Saturday, February 25, 2012

Past Week

This past week has been a bear! I forgot what it was like to be busy EVERY day of the week. Not being able to sit down and work on a project or read a book. It was almost like having my two children around when they were about 4 and 8 years old.

On Monday I was able to do some Genealogy, and found a few more letters floating around the house. So, yesterday I decided I would do a blog on all those letters. Two of them are posted and the link is on the side.

Tuesday was supposed to be a day with my cousin, and it never happened. My body decided whatever I eat the day before I was going to pay for. Not only the usual stuff but also a migraine headache that lasted all week. I slept the morning away and then decided the headache wasn't going to slow me down, so I did laundry and when I could I pulled out the Hawaiian quilt from behind the couch and quilted. I did get the border design quilted so I could echo on the quarter part. Now hopefully it will go quick and I can start on the next quarter piece.

Wednesday was another day at my mothers. It was the third day of going through her quilt room and getting rid of stuff so they can sell the house and move into town. We must have loaded a truck load of bags for goodwill and another truck load of stuff for the quilt show "country store" at the next quilt show in two years. Now, that I said all that, she still has a ton of quilt fabric, supplies, and stuff she wanted to keep. This was an all day job and it was tiring to say the least. We had bowling and I did really bad! Even for me.....

Thursday brought in our TAS groups potluck. When I mean "groups," it was groups - Haven't Missed a Stitch hosting the Myron's Girls group. We must have had 20 people. It was great. We set a raffle that cost 10 cents for each time one put their names in the jar for an item. We did good. The money will go for the potluck supplies and the other project supplies that me may need. We will even give off raffles for memberships at the end of the year. Both groups get together once every quarter to show off what they have been working on. It was great. Of course, I was the one keeping things going and cleaning up after with help from a couple of Myron's Girls. By the time I got home, I couldn't think straight. At night I sewed two sets of green strips together to be able to do my project for TAS' Retreat in a couple weeks.

Yesterday, was another one of those busy days but fun days. I went to a friends house and we talked, baked and worked on projects. I took my cross stitch that I haven't touched in over 2 years. I had to take out the right section because it was off, and I mean very obvious it was off. So, for two hours I took out the work....ugh. Now I know why I haven't worked on it in over two years. Now I can get moving on it again. Patrick couldn't remember the cross stitch so that tell's you how long it's been since I worked on it. Bowling last night, with two good games and one really crappy game.

So, now we are down to what.....not a clue! I WOULD LIKE to get moving on my block for the retreat in a couple weeks. Patrick talked about watching a Cary Grant movie today and I'm game for that. Don't know if I'll quilt on the Hawaiian, do the block or work on cross stitch......time will tell what I'm in the mood for - other than sleep.

In the mean time.....Happy Quilting.

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