Today, was quilting at moms. I took my bread over and checked with mom to see what she needed before everyone came. We ended up working on it for a bit after they arrived. She needed me to help her with a couple returns - that she actually already took care of - and getting her password to use on her accounts. I told her to stop logging out of her stuff and let the computer bring her back to it. Every time she logs in, does what she needs, then logs out. AND every few weeks she complains that she can't get in. So, we have to keep changing her password. I told her to stop messing with what works. She can never remember the new password or she forgets to put in in the passbook. Frustration at times. Then she wanted me to do something else. Once that was done, I sat down with everyone and listened to the conversation.
Penny and I stayed a little longer than everyone else. Penny is worried about her heart surgery. We changed about that. Then about the time Penny left, I went to Amazon to find a jigsaw puzzle board for mom. Nancy got one, and of course, mom wanted one. So, I went looking for one that would work for her. One had too many screw knobs that would give mom a headache each time she used it. So, we found a pretty wood one that should work fine for her.
Came home and just sat. I have a couple spots on my back and tummy that have infected. Either Sophie's claws did it or I was bit by a bug that infected. Either way, it's not pretty and it's not comfortable. I am working on trying to clear it up. I took a pill that I had for itching and MAN! am I tired. So, today I'm calling it done early to sleep. I need to remember the only time to take it is at night to sleep.
I check how we did with Panda and we ended up with $273 donation. That's awesome! Now we really don't need any more money for a while, but if we get it, I won't complain.
I have in "blah" all day. I want to crawl up in a ball and sleep. I couldn't even decide what to work on while at moms. I took my cross stitch - and not one stitch was put on it. UGH BLAH!
I saw the news, and I am so embarrassed to be an American right now! Our President (nameless) is rude, crude and just an ASS! Our country is in trouble. Enough said.
I was sorry I couldn't get in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!