Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday Is Here - Where Was I?

 Today, was quilting at moms. I took my bread over and checked with mom to see what she needed before  everyone came. We ended up working on it for a bit after they arrived. She needed me to help her with a couple returns - that she actually already took care of - and getting her password to use on her accounts. I told her to stop logging out of her stuff and let the computer bring her back to it. Every time she logs in, does what she needs, then logs out. AND every few weeks she complains that she can't get in. So, we have to keep changing her password. I told her to stop messing with what works. She can never remember the new password or she forgets to put in in the passbook. Frustration at times. Then she wanted me to do something else. Once that was done, I sat down with everyone and listened to the conversation. 

Penny and I stayed a little longer than everyone else. Penny is worried about her heart surgery. We changed about that. Then about the time Penny left, I went to Amazon to find a jigsaw puzzle board for mom. Nancy got one, and of course, mom wanted one. So, I went looking for one that would work for her. One had too many screw knobs that would give mom a headache each time she used it. So, we found a pretty wood one that should work fine for her. 

Came home and just sat. I have a couple spots on my back and tummy that have infected. Either Sophie's claws did it or I was bit by a bug that infected. Either way, it's not pretty and it's not comfortable. I am working on trying to clear it up. I took a pill that I had for itching and MAN! am I tired. So, today I'm calling it done early to sleep. I need to remember the only time to take it is at night to sleep. 

I check how we did with Panda and we ended up with $273 donation. That's awesome! Now we really don't need any more money for a while, but if we get it, I won't complain. 

I have in "blah" all day. I want to crawl up in a ball and sleep. I couldn't even decide what to work on while at moms. I took my cross stitch - and not one stitch was put on it. UGH BLAH!

I saw the news, and I am so embarrassed to be an American right now! Our President (nameless) is rude, crude and just an ASS! Our country is in trouble. Enough said. 

I was sorry I couldn't get in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Hello Thursday

 This morning, I needed to be out of the house by 9 am. I had another dental appointment. I was a little early, sat down to play my games, and was called in. They wanted to numb me up and I remembered him saying last time, I wouldn't need it. I told him if he didn't have to do it, I didn't want it. So, they didn't numb me up and I didn't have any issues. I usually have issue when they do. It was a small cavity in the back tooth. Not worth drilling for. I was happy to have it caught early and wasn't ready for having a fat lip. It went fast, about 10 mins once he got started. I was thrilled it was that easy. 

Came home, shaped my bread for later. Mom wanted bread for tomorrow and I said I would. I had to make it today because it wouldn't work out if I tried first thing in the morning, since we generally eat at 11:30 am. 

The I worked on the laundry I forgot. Patrick went outside and was having trouble with his Weed Wacker. He then ended up taking it into town to get fixed. Two hours later, he came back and said that was a waste of two hours. I think they still have it, because they called to tell him how much it would cost to fix it. Almost as much as buying a new one, but he told them to fix it anyway. 

I watched TV. At first it took me 30 minutes to figure out where I was on the "Vera" shows. I am on the last two seasons. I understand she's quitting the show, so it won't be on much longer. 

Santa got worked on while I was watching TV. I was able to get most of the greenery on the right side done. I'm going back to the red now. I was happy to get as much done as I did. 

Mom called to say Georgie's husband passed away two days ago. She was going to call her. I told her to give her my love. I need to send a sympathy card out. I let the rest of the group know. 

Then I went to my games, and found that one of my "castles" was still in the kingdom I am in. So, dummy me, went and retrieved it. It was cleaned out, but I can work on it. It's not like I need 6 castles but that's what I have! I started over 20 of them, but most of them are gone. I will work on it and see where I get with it. It's more a "farm" than a castle. 

Then it was time to bake the bread. I waited as long as I could before baking it. So, about 7 pm it was baked and now it's ready for tomorrow. It will go good with the soup. It's sourdough bread. I like it the most. I found that it keeps the sour flavor if I don't use tap water. Tap water has chlorine in it, and that kills the sour taste. I have been using bottled water, even when I refresh the dough. 

So, today started out early. It was shocking to me how much I got done before noon. It made for a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Part Of The Day To Myself

 This morning, I was woken up by the phone ringing. It seems to keep ringing around 7 am in the morning. No clue who is calling because there isn't a message. So, I'm going to have to turn the sound down on my phone to keep from waking up at the 6-7 am time. 

Patrick was already up. He was getting ready for golfing. I was playing in the morning, because we had to "gates" that I wanted to participate in. Once that was over, I turned the TV on to the saved showed. I watched the show on "Lockerby (sp) Flight 113" and found it interesting. I remember some of the stuff going on. I would have been like the rest of the families left behind. I would want answers and someone to be accountable. I watched the first 3 shows and will watch the 4th later. 

Patrick came home about that time. Then we watched my genealogy show. While we were watching that, I was stitching. 

I found a few mistakes and ended up taking about 50 stitches out and putting them back in. I'm getting farther along with this. I worked on the greenery on both sides. Then I worked on the hood. It's getting there. I need to get to the top of the hood before I can say I'm close to done. That staff is going to be a pain, but I can't wait to get over there. 

My brother sent an email about his nose surgery. Sounds like it helped him. Time will tell. Then we got a text that my sister-in-law's mother broke her hip and is in the hospital in MI. One thing leads to another. Sandy's surgery went well, and she texted she was doing better. 

