Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jack of all trades

The last week I have been crocheting and knitting for my niece. She is going on the World Race - a Christian Organization that goes to 11 countries in 11 months. She is working toward her goal. One of those goals is to make enough money to go - about $25,000. So, for the last 8 months, she has been working hard, with garage sales, bake offs, etc. On the 27th of this month, she is having an auction. Since I wasn't paying attention or just didn't know, I figured I had to work fast for her. So, the quickest things I could come up with where potholders and wash clothes.

I was thrilled to find out the wash clothes were quick and easy! I had so much fun, I went more for the wash clothes then I did the potholders. Both took the same amount of time, but this was more fun.

So I decided to combine some of both to give people a choice.

Some potholders are smaller then others, but it works.

I was able to get 3 potholders out of 2 skeins of yarn. I should have gone to a different place then Micheals because they are more expensive, but I didn't want to fight the crowds are Walmart.

I also sent her a couple of the fabric baskets I showed below. I added a handful of floss,  cross stitch "holder" bags, and aida fabric. Hopefully she can make money on it.

Now I can get back into quilting for awhile. I have started the applique on the block I showed last week, and am ready to get to work on making the other block for my quilt. I will cut out the leaves for my Retreat project and get moving back into applique and quilting. Looking forward to getting more done in the next few days.

In the mean time, Happy Quilting.

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