Saturday, February 18, 2012

Nothing New...

Not much going on with quilting lately, at least that what I think. I went to the TAS Myron's Girls group and I was able to baste two table runners. I haven't decided if I want to TRY and machine quilt them or just go ahead and quilt them. I'll figure that out later.

I went to my mother's on Thursday and help clean up her sewing room - or part of if. We spent a good 5 hours going through her cabinets deciding if she wants to keep or get rid of stuff. I was able to collect a few finished wall hangings and quilt related stuff, that I mailed them off to my niece for her auction. We still have 2/3's of the sewing room more to go and will probably be doing that today. I should take the camera along and take pictures, because her sewing room is bigger than most family rooms. My parents have decided to move into town. So, they are cleaning and clearing up the house. They have a lot of stuff they want to keep, so I think its going to be interesting if it all fits into the new place. Prayers are out there for their place to sell, but it won't go up on the market till they get more cleaning done. They have cats that need to be captured and taking for shots, and other stuff, then taken to the pound to get homes, but then they are barn cats and don't know if that will work. They are pretty cats, but they aren't used to people.

I was able to get a few stitches in on the Hawaiian quilt I'm doing. I have one area where I know how they will join and can quilt without having to worry about that. Trying to do a quarter of the quilt at a time, is a little more complicated then I thought, but I'm working on it.

I'm hoping to get more quilting done this weekend since it is a holiday on Monday, but the way things are looking, I may be spending today with my mother cleaning out the rest of her quilt room. UGH  I did mine a couple years ago, and got to the point of throwing things out, just so I wouldn't have to deal with all the "left overs."

In the mean time, Happy Quilting.

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