Thursday, February 27, 2025

Hello Thursday

 This morning, I needed to be out of the house by 9 am. I had another dental appointment. I was a little early, sat down to play my games, and was called in. They wanted to numb me up and I remembered him saying last time, I wouldn't need it. I told him if he didn't have to do it, I didn't want it. So, they didn't numb me up and I didn't have any issues. I usually have issue when they do. It was a small cavity in the back tooth. Not worth drilling for. I was happy to have it caught early and wasn't ready for having a fat lip. It went fast, about 10 mins once he got started. I was thrilled it was that easy. 

Came home, shaped my bread for later. Mom wanted bread for tomorrow and I said I would. I had to make it today because it wouldn't work out if I tried first thing in the morning, since we generally eat at 11:30 am. 

The I worked on the laundry I forgot. Patrick went outside and was having trouble with his Weed Wacker. He then ended up taking it into town to get fixed. Two hours later, he came back and said that was a waste of two hours. I think they still have it, because they called to tell him how much it would cost to fix it. Almost as much as buying a new one, but he told them to fix it anyway. 

I watched TV. At first it took me 30 minutes to figure out where I was on the "Vera" shows. I am on the last two seasons. I understand she's quitting the show, so it won't be on much longer. 

Santa got worked on while I was watching TV. I was able to get most of the greenery on the right side done. I'm going back to the red now. I was happy to get as much done as I did. 

Mom called to say Georgie's husband passed away two days ago. She was going to call her. I told her to give her my love. I need to send a sympathy card out. I let the rest of the group know. 

Then I went to my games, and found that one of my "castles" was still in the kingdom I am in. So, dummy me, went and retrieved it. It was cleaned out, but I can work on it. It's not like I need 6 castles but that's what I have! I started over 20 of them, but most of them are gone. I will work on it and see where I get with it. It's more a "farm" than a castle. 

Then it was time to bake the bread. I waited as long as I could before baking it. So, about 7 pm it was baked and now it's ready for tomorrow. It will go good with the soup. It's sourdough bread. I like it the most. I found that it keeps the sour flavor if I don't use tap water. Tap water has chlorine in it, and that kills the sour taste. I have been using bottled water, even when I refresh the dough. 

So, today started out early. It was shocking to me how much I got done before noon. It made for a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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Friday Is Here - Where Was I?

 Today, was quilting at moms. I took my bread over and checked with mom to see what she needed before  everyone came. We ended up working on...