Friday, July 18, 2014

Cleaning up a Mess before company comes!!

My house is not messy - my quilt room is!! My hubby is awesome when it comes to a clean house. If I miss something or have been way to busy to do any work around the house, he comes in and cleans. He's a lot cleaner than I am!! I love the fact that over 32 years, I've learned how easy it is to throw things away, or sell them. Once they are gone, I don't think about them, I think I have only gotten rid of about 3 things I wish I hadn't. So that's a good sign.

First things first, finish the fabric wraps, and cut fabric to get them put away. Get all my strips and put them in the basket. - haha, found some!

Figure out where to put the odds and ends.

Moved my fabric rolls around. Had more of one color than I thought lol. Now I need to wrap more and add them in there as well and get to cutting! (Yes, I'm typing this as I go - makes life easier - at least I'm thinking it will :-) )

A couple hours later, and I'm done! At least its presentable! I've got more to do, and will work on it later. I figured out I need to get with Donna and see if she had an extra piece of one of my eagles. I can't find the other half. Never fails! Next is vacuum and then head upstairs to clean up my area around the chair.....ugh. Hey, I'm getting there! lol

This was after the first photo when I had them all "entered." Now I'm happy to say, I'm done with all my fabric!

 As much as I would LOVE to say someone else made the mess in my "areas," I can't. Dang. Both my children are gone, so can't blame them, and Patrick is just was too clean to blame him. So, I guess you can say, I put myself in this mess. And what a mess! Oh, well, it's done. Now, we wait and see how long this will last! I seriously need to LEARN to put stuff away instead on putting them on the table when I'm in a hurry! OR even when I'm too LAZY to do it!

Katt called me today while I was putting fabric away and cutting it. She told me she wants her checkerboard quilt to be 3 1/2" squares. (1/2" for seams). Now I can start cutting the squares out of that fabric that is on my table. When I get the time, I'll go down and start cutting - cutting doesn't mean it's going to be sewn together though! lol

My guilt wall is still there, and I'm slowly getting back to them. List of stuff I want to do is growing, and I'm still getting there....very slowly. As I stare at the guilt wall, I'm happy to say I'm still Happy Quilting!

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