Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Spent Part of the Day with a Friend

Last night while watching TV, I'm happy to say, quilted on my Hawaiian quilt. I'm in the middle area of the second side.

This is where I finished up the other day.

Working toward the second "hump" in the road. lol - actually that is were the leaves come out toward the center of the quilt.

Getting closer. I did have some issues with my quilting last night. Even when I had the board (photo) under my work to help me make sure it is flat, I still had some problems. I don't know what I was thinking last night. I shouldn't have had any problems, but I d take out about 6" from two "rows." I was not thrilled, but I wanted it to work out right.

Today started out like any other, walking, cribbage, and exercise. After that, I spent a few minutes working on a survey and then headed to a friends house. I decided to take my boat quilt that Phil had quilt stitches on.

I got more done than I expected. The best part about all this is that it is small enough to take with me. I did another "sash" area, and started on the boat on the right of the center boat.

I'm making this an easy quilt project. So the pattern in the sashing is really easy and quick to do. I goes really fast.

Rose still had to do a project before I left. So, we took about an hour (would have been less) to make these "tissue covers" that she thought would be really quick and easy. This time she was right, and we ended up finishing 4 covers. Hers was of sunflowers and green.

On my way home, I just had to get a photo of the mountain! I could see Mt. Rainier - but couldn't get to a spot to get off the road to take a photo.

So, on the way home decided I would at least get a photo of Mt. St. Helens. All three photos are of Mt. St. Helens,

I arrived home to find Charlie waiting on me - or at least looking like she was waiting on me.

Must be nice to be that lazy!

Now, I'm going to get back to my exercises, and try to get more done on the Hawaiian. Next week is my retreat - and I don't know if I can post from the retreat or not. I will take my computer to write up what I'm doing. It may end up being a post for three days that are three days behind. Oh, well.

May you be Happy Quilting!

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