Wednesday, July 30, 2014

One more UFO OFF my List!!

Today started out as busy as the rest.  I helped pick blueberries for Ruth after we were done walking. My cribbage friend said his wife went to the emergency room yesterday and was there from 11 am to 9 pm last night. Looks like she's having problems with her lungs which are making it hard for her to swallow. She's on a liquid diet till she sees the specialist tomorrow morning at 8 am. Please send your prayers for her.

I got home, KNOWING I needed to go downstairs and work on the quilt....well.....I really didn't want, I stalled.

How you ask?! Well I baked this ...

Wild Alaskan Blueberry Buckle 

Recipe belongs my daughter-in-law at Crazy Cucia Chica: Desserts. (click on the link) This was AWESOME! I asked her the other day what would be a good dessert for my blueberries, and she told me about this buckle cake. I needed to make a dessert for Patrick, so I made it today! I had it after supper today and man, oh man, I was thrilled! This is going in my favorites book.

Okay, after I did the cake, I realized I needed to get back to my laundry....then I looked around to see what else I could do before I go downstairs. Oh, yah, I needed something to drink before I went down got my ice tea. Oh, yea, had to check the internet to see what my games were that I need to work on, on Pogo.....dang, better get down I headed down there.

This was waiting for me. I picked it up and sewed it, but oh, dang!, it didn't work right, so I ripped it out, sewed it back up - crap, still didn't work called....talked to her, she told me to just put it away and go back later. Told her, nope, one more time then I'll quit. That time it worked! Then went to the last corner, and had to rip that one out as well. But once I got done, it was DONE! I FINISHED IT! I ironed the corners, liked what I saw and cut the extra off the corners. I left a big seam...JUST IN CASE! Now I need to get it ready for basting. I'm going to have to go look for a sheet that will work for the back. I always use sheets, and believe it or not, sheets last longer than the quilt top!

Put it on the bed to see how it looked.

Perfect size for mom! I just hope she likes it as much as Patrick does. I like it, but wish I could have had it put together a little better. It's hard to put blocks together that are smaller than the rest of them. I'm Okay with that. t turned out great otherwise.

Dumped everything out of my bag, so I could organize myself better. I had so much fabric and projects in there, I decided to weed it down to what I'm doing next.

My guilt block - the basket.

Need to finish the embroidery on this block - Still have to do the applique on the lighter background block. I had to go find my fabrics for the other block.

The end result of my dump job! I actually cleaned it up, put stuff away and my room is still looking good....not sure how long that will last, but hey! I did put the extra fabric stuff from the quilt in a zipper bag - in case I need the fabric later. All together and put away! Woo Hoo, I actually cleaned up after myself!! lol

This is the TAS bag I bought last year and I still love it! It's perfect for what I need, and I'm going to use this for my trip to MI later. I'm not happy with TAS right now, but I do love the bag. Still haven't decided if I will continue with TAS next year or not.

I'm so excited to mark one more thing off my UFO's list!  I need to get that Affairs of the Heart block done and that may get me closer to another one done! At least I'm hoping that's the case! I am going to try and finish the block at the next meeting or even the second meeting - since I have quilting tomorrow and Friday......I'll let you know how that goes!

In the meantime I am definitely Happy Quilting!

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