Debbie came over for some fabric. Patrick helped us out and got the fabric she needed. I need to sew downstairs, but that will have to wait. Still having a little trouble with the foot. I was telling her, I think I actually sprained it and didn't realize it. I'm working on getting it better. BUT DANG, it's taking too much time! Then mom called and asked me to make bread for Friday. We are having soup. I said I would, so had to start that up as well. One thing leads to another.........

At least I enjoyed being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

One Of Those Days - Casino

This morning, I was moving so we could leave early. Ilani casino is about an hour and a half away. It was a long drive in the rain. I didn't realize it rained so much. All the rivers were up today. Plus, the rock wall we pass had 4 waterfalls coming down pretty good. Usually, it's just 2 of them. 

 Today wasn't a day for the casino. They were so tight! We didn't last 2 hours on the money we took. I kept hoping it would change, but I know better. So, we went through some of the money we have for gambling. Next time it's Lucky Eagle again. 

On the way home, I had a call from Connie that I returned. She said she was taking a break, and had stuff for me to pick up. I told her we were on the way home and would come get it. 

This is all the stuff she gave me back. So, now I have to go through everything and put it away. Not really wanting to but will do. I don't know if it's all here, but I will be happy with what I got back. I thanked her for helping us over the years. Plus, she said it will be a few months before she will return. I'm okay with that. She's still going to do sew days with the group, and that's a plus. We can use all the help we can get.

Debbie was working on her quilt too. I told Patrick, I need to get my butt downstairs and get busy again. Trouble is, I'm not there yet. I need to be. 

For some reason, I wasn't there today either. I'm slacking off my duties! I need to get moving and when push comes to shove, I fall back and can't move. What good am I? UGH

So, after today, I hope to get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Embroidery Day - AND I DID Embroidery Today

 This morning, I had to collect everything for embroidery. I grabbed my embroidery bag and forgot my cross stitch stuff. 

First things first, I had to stop at the bank, then head to Dutch Brothers for coffee and tea. Then had to swing by moms to get the quilt that was done and give her the puzzle I took apart to return. She wasn't sure who she had to return it to, but she'll figure it out.

Mom wanted to show me the quilt she's hand quilting. This is the piece that we worked on together. She's really enjoying this. Found out while I was there, we have a baby show for my niece down south. It's a 2 hour drive for us here. Mom is going to want to go because it's her favorite. I don't want to go 2 hours and then have to stay 1 hour and back home. It's an all day thing for me. It's in April, so we will have to wait and see. 

 Arrived at the grange about 3 mins late. Not bad considering I was running late. 

Geralyn and I chatted and worked on our stuff. She was stitching the stars I gave her last time and I was working on my hummingbird embroidery. 

I worked on the leave up top. I was surprised I got as many as I did, done. It felt good. But I'm really not crazy about the instructions. I do love the piece though. It won't get done anytime soon. 

As I sit here typing this, the wind is blowing, and I hear the trees moving. There is something outside that is moving around as well. Guess we have a warning, so it will be interesting tonight. 

After leaving the grange, I met up with Colleen and Debbie. We talked about what's going on with the quilts. I brought 3 home that are done, gave Colleen 3 more. Plus, I want to get mine done, so may be dropping it off next week. All depends on my foot. We figured out the meeting for QOV is when Patrick has his MRI and CT scans. So, Debbie is going to handle it for me. 

Came home after getting the car washed and stopping off at Safeway and Phil's. By that time, I was tired of all the running around. So, I played on my tablet. I was thinking I should plug my tablet in and stitch and realized it was time to call it a night. Patrick reads for a bit and I listen to my books and play more.  Patrick wants to go to the casino tomorrow and I asked if we could go to Ilani down south. He was okay with that. I know he wanted to go to Lucky Eagle but I want something different. Plus a couple game are there that we can't get up here. 

Even though it was a busy - running around - day, I was glad to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Another Lazy Day - With Stitching This Time

This morning, we cleaned up around the house like we do every Sunday. We used to do that on Saturdays and I called a stop to that. My kids probably hated Saturdays because Patrick always wanted to clean that day. Now we do it on Sunday and it doesn't take that long. I worked on laundry, cleaned the kitty litter, and vacuumed. 

I headed downstairs to get the backing and batting ready for another quilt. I have to drop them off tomorrow at Colleen's. I am going to be busy tomorrow! I have to stop at moms, Colleens, and Safeway for Phil (maybe). 

Once all that was done, I played games. I'm trying to get my challenge done in Seeker's Note. I'm close. Then after watching a good movie on Netflix, I decided to work on my cross stitching. 

 We watched the show that Tom Hanks narrated about the America's. It's interesting, but like Patrick said, I would have liked a little more time and information on some of the animals. I had questions by the time they moved on to the next one. 

I worked on the red to the right. Then I worked on the greenery as well. I didn't get a lot of stitches in, but I did work on it today. Every little bit helps. I'm thinking of taking it with me tomorrow to work on. At least two of us will be there tomorrow. Which means I will get more done and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lazy Day - All Day

This morning, I was on the tablet playing a war game. Then I pretty much did that all day. Not just a war game but some others. I wasn't in the mood to do anything but laundry. Hard to believe. I just watched TV and played games. 

