laundry.  Then went walking but only got 4 laps in. It rained again today. 

I decided to do a bracelet for Debbie's Birthday Monday. I thought a flag one would do. So got started on one.

Got a few rows done. I got this one from YouTube.  

Was going to do this one, but I need to redo the word chart.  It's upside down.  If you looked close at the top, you will see it's the end and not start. Either that or I just need to add another row to be able to do this. I will think on this. 

Now that Saturday is almost over, I can stop thinking it's Sunday and enjoy Sunday tomorrow. 

What a way to be Happy Beading/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 15, 2024

Off To Olympia

Today was one of those days I didn't do much. I did get my walking in - 7 laps. The weather has been weird. We get rain, then wind, then rain. Can't make up it's mind. 

Around noon, we headed to Olympia for Patrick to get his port flushed. We both needed our blood done as well. There were 11 people ahead of me, so I waited. 

After that we went to Dick's Brewery. We hadn't been there in awhile. So, we decided to stop on the way home. Poor Patrick had trouble walking since he hurt his back when he lifted his golf cart into the back of the truck on Monday. He's been in pain for that last 3 days. Phil told him that it will be another couple days, as he had that happen to him as well. 

Not an exciting day. 

Patrick showed me the article in the paper. It is a good article of our veterans. 

Wish I had more to say. But today wasn't a day I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching. 

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Meeting Today

This morning I picked up some hot/cold pads for Patrick.  He hurt his back and is having trouble moving around. Then I picked Debbie up to go to our meeting.  

Our group had a good talk, I believe.  We went over a lot. It ended up being 2 1/2 hours. I think we can move forward in a good way. I need to do somethings to keep the group up on what's going on and they need to do more as well.

Came home to find my box of beads waiting for me. 

I went through the bag of beads divided them between Sandy and myself. Then I put mine away till tomorrow.  Wasn't ready to organize them just yet.

Relaxed and kept an eye on Patrick.  Now I can relax and get rid of this stress.

There wasn't time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Another Finish

This morning we woke to rain and wind. I woke to the wind in the middle of the night. 

I got the bread going for baking in the afternoon.  I also worked on my notes for tomorrow's meeting.  Think I am ready now but very nervous.  It is what it is.

Then I worked on my ornament. 

I now have both ornaments done. Made my day to get another "project" done. The gold holders will be coming in a few days. This is just for now, it may change later. 😅 I needed to get my beading stuff put away and enjoy my work.

Patrick made stew for supper.  We enjoyed the sourdough bread.

And ....

It was really good! The lighter one will wait for tomorrow or the next day. 😅

At least I was able to get my 7 laps in today before the rain came. It was interesting walking against the wind this morning. 

My day turned out Happy Beading/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Actually Enjoyed The Day

 This morning Patrick went golfing. Then I got started on some Quilts of Valor stuff. We have a meeting on Thursday and wanted to be organized. I got my outline and what I want to talk about done. Then I worked on getting the dishwasher going and vacuuming. Debbie called and Val texted, so was busy with that too. 

Then I pulled out my beading. Patrick turned the TV off and slept. I worked on my ornament, trying to get it done as well. 

I finished the top of the ornament. It went pretty fast considering. I had to get up a couple times because my toes were cramping. 

I have a few things I need to finish, but think if I can get this finished, it's one less thing to worry about. I will work on the quilt top this weekend. I may even go down tomorrow to think of the next one that needs to be done. 

Mom called to say she's got a couple more binding done on her Christmas gifts to everyone. She's making placemats. I need to give a color to her for Phil. I should do that soon, she's leaving around Thanksgiving to go to my brothers. 

It was a busy and quiet day. I got most of my stuff done by 1 pm. I even started a sourdough bread this evening and will have it ready to bake tomorrow. Since it's raining here, I will do a stew and with fresh homemade bread it will be really good. Knowing Patrick, he will want to make the stew. His is different than mine. lol 

It turned out to be a very good day of Happy Beading/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 11, 2024

Embroidery And Veterans Day Celebration

 This morning I had to get everything ready to go. I had quilts, flyers, and quilt tops. Then it was off to embroidery.  

