Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Busy Week

This week has started out busy and is still going strong.

On Thursday last week, I bought some silk and satin stuff for the crazy quilt block we need to have done for The Applique Society's Retreat in Seabeck, WA. I'm so excited about going, that I hurried up and started working on the block. On Friday, we (TAS group Myron's Girls) met at mom's house as usual. I brought a lot of fabric that was given to me, but wasn't cotton. We went through the fabrics and picked the stuff we wanted for our blocks. I cut the 14" square muslin pieces for the background. Since I was all ready for the block, I decided to do my block. When I finished it, my mother asked me to do her's (normal). So, both our blocks are read for the retreat.

Forgive me on where the photo was taken, I usually do better than that. I put it on the coffee table and since it was on the edge, your seeing the floor as well as papers on the table. Sorry - bad shot.

So, on Saturday I contacted my niece who is trying to raise money for the Christian World Race - 11 countries in 11 months. She is scheduled to go in June. Unless she can't raise the money to go. When we talked she said she was $10,000 short with about half of that pledged. (You know how pledged stuff goes) Anyway, my mother was telling everyone that she raised the money and she's going. When I talked with my niece, I found she has NOT raised the money and is having a silent action on the 27th of the month. So, I told her I would see what I could do for her. If I hadn't done those two quilts for friends, I would have sent one to her. I wouldn't be able to get one done for her in time. So....I wondered downstairs into my quilt room/craft room and started digging for quick things that people might like. That's when I found a "kit" the SWWRDQG did for a fabric basket. What the heck, why not?? After thinking about it for two days and reading the instructions over about four times, I decided to do it to see if it would work out.

This is what I did, and folded over the flaps and sewed buttons on it. I actually had 4 buttons in my sewing room that matched!!

It was easy enough to make. I decided I would fill it with floss and embroidery things for her and make another one that she can add sewing supplies to.

Monday, when I was thinking about her basket and decided to sew it up, I also thought about those Carolina Lily pattern I had cut and ready to sew. I figured out why I was taking so long, I didn't have the flowers cut out. Guess what I did!? I cut out the flowers for my daughters quilt.

Being left handed doesn't help. I had to figure out how to cut the pieces, and each time I was looking at it backwards. So, I gave up and taped where I needed to cut. Trouble was, I did that backwards too. I couldn't figure out my 45 degree angle. That took some work. At least I was able to get it done.

I still need to do mine. BUT I did do her block. I found the connections were hard but not as hard as I thought.

Once I had this done, I knew I'd do fine. I did cut them a little big, so when I got to this point, I trimmed them to the size I needed. It wasn't easy, so if you do this block, try and get the exact size you need before you start, so you won't have to trim as much as I did.

Once I got to that point I sewed up the flower blocks. I squared them up as well. Then I added the rest of the pieces.

Now I need to do the leaves and stems along with the design in the four corners. As you can see, I'm not completely done, but applique doesn't take long and it's more fun then putting this block together. I just need to work on mine and then I will have both ready for the applique. Again, sorry for the photos, was taking them as I worked and was on my sewing table.  Once this block is done, I can get started on the next set. I think this is for the 6th month block. I know I have a mariners compass to do one of these days, but hopefully that is the last block. I haven't really looked to see which one is next, because I didn't want to do it before I finished this one. Jumping around with blocks doesn't help, even though one block may be easier than another.

Now I'm getting caught up! Yesterday I went to Micheal's to get same yarn for my pot holders I would do for my nieces auction. I bought $20 with of yarn. I worked on one set yesterday and they are done. I will do more today, since I have a friend coming over to work on stuff and chat. It's crochet, but then I'm sure I told you I can do most crafts except for tatting. I will show you what all I've done when I get them all completed. I did complain to Sugar and Cream yesterday though. I paid $2 for 57.2 oz balls of yarn. Right in the middle of my project and in the middle of the ball was a KNOT. Nothing ticks me off more than paying higher prices for less amounts of yarn, and then having a knot in the middle. So, for the first time, I wrote the company and told them they could sell those as "samples" or "scraps" but not as good balls of yarn. Yarn should not have a knot in the middle - it messes up what your working on. And with the pot holders, I'm going around in a circle, so you can't hid a knot as well as you can when doing the afghans. Ugh. (sorry, on my soup box)

Since I haven't posted the frog quilt finished, I thought I would put it in here so you can see how it turned out. I gave it to my friend yesterday.

Okay, today will be working on those pot holders and seeing about doing a wash cloth to go with two pot holders. I need to find a good pattern for the wash cloths.

I'll post again this week, so you can see where I am. I have our TAS group "Haven't Missed a Stitch" tomorrow and should get some stuff done then too. If all goes well, I'll try and post on Friday...

Till then, Happy Quilting.

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