We did go out to Panda Express for lunch. Shocker! Patrick bought some food and liked it. He doesn't do Chinese or Japanese food, so this was a surprise. Even more, it was a surprise he would go with me. I had planned to be on my own, since he doesn't eat that kind of food. We ran into Debbie and her husband, and she gave me some money that someone gave her for a donation to our QOV group. 

When I got home, I entered the information and sent out an email to everyone wondering if we will have to do another presentation. We have too many priority veterans right now. Oh, well. Wait and see what the answer is. 

As much as I wanted to be, I was too dang lazy to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Being Lazy - Not In The Mood - But Still Stitched

 This morning, I was up early. Kept waking up and then slept for 10 minutes before waking up again. Gave up after doing that twice. 

I played on my tablet. Wasn't in the mood to do much else. Then Patrick suggested we watch a movie. We did. Not as good as I thought. Could have been done better. But it was okay. 

I made myself work on the cross stitching. It won't get done if I don't. The hair is now done. It's now up to getting the hood done as well as the greenery. Once that's done, I could work on the gold "staff." if I said that right. When that's done, then it will be finished! I can't wait. 

There is a list of stuff I SHOULD be doing. There is a list of stuff I NEED to do. And yet, I don't. I have genealogy that needs attention. I have cross stitching (another one) that needs attention. I have quilting stuff that need attention. And yet, I sit here playing games, or just doing nothing important. I think of what I SHOULD be doing, and we all know where THINKING about it goes. If I had a trash can by my head, I would be seeing all my ideas drop into the trash and a stupid look on my face of, huh? 

I did work on my bookkeeping today, so I guess I wasn't all that bad. I could have had a lot more done on the cross stitching, but I guess I'm just thankful I did what I did. Lazy is Lazy! And lately, I'm really LAZY!

But, hey, at least I was trying to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Quiet Day Of Stitching

This morning, it was nice knowing there wasn't anything scheduled today. 

So, I played for a bit on my tablet and then decided to sit and watch TV while stitching. 

I worked on the white hair. I like how it's coming alive. I have more to do, but will work on it tomorrow. We don't have quilting at moms tomorrow, so it should be another good day of getting more done on here. I worked on the red to the left as well. I need to get this done and work on that awful gold. He is slowly getting finished. I can't wait!

My brother called and we chatted for a bit. It was nice hearing from him as we haven't been hearing from him in a while. I know my daughter wants nothing to do with my family, and that's her right. A couple years ago, I would have been the same way. But not they are trying, and I will let them. I remember how close we were as children, and that is always there with me. 

So, even though I don't have much to say for today, I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Dentist And Casino

 This morning I had my appointment with the dentist. Patrick decided to go along with me so we could go from there to the casino. I had a good check up, but need to go back next week to get a small filling. I have the receding gum lines like my dad. So, yet again, hereditary issue and AGAIN, dad's side. UGH My dad and Uncles had the same issues. 

We went to the casino at Lucky Eagle. It was fun and we spend about 4 hours there. We came home with more than we took, so I'm happy about that. I was surprised at how much I really wanted to play. But Patrick was getting tired of it, and we headed home. 

Had leftovers for supper and I pretty much spend the rest of the evening playing on my tablet. Wasn't in the mood for anything today. 

Val dropped off a quilt top while we were gone. It needs backing and batting, which I will do. I have 2 quilts now that need to be quilted. If I finish mine, then we will have 3. May ask the church to quilt one for me. 

In otherworld's I was not Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Time To Sew

 This morning, I was waiting on Jo to arrive. She was due at 10 and Debbie around 11. Before Jo arrived, I got my batting out and ready to cut. It takes time to get it out of those mailing bags. It took a little to get it out but now we are on our way of cutting more batting. Jo brought her quilt top she finished, and I LOVE it! It's the ship panel and she did an awesome job on it! We cut the batting. Then we tried to figure out a backing for it. We ended up with the grey that was donated to us and didn't know what to do with it. She checked it out and she will sew it together for the back. We talked about me needing to get a grey backing for some of those panel quilts. Jo is hand quilting this quilt for a veteran. 

Debbie came about an hour after Jo. She needed backing for her quilt. I was getting the star blocks "squared up" before I started to work on the quilt. I hate squaring up other peoples blocks. I wish they would do it, but they don't, so I have to. I ended up cutting a few of the points of because the size I wanted and the size I had to cut down was different and hard to fix. When Debbie arrived we worked on the backing for her quilt and I cut her a batting as well. Debbie took one of the quilt tops with backing and batting to give to her cousin, Jeannie. She said she could do it in about a week. If we get all these scrap quilts done, we will have plenty for the next presentation. 

After Debbie left, I got busy with starting to work on the quilt I had on the wall. Or at least the design for a quilt. I had Patrick help me with what to do. 

I had the greenish color already decided. Then Patrick suggested I use the blue (didn't have the lights on), as a second border before putting the stars around it. I got to work on it, but after this far, my foot was telling me enough! So, I stopped. I will add the blue and then get to work on the stars around the next border. They will go in the corners, then in the center of the sides. I think it will be pretty. Then Patrick told me tonight, he should be the QOV designer for the quilts. Since everyone asks his advice. lol 

After Patrick got home, I got started on fried chicken. He likes my fried chicken, but I'm not that crazy about my own cooking when it comes to chicken. 

