Sunday, April 13, 2014

Another Beautiful Day!

Today was an awesome day! I even spent time out on the deck!

No clouds out today. Even the birds were out and I tried to get a photo of a hawk that was flying around, but by the time I could see him, he was too far away. I just wish I would have noticed him sooner.

Patrick's flowers are in bloom and looking awesome! I had so much fun going around and taking photos of his plants.

Rhodies are starting to bloom too! We have a lot of different kinds in our yard. I enjoy the different colors. Unfortunitely, we weren't able to get a trimming of the plant that was given to my mother when my sister passed on. That tree is at the farm, and since they no longer own it, we don't have it any more. At least it's still alive - at least I hope it is.

Patrick spend part of the day washing my car and his truck. I love how it shows his shadow in my car! Means he did a great job! lol

Another plant in the yard.

Well after I "played" and took photos, I cam out on the deck and enjoyed the cool breeze as well as quilted some more on Phil's quilt.

I'm a little surprised at how thin the batting is, but if I remember right, they were thinner back then for hand quilting. AND Yes, I'm left handed. So is my husband and my son. So, it wasn't that hard teaching him how to quilt - since he's the same as I am.

As you can see, this is going to be a simple pattern. I'm just doing as I go. It shouldn't take long, as long as I keep working on it. I have been known to start it and stop. As I was quilting on it, I thought of how simple it would have been to use as a math problem for a child. If I had finished it sooner (20 years ago) I could have asked questions about how many window are in the boats. How many sails are there, etc. LOL - Guess I'm about 20 years behind on that one!

I figured out what meal I would take for Hildi on Friday. She's been in the hospital for 2 weeks, and hopefully is home today. Our group is planning on fixing them supper for awhile so that they don't have to do it, and they can rest! Car accidents are no fun, and we're lucky they both made it out alive. Funny how I've said that twice in the last year.

As I sit here on the deck typing this - Charlie has moved twice. She's moved about 10 times in the last hour and a half actually. Guess she gets too warm in one spot and moves to anther warmer spot. Go figure!

Okay, time to sign off - life is good and the weather is awesome! I hope you enjoy the weather, stay warm and are Happy Quilting.

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