Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Day At The Casino AGAIN

This morning, I had to be up early because a volunteer for QOV wanted to pick up some fabrics for a quilt. She brought a design she was thinking of using. We ended up with 2 panels and fabrics that go with them. She wants to hand quilt them, so I told her when she is done with the top, we will cut the batting and backing for her. We talked about washing the tops, and I let her know, I found out if I wash the backs and not the fronts, when I do wash the quilt, it doesn't shrink as much. Plus, today, we have color catchers that work great at getting the dyes, so it's not something to worry about now a days. 

After she left, we headed to the casino - AGAIN. Patrick is feeling better and likes to get out. He isn't into driving around, but he does like playing slots. He plays them on his phone till he loses all his coins. It's an on again off again thing with him. But he is picky about what slots he likes. So, we played the ones we have won on before and even played a new one. One we went back to was Lobster and won quite a bit. We spent a good 4-5 hours there. We had the money up pretty high and went from one machine to another. So, by the time we left, we left about $300 there. Since we don't do much anyway, this was entertainment for us. 

We talked a little about his cancer. He doesn't like talking about it much, but when he does, he lets me know when to stop. Patrick is hoping he has at least 4 more years with this. I'm not so sure, because of the surgery that is needed. I don't know it the surgery will mess him up more or if it will help. As long as he stays positive, I will to. 

I'm more worried about where our country is going right now. And that's all I will say, because this is a blog of fun stuff and not political. We do worry about other things in life. I just need to take each day and hope for the best. Even though I was happy playing games at the casino, I was not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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