I am getting better at it though. Even Katt thought at looked good for fried chicken. We didn't have much other than the chicken. I would have loved to have the potatoes and gravy with this, but we decided not to. We didn't need to eat "heavy."

So, I spend the evening playing on my games. At least I finally went downstairs and worked on the quilt top, which turned out to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Fabric Shopping Day

This morning, Debbie and I went to Yelm to go shopping for fabrics. We wanted panels and ended up with more. First, we stopped at Dutch Brothers for something to drink, then headed on to Yelm. it was a good ride. It's about an hour north of us. 

We arrived and found a panel that was marked "last one." So, we picked that up along with a lot of other panels that will work for what we are doing. 

They had this really pretty fabric of eagles in squares. There is so much we can do with this one. Plus, we got some fabrics that go with some of the "odd" colors in some of the panels. We ended up spending over $600 for fabrics. 

Then I was looking for some fabric for Katt. I want to do the applique cat "Two Fabric Applique" piece I have. Even though I wanted to keep it a surprise, I really couldn't because she's so picky. I had her call me for some fabric choices. I sent her some photos of the fabrics they had in the colors she wanted. 

Not orange but colors she would go for. She decided on the one at the end (right) and the third one in from the right. 

The photo is brighter than it really is. But I took those colors and then went looking for a black. I couldn't quiet find what I wanted, till I saw this one. It works great. I'm going to make that pattern on the fabric. I have had that pattern for a good 10 years. I was going to do that for Katt way back when. I decided it was time, when I went downstairs and started clearing out my quilt room for the garage sale. I still have to go through the room again, but right now, I'm good. Katt wanted it a "lap" size. So, I figure I can make it about 60 x 80, since those are lap sizes we do for the veterans. I hope I got enough fabric for this. I'm pretty sure I did. BUT DANG! $15 a yard!! How crazy is that! I ended up spending $118 for just that fabric! Now I know why I don't do as much quilting as I used to - getting to expensive. I really do want to do this one for her, so I will work on getting it ready to applique. Then I will quilt it by hand. I'm actually excited to do this. FIRST, I will finish my cross stitching. It will give me a motive to get the cross stitch done!

My foot is giving me trouble, so I had Patrick wrap it for me. It seemed to help. I need him to wrap it again tonight because when I sleep, I seem to mess it up more. Not sure what I did to it, but it's getting worse. I'm thinking I must have sprained it. UGH

Saturday is our day at the Panda! We will get 50% of sales. People just need to let them know they are there for us. I hope we can get a good amount of money Saturday. 

So, even though I can't say I was actually quilting, I can say that it had to do with quilting, which makes me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Not A Stitching Day!

As much as I wanted to stitch today, it didn't happen. It was a day were Patrick wanted to go to the movies and I was ready to go! 

We saw the new Caption America and I really liked it. I like the new Caption America, he's perfect for the part. I'm thinking more will be coming. We sat for a few minutes after the show to see if there was a trailer on what's coming but after a couple minutes, I was tired of waiting, and we left. So, I have no idea if there was a trailer after.  I always hate it when we sit there for 5 minutes and then the trailer comes on with a quick 15 sec show. So, I told Patrick it wasn't worth waiting for. We left. But we really did like the movie. I will say I jumped at least twice when something happened. Guess I was really into the show. 

Came home and I played on my tablet since I didn't play this morning. I was doing laundry and getting things cleaned up. It was kitty litter box day. So, I washed that out again. I used bleach to clean it and found I got bleach on my shirt. Not happy about that! It's on the sleeve, so I will live with it, but it's a new one and one of my favorites - NEVER fails!

As much as I wanted to be, I was not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Snow Gone, Trip To Olympia

This morning, I tried to sleep in. Any other day! 

We got ready and headed to Olympia for Patrick's test. Then we come home and stopped at Safeway. Picked up a couple things for Phil as well. Then stopped and gave him a big hug while dropping things off. 

Came home and worked on my tablet. Wanted to get a couple things done. Found that in 2 kingdoms I was attacked. Didn't make me happy. One I could recover from, the other will take a lot longer. Oh, well. I bubbled up #3 today. lol 

Then it was time to watch our shows. I wanted to get something done today other than laundry. 

 I got a lot done so far. I worked on the left side tonight. It's coming along nicely. There are more cream colors coming through in that area. So, I have a lot of putting that color in before doing the white. I will get there. It's a lot like the area by the eyes and cheek. I should put the eyes in on the owl and work on the greenery, but not crazy about working on that area. So, working on the hair for now. I'm getting there. 

It was busy and yet not busy today. Patrick wants to go to the movies tomorrow, so I'm wondering how much stitching I will get in. Plus, we canceled Monday. That way I can go to Gee Gee's with Debbie for more panels. 

Val sent a photo of the quilt they finished at the sew days. I like it. Scrappy and interesting. Not something I could pull off. 

At least today, I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 14, 2025

Friday At Home

 It snowed a little more last night. So, I pretty much decided I wasn't going anywhere. Plus, Patrick isn't feeling great today. 

So, I pretty much shut the TV off when he wanted to nap. Then I worked on my cross stitch. 