I listened to my book while heading over to Love's for gas. Then headed to Centralia to get coffee and head to the grange. 

I worked on the hummingbird piece today.

I got most of the leaves done by the nest. I'm not sure I like the color of the leaves. But that the color I have in the kit. It is different.  I was enjoying this. 

Then I had to get moving to the museum for the guest speaker.  We were presenting 5 veterans a quilt. I had Chip do the introduction for our group.  Then Smiley did his part. We had eagle quilts to present. 

The one on the left was 94 years old. 

Stopping at Safeway on the way home.  I forgot my wallet in the car. So decided to order Patrick a coffee while the watched my bag.  Got chicken for supper.  

Got home, ate and sat down to relax. I was way too busy today, being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 10, 2024

A Fun Sunday

We did our usual cleaning this morning.  Then I got my 7 laps in on walking.  

Once I got back in the house,  I worked on getting my Quilts of Valor stuff done for tomorrow.  We watched some British shows as well. 

Victoria Parrott made this quilt for us. Colleen quilted it. Looks awesome.  It's going tomorrow. 

Victoria did this one too. I love what she does for us. Both labels are done.

I finished up laundry today.  

My evening was just relaxing and watching TV. I worked on my games for a bit.  I kept Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Beading Day

This morning I started laundry and headed out walking. I am keep 7 laps so far. 

Came back in, playing my games then got my ornament out and worked on getting one done.

I had a hard time working on what beads will be used for the tassells. I even forgot where I put my box of the old jewelry beads. Took me awhile to find them. 😃

I finished the first ornament,  one more to go. Need to order the hooks for tmthem. Will look tomorrow.

Took most of the afternoon. Which kept me Happy Beading/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 8, 2024

Another Friday With Quilters

This morning I was able to play our game before heading to moms. 

I had to swing by Connie's before heading to moms. She's got another quilt she's ready to work on. Picked up 2 quilts from her. Then headed over to moms for Quilting.

I put 2 leaves on this first block. I did that because I needed my needle. With moms light box,  I worked on back basting the second block. I had to make it, then cut some of the fabrics to work on it.

I back basted the start of the flowers on the second block. I need to add a couple more things before I start appliqueing them down. 

Came home. Placed my bead order for Sandy and me. Then relaxed the rest of the day. I ate so much today, that I probably gain 2 lbs. Ugh!

It was worth it to be Happy Quilting!

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Beading And Date Night

 Patrick went golfing.  I got my 7 laps in on walking.  

Listened to and finished the book on audio.  Then watched 'Shetland' again today while working on my beading. 

Patrick got home and waited on me to go out to eat. We ate at Talking Cedars tonight.  Food was really good.  We are working were or what we will do for our 42nd Anniversary coming up. The went to Safeway and back home. 

Worked on the top part of the ornament.  I was starting to work on the next row and realized this wouldn't work. Ended up taking it all out and starting over.

This time I used one bugle bead instead of two. That seems to be working better.  I am now on the second 'wrap' around the top. It looks like that is working a lot better. Not sure if I need one or two more wraps to finish it. This weekend I will work on the tassles. It's keeping me busy and Happy Beading/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Another Wednesday

This morning I was up before Patrick went golfing.  First things before breakfast was getting the black-eyed peas cooking in the crackpot.  The getting my bread ready to cook later in the day.

After walking I decided to watch a show on Britbox. Shetland, which I had watched a few years back. I started from the beginning.  I think I only saw 2 seasons but not sure. 

I worked on my panel. I got this far and Debbie texted me. She wanted to know if I wanted to go to DB for coffee.  I said, 'sure.' She picked me up and we had a good visit.  I brought Patrick a drink back. I Then waited on Nancy's quilt that Colleen finished. 

