Thursday, April 17, 2014

My Superpower Day!!

My Superpower is

Cross Stitch 
& Quilting!
What is your SUPERPOWER?

I've been working on this cross stitch project for some time and decided it would be perfect for the Superpower.

 I was able to get most of it done, but still need to finish the bottom part and outlines.

 I'm excited about finishing this, as it will only take me another day or two! I have been working on this for the past 2 days straight, with little break, and no computer! 

That's a big thing for me! lol This pattern is "Pollyanna's Summertime Lamplighter Knot Garden" by Liz Turner Diehl, Inc. There are a couple more patterns that go with this one. I'm hoping to get the patterns and do them as well. 

As you can see, I have a love for all crafts, whether it is quilting, cross stitch, needlepoint, embroidery, applique, or any other form of craft. My projects keep me busy and I enjoy working on anything that "catches my eye." I have been enjoying the last month, as I'm actually getting my UFO projects done. So far this year, I have completed at least 3 projects, 1 that was started this year. I promised myself I would not start another project till 2 of my UFO's are finished. That way I can keep ahead of the game! (Or at least I hope I can! lol)

I was thrilled to be a part of the Superpower hop. This is a why to meet other crafters. Be sure and check out the other Superpowers on the hop!  I have the other hoppers listed at the bottom of this page, so you can click on their links. If you want the list for the rest of the week, check out my "April 14th" page. I hope you have been enjoying the view!

My Favorite Cross Stitch Projects:

The Quiltmaker - designed by Lavender and Lace.

Red Riding Hood - by Stoney Creek Magazine.

Pattern by Stoney Creek Magazine

Unknown Pattern 

Over the years I like to find cross stitch patterns that I would love to have on my walls. I've given a few projects away as gifts. 

I would like to thank the sponsors of "My SuperPower." Those are: DMC, Pauline, and Mdm Samm. Mdm Samm put on this wonderful program and Pauline is an awesome cheerleader! There are some wonderful ladies out there that put this on, and I give them a lot of respect for what they did. 

Check out the others who will are scheduled for today! Hope you enjoy the fun and are Happy Quilting!!

                  THURSDAY APRIL 17 

What is YOUR Superpower??

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