I was texted a couple friends today as well. I'm happy with the way this is coming along. I did the face part yesterday. Then today I worked on the greenery on the left and the hair. I was able to fill in a lot of white today. Each part is a little different, but I had it filled so that I could put the white in without having to think of another color next to it. The off-white in the middle to left area is what I'm talking about. It's ready to be filled in with white. Easy to do. I'm not crazy about the greenery area. That is confetti when you come down to it. 

Debbie went to the museum and found the blue fabric we were looking for. She had it with her purse. I remembered seeing it. We were surprised she didn't notice it was there when she got her purse yesterday. So far, she has done 2 quilts with panels. She's been kicking butt the last two days. We were going to go to Gee Gee's today, but the weather didn't help. So, we will probably go on Monday. I need to work on the quilt on the wall, but right now I want to get Santa done. I have time once Santa is finished. 

My day ended up being VERY relaxing and VERY much Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Snowed All Day

This morning, I was getting ready to head to the museum for our presentation. At the time I left, it started to snow. We were at the museum around 11:15 am. It was coming down fast. 

Two veterans canceled and one called to see if we were still having it. I told her it would be quick and not to bother coming in. This is bad for our area and people around here don't know how to drive in this. We were just getting ready to do the presentation at noon when Chip said to get everyone out and go home. So, we canceled the presentation and asked everyone to head home because the roads are bad. One veteran's son was making a big deal out of him taking time off to come to this and he wouldn't be able to come back. So, we did a very fast presentation and sent them on the way. At least we got one veteran done. We cleaned up and headed out the door. The blue fabric Debbie brought for me was missing. So, we looked all over. Even sent an email asking if anyone saw it. We will call tomorrow and see if it was dropped or something. I brought Donna home as she lives close by. Called Patrick to tell him we were on our way home. 

Took it slow and steady. Slipped twice and not enough to do any damage. I did watch a few other cars and trucks slide even worse than me. And those were 4x4s. lol Made it home in 45 minutes. 

It was still coming down. Mom canceled tomorrow. Our backyard looked pretty. 

But the front yard was even more snow. 

I played a few games and then worked on my cross stitching. I wanted to do something today. I could have gotten the backing and batting for the two quilts that were given to me, but decided not to go downstairs where it's cold. lol 

I worked on his face some more. I have it done now and need to add the hair and greenery. It's coming along. I'm excited to finish this now. 

Our BE seminar information came in yesterday. Patrick was looking at the classes and to be honest with everyone, I didn't find one I wanted to do. Yes, they are pretty. Yes, they are educational. yes, I like the teachers. BUT, is it something I would hang on my walls? Nope. Is it something I would want to work on after the class is over? Nope. Do I want to spend money to be with friends? Yes. Do I want to spend money to do this in a motel? Nope. I don't think Sandy will be going either, so it's not going to happen for me. 

Let's see what tomorrow brings. Debbie and I were going to Gee Gee's in Yelm for panels to work on. At this rate, we won't be going there either. This is the second time we canceled. 

BUT all in all, I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Trip To Olympia - Then Playing And Stitching

 This morning, I tried to sleep in. Didn't work for me. The light came through the window and right on my face. I got up and noticed Patrick's side of the bed didn't have light coming in. GRRR

Patrick didn't have a good night's sleep. So, he wasn't feeling good. I'm wondering if the chemo has started to affect him again. Last time it took 3 months, and we are at that stage now. He thinks it was a "sugar high" and allergies. We will see in the next couple days. He wasn't hunger tonight either, so that is a sign it's coming back to the side effects. 

We went up to Costco. It was the first time in ages that we got what we went for and then checked out. Patrick asked me to drive home. We stopped at Phil's and dropped off the food we picked up for him. Patrick slept most of the way back. 

Even when we got home, he slept. He had the pawn shop show on that I HATE! He fell asleep and it was running for 2 hours. UGH I played my games. 

After supper and shortly after he woke up again, he decided to go to bed. So, I stayed up and watched a different crime show on BritBox. It was okay, but I'm going to have to watch it a couple more times to decide if I like it. 

Our printer is out of ink, so I had to print labels in black and white for Val. I got the certificates ready, and on a thumb drive because it won't be printed in color. I will ask Sam at the museum to print them for me. I also got my speech ready. They all wanted me to be better prepared with my speeches. Not that it really matters from one presentation to another. I need to leave early tomorrow so we can show Donna what to do. She was calling and asking about the veterans. I finally got her email and now she will get the lists when everyone else does. 

When things calmed down and Sophie got off my lap, I pulled out my cross stitching. I'm working on the green area at the time I stopped. I worked on the hair area and the red. Then moved on to the greenery. It took me a while to get my butt to work on this. I was just tired from being gone around noon and through till 2 pm. I like to get started at 2 pm or thereabouts. But when Patrick has ideas of going places and we get back around 3-5 pm, I just don't feel like working on my cross stitching. Don't know why. It's like my body has a time frame for the stuff I do. Just like quilting - I need to get downstairs before noon or it's not going to happen. 

At least with all the stuff I did, I was still able to enjoy my evening by myself and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Day At The Casino AGAIN

This morning, I had to be up early because a volunteer for QOV wanted to pick up some fabrics for a quilt. She brought a design she was thinking of using. We ended up with 2 panels and fabrics that go with them. She wants to hand quilt them, so I told her when she is done with the top, we will cut the batting and backing for her. We talked about washing the tops, and I let her know, I found out if I wash the backs and not the fronts, when I do wash the quilt, it doesn't shrink as much. Plus, today, we have color catchers that work great at getting the dyes, so it's not something to worry about now a days. 