Once all that was over, I baked the bread.

Turned out really good! 

While the bread was baking, i went on Fire Mountain Beading for more beads. I have an $85 order ready but waiting on Sandy to see if she needs any. When she gives me her order, I will send off for them. I may want to add more too. 

It was a busy Wednesday.  That's what I call Happy Beading/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Election Day

 Today Patrick headed out for golfing.  I slept another hour before getting up. I got laundry going and walked my 7 laps. 

Came on in and vacuumed.  Just as I finished Patrick came home. 

He set us up with BritBox. So, instead of waiting the news, I watched 2 shows of 'Vera' while he napped.  Plus beaded.

Two thirds of the last panel is now done. I will work on finishing it tomorrow.  

We went from the election news to watching shows on BritBox. 

I am really concerned if Trump gets in. A convicted felon!!! OMG what is this country coming to?? He is going to side with Russia and China. We are screwed! Ok, enough of my political views. Won't post any more! 

At least I was able to calm down and bead today, which kept me Happy Beading/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 4, 2024

Embroidery Day

 We had our embroidery meeting today. Mom and Sandy's friend made 5 of us. We had a good meeting with mom chatting up a storm. 

I got more done on my Space Needle. Sandy said I should add a picnic tablet. At first I was wondering why, the she said,  "you mentioned the picnic table that your grandmother said was the Taylor picnic table." That was on Alki Point in Seattle.  Back when there wasn't a lot of people going there. Like a secret.  When I visited with cousin Cindy 10 years ago, it was still there. But the place was so crowded,  I couldn't believe it was the same place. 

Stopped at Connie's and Colleen's.  Had to drop a quilt off at mom before getting 2 from Colleen.  

Came home and put stickers on another 100 flyers.  Need to do a few more before getting them to Val.

Decided to relax and play games. At least today, I was able to get a lot done on my Space Needle.  Just need a good floss for top and bucket that goes up. That turned out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Another Weekend Over

 Patrick and I enjoyed sleeping in. 

Since I didn't do much of anything yesterday, I didn't bother posting. It was one of those days that I didn't feel like doing anything.  I did listen to my book on tape.  And I sat and played games.

This morning I got busy cleaning. I started laundry before walking 7 laps. I wanted to stop at 6 laps but told myself I needed this walk. 

Came in and got back to cleaning. Got the dishwasher unloaded. Then sat to play games and play my games. 

Finished one of two panels. This is the last panel,  then I put the two ornaments together. I am looking forward to getting these done. I gave my bracelet to Sam at the museum.  I will do another one later. 

Now that a few things are done, and I am getting closer to finishing the ornaments,  I was happy about today. I am a little worried about election.  Right and wrong doesn't seem to matter to people,  including my brother.  I think I am stressing more than I should.  

At least my crafts keep me sain. That why I like being Happy Beading/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 1, 2024

Rainy, Boring Day

This morning it was raining so Patrick didn't golfing. Almost wish he had.

I walked 4 lap with Patrick and 3 laps on my own. It started raining again in the last 2 laps. 

Got mad at Patrick.  I had my ear buds in after he left me. He even saw me put them in. Came in the house and he started talking. Stopped my ear buds to listen. Then he shut up. I waited and he didn't say anything.  Turned the buds back on and he started talking again. He got frustrated with me because I had them in. I told him it wouldn't matter, every time I listen to my book, he starts talking. When I shut them off, he doesn't talk to me. I could sit and watch TV with him and he doesn't say a word. Ear buds in and then he wants a conversation.  We walked 4 laps and he had nothing to say. Came in the house and he starts talking.  UGH!

I put them in and beaded, was too frustrated with him when he stopped talking and I waited 30 mins. Gave up and listened to my book all afternoon while beading.

Finished the second panel. Now have 2 of the first and second panels. I started the last set of panels. Once these get done I can put them together.  

I beaded while it was raining.  I enjoyed the rain, being Happy Beading/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...