After she left, we headed to the casino - AGAIN. Patrick is feeling better and likes to get out. He isn't into driving around, but he does like playing slots. He plays them on his phone till he loses all his coins. It's an on again off again thing with him. But he is picky about what slots he likes. So, we played the ones we have won on before and even played a new one. One we went back to was Lobster and won quite a bit. We spent a good 4-5 hours there. We had the money up pretty high and went from one machine to another. So, by the time we left, we left about $300 there. Since we don't do much anyway, this was entertainment for us. 

We talked a little about his cancer. He doesn't like talking about it much, but when he does, he lets me know when to stop. Patrick is hoping he has at least 4 more years with this. I'm not so sure, because of the surgery that is needed. I don't know it the surgery will mess him up more or if it will help. As long as he stays positive, I will to. 

I'm more worried about where our country is going right now. And that's all I will say, because this is a blog of fun stuff and not political. We do worry about other things in life. I just need to take each day and hope for the best. Even though I was happy playing games at the casino, I was not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Busy Meeting & Stitching

This morning, I was up and found Patrick was thinking ahead of me. I wanted to drop off the garage sale stuff for Colleen. He had it on the table before I even walked out in the living room. Then he put it in the car for me. What a sweet fella! 

He headed up to Olympia for his blood tests. I told him I would pick up his coffee from Starbucks since there was a free on. He couldn't get his usual, but I did get him the Pike's Place coffee on my way home. 

Went to the grange to visit with Geralyn. We had our "group" meeting today but both Sandy's couldn't make it. So, I worked on the bonsai tree. 

It really does need to get done. I put the one next to the strands in. I have one more after this and then it's done as far as the moss goes. I will work on the rest of the tree once I finish this. 

On the way home, stopped to get Patrick's coffee and then went to Colleen's. Dropped of 2 boxes of garage sale stuff and 2 quilt tops. We chatted for a while and found her sister has another quilt done. I told her I was waiting on the fabric Debbie has for the border of the one I have on the wall. Plus, I really want to get my cross stitching done. She gave me my quilt back that is ready. 

I really like how she quilted it. It is a different kind of quilt too. 

Came home. Found a package waiting for me. Sarah Bower made another quilt for us, but it's small. Will try and use that for wheelchair or smaller veteran. Every little bit helps! I won't look a gift horse in the mouth!

Got myself settled and played games for a bit. I received a call from Rainy Dazes Quilt Guild to see if I would do a presentation on Brazilian Embroidery. They had May or September dates available. I decided on May. That is always a good month for me. I was surprised they found me. Guess they called mom and asked for my phone number. Which reminds me, Lisa, Theresa Anderson's sister, called me before I left for BE. Theresa isn't doing will and is expected to pass on soon. Lisa is going to try and make it back on Wednesday. I seem to keep getting bad news when it comes to friends and their health. Sandy went to her doctors today to find out about her surgery on her shoulder. They told her it will be 6 weeks to 3 months of not moving her shoulder. Depending on her damage. Then another 3 months of behaving. Should be interesting with her. 

 Okay, enough bad news. Once I got off the phone for the presentation information, I decided to play my games till the shows of "Jeopardy" and "Family Feud" were on at night, I pulled out my cross stitch to get a few stitches in. 

I worked on the beard and added more red. I did the green yesterday, so I really only did about 400 stitches tonight. It's looking good. Now tomorrow may be another story, since I have a quilter coming over to get some material for a quilt. AND Patrick wants to go to the casino since we won't be able to the rest of the week. Looks like it's back to once a week. He gets bored and this is one way that keeps him busy. 

I was able to work on two projects today. Both are fun to work on, so it was a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Super Bowl Sunday - UGH!

This morning, I was up early. I tend to do that from time to time. 

I got busy with cleaning. Tried starting laundry and that didn't go far. I did go down and cut backing and batting for 2 quilts that I will drop off at Colleen's tomorrow. I will also drop off the garage sale stuff for her to price. 

Then we watched 3 mystery shows. And a comedy. All from BritBox. I'm not sure about the comedy, but we will see. 

It probably doesn't look like I did a lot, but I actually did. I have the owl close to done. Need to add the white eyes and then it's done. I started on the greenery above the owl. I also worked on the beard some more. It's getting there. The beard is okay once I get the cream colors in there and then fill in with the white. I plan to do the gold last. It's getting shredded and I will have to tie it off and start fresh. I may do that tomorrow. 

Tomorrow will be Geralyn and myself for embroidery. Should be fun. We always have something to talk about. 

Super Bowl Sunday's are not my favorite. Unless my teams are playing, I don't care. BUT I was hoping the Eagles would win of the 2. Even though I had to put up with the show, I was able to be very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

A Quiet Saturday - Stitching

 This morning, I woke with a good headache. My game had a "war" and I was up to play it around 8 am. It was fun but we didn't win. I am still learning. Then I put the tablet away and do a few other things that wouldn't keep my headache longer. I did play my match game and my hidden objects games to keep my mind off the garbage that goes on in some of those kingdoms. 

Patrick went to take care of the water system, and I shut the TV off. We had the TV off for a good 6 hours. It was quiet and I was stitching - can't get any better than that. 

I moved the piece down again. It's a little too far down, but that's the way my rollers work. I worked on the owl today. I did add a few stitches in a couple other areas as well. There is still more to do with the owl. I'm close to finishing with him. I'm so tired of that owl. I had a few mistakes that I took out and fixed, a few I left in. I am really getting closer. I keep telling myself that to finish this off! I will be working on this till it's done! I'm so determined. May take another week, but I'm going to try and finish this soon! I just hope other things don't come up. 

Patrick read his book and napped today. I know chemo is hard on the system and sleep can help some. He naps more than he used to, but that's part of one's body trying to heal.  Even though his won't heal. 

We had a good and quiet day. It was nice. I like to just sit and work on my cross stitch at times. Life is good. AND I'm always Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 7, 2025

Getting Out For A Break

 This morning, Patrick went to have coffee with a friend. He was gone a short time. So, while he was gone, I decided to get some of my shows on TV. I saw two "Vera" shows. Then when he came home, we watched another show. 

Pretty much today we were watching TV. Mom had called and asked if she could take us out to eat. We decided to go. Patrick is getting better about that. So, around 3 pm, we headed to moms and picked her up. We decided to go to Denny's because Patrick was hungry for eggs and there really isn't anything around her worth going to. Wish that would get a good restaurant in town. 

Came home and watched more TV. I decided on the way home to put the puzzle away. It was started when Patrick was in the hospital. I haven't touched it at all lately. So, I boxed it up and will take it to mom to give back to the couple it belongs to. We talked about what I have going, and I told Patrick I wanted to get this Santa done first. It's my priority right now. I have the beading I need to get back to and will but want this done first. 

I was able to get a lot done. I worked on the owl and some of the beard. It's coming along great at this point. I have even been thinking of the next cross stitch project I will do. Mom asked about the kit I bought with my applique. Told her I had it, but not there yet. I'm more into the cross stitching. 

I need to do another quilt top one of these days as well. I will work on it. I'm getting there. I need to cut backing and batting for the two tops downstairs. That will be next as well. 

Then I keep getting calls from Bryan wanting me to work on the family history more. I really do need to do that. BUT I want to get this done first! Then I will work on the other stuff as I go. I'm having too much fun with this piece. AND it's taking me away from gaming which is a good thing. 

There is nothing better than being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Still Stitching

This morning was one of those nights where I couldn't sleep. I should have gotten up and worked on something but I didn't. 

I played on my tablet most of the morning. I ended up chatting with other alliances to get them to stop the stupid fighting. They are killing the kingdom. I have a feeling that the one person who won't compromise is the one that betrayed me in May. It's going to be interesting. He won't budge and neither will I. So, that kingdom is doomed. lol That took a couple hours chatting back and forth with 3 people. It didn't get anywhere but it was a try. 

Then I took a break and decided to watch a couple shows and stitch. 

I worked on the owl and let me tell you! That is a pain in my back side! I messed up a couple times and I just left it. I don't care if someone figures that out. Then I went and added more red by the owl and white in the beard. It's coming along and it's really, really getting close. I can do this! It's getting there. 

 Mom sent me a photo of the quilt we worked on. She's quilting it and wanted to know what to put in the triangle area. Told her to put leaves in it. 

I love the quilting she's doing on it. The two applique blocks are the ones I did. The ones above this photo are ones she did. Can't wait to see how fast she gets this done. She's having a blast with it. I love what she's doing. 

So, today, between mom and myself, we are both Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Day At Home

 From one day away to one day home. 

We pretty much enjoyed the day by watching TV and doing a few things around the house. I got some of my chores done today. Then I asked Patrick to walk with me again. We got outside to find it snowing. Then when we came in the house it snowed even more. At least we got 3 laps in before came in. 

The flakes were coming down pretty big and very pretty to watch. It didn't last long though. I videoed it but I can't post it here for some reason. 

When I sat down to work on my cross stitch, I decided I was going to get the floss off the ring and get it put in a box! I thought I could find the numbers I was looking for but apparently not. After looking 5 mins sometimes trying to find the number I needed between the ring and the bag, I gave up. Went downstairs and got my box. Then found 4 flosses that didn't have a number and had to research to find out what color they were. UGH!!

Since I was working on the owl, it was getting to be a pain in the rear! I couldn't find what I was looking for and had trouble trying to figure out where I was. I was able to get the colors in there but have a feeling a couple colors are wrong. At this point, I don't care. It's looking fine. I decided to go with what I have. Then my cousin called from prison to talk about the Matheson family history. He has so much of it and has gotten back to Scotland to the town we came from. Interesting but took some of my time on my cross stitching. 

This was the fabric we got in for QOV. Patrick was sweet and took it all downstairs. I seriously need to got back down there and finish another top. But I had to send out a list of veterans being honored on Thursday next week. There are days like today where I try to just relax, and it's not to be. I had 2 phone calls that took at least 30 minutes. Then Patrick's brother called, and we all chatted for a while. He's doing good. Those calls are close to an hour at times if not more. 

Days like today, I'm just happy I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Gone All Day

This morning, I decided to try one of the recipes from my older recipe blog. I like to bake bread and wondered how this would turn out. I got it all ready, put in the refrigerator and then left. 

Patrick and I went to Lucky Eagle Casino again today. We won in the beginning and started losing after. I was okay with that since we are still playing on their money. We played a couple new games. We found out we do better when we go earlier in the day. They were giving stuff out for those who have the card. Patrick and I don't want to deal with the card as we did before and only got $5 or $10 when we were putting a lot into it. This way we don't have to bother. I don't care about points. They don't give good points. We ended up losing about $300 and that's fine with me - as I said we won a lot the last 4 times and have plenty of that to play on. Since we were there 5 hours, $300 for entertainment isn't bad now a day. 

Stopped at Safeway and picked up chicken for dinner. It was already 4:30 pm. By the time we got home it was 5:30 pm. 

I took the bread out of the refrigerator and waited 30 minutes. Then I put it in the oven. 

I thought I put the seam on the bottom, but it ended up on the side. 

I cut it when it was warm - I should have waited till it was cooled down. But I just love warm bread. The cinnamon and sugar was like cinnamon rolls. REALLY good. I put my notes in the recipe of what I did and what I should have done. It's good bread. I was surprised and not used to it being that easy. As well as it being done in a day. Worth it I think. 

So, today was not the day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Snowy, Stitching Day

This morning Patrick was up before me. I think he just couldn't get comfortable. I stayed in bed a little longer but couldn't go back to sleep. Kept waking up every 5-10 minutes. Oh, well. 

I got some laundry in. Then I worked with Patrick on our taxes. He just wanted me to know what he was doing. He's been doing that lately. Getting me ready for that day to come. 

We sat and watched TV while it tried to snow. We were under a storm warning and so far, nothing but a sprinkle has happened. Up north got more than we did. 

I was able to get more done on the owl. It's not easy to do. I have a few things to fill in, but I'm getting there. The owl has so many greys and tans that it's taking me a little while to get it figured out before stitching. I am getting there. I didn't work on anything else today but the owl. 

Then Patrick wanted to take a walk, so we walked 3 laps. Then came in for supper. Once that was over, I wanted to play on my tablet. When I did get back to my cross stitching, Patrick was ready to go to bed and read. I decided what the heck. At least I had time today for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Spent The Day Stitching

 This morning, I slept in. The Zyrtec I took gave me a headache, so I stayed in bed a while. I had that dang headache most of the day. 

I started the day working on laundry, cleaning the kitchen, kitty litter box, and vacuuming. Once my "choirs" were done, I was done. 

Sat down and worked on my cross stitching while we watched a couple shows. Asked Patrick to put the English show on that I like and haven't watched in a couple weeks. He did, but otherwise it was all the shows he wanted more than what I wanted. I'm used to that too. 

I was able to get his face almost done. I worked more in the beard area as well. 

I worked on the owl as well. I'm getting in that area to get it moving as well. I have been enjoying this, but the owl has a lot of - stitch one, skip, stitch two, skip 3, stitch one with a lot of the browns and grays. It's fun, but MAN can I find mistakes when I'm not paying attention. At least today, I took the time to work on this, and my attention was on it more than usual. I'm wanting to get this done now, and have been putting more of my time in this than I usually do. I like working on it, so I'm happy to be able to get as far as I have. 

Hopefully tomorrow the headache will be gone. We canceled BE tomorrow due to the weather, working, moving, and something else. I'm getting there. The best part of today was being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Back To The Museum Today

This morning, I went downstairs to get a few things for the garage sale in March. I wanted to get started and ended up with 2 boxes of stuff. I will drop them off at Colleen's this week and then work on another box of stuff. I was surprised at how quickly I had those boxes full. 

Then Debbie picked me up and we headed to the museum. We took the 3 quilts I had and put them in there. We decided to do 7 quilts for next week (13th). Then we chatted with Donna and Tim about what they needed to do to help us out at presentation. Donna will need to come up early to figure out what to do. It was a good visit with her and Chip. 

Debbie dropped me off. I showed her the fabrics we got from the other QOV lady. Then after she left, I came up and worked on laundry. That didn't go far because only one load was done. I will end up doing more tomorrow. My cousin called from CA and we chatted about some Matheson's from Taylorsville TN. I wonder if our Taylor family is connected to that town. lol Anyway we were on the phone for a good 40 minutes. I have them written down and will add them to my tree. They won't be connected just yet, but we both know there is a connection. 

Then I posted the Sampler kit on eBay  I figured it would be worth more if I sold it on eBay, instead of trying to sell it cheap at a garage sale. I hope it goes. I can put that in the kitty for QOV. Once that was done, I added a few more recipes to the recipe blog I have. I need to get those old recipes posted. I hate to see recipes be thrown away and never used again. Just a thought. 

Then Patrick came home from getting his hair cut. I sat and played for awhile. Then I pulled out my cross stitching. 

  I am close to having the face done. I was planning on stitching another hour, but Patrick wasn't feeling well and wanted to call it a night early. Fine by me. I will just sit and play on my tablet for a bit. I think he's coming down with a cold. Who know, maybe I have it to. 

We are expecting snow in the next couple days. How much you want to bet it doesn't come. Hard to say. They say we will get it, and we don't. They say we won't get it and we do. This is going to be fun to see who's right. If it does snow, that's a better reason to be home and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Running All Over The Place!

This morning, Patrick went golfing. I ended up cleaning up the house a bit. Since he was gone, it was easier to do.  About the time he retur...