Sunday, July 27, 2014

Moms Quilt

Have you ever had one of those days - or reoccurring days? Here's what I put up with EVERY weekend -

I sit and play games while Patrick sleeps in. He gets up, then turns the TV on. What does he watch - you ask?! Well, he goes straight to the food network. Think he likes Trisha Yearwood and that other gal after. Anyway, he sits and eats, then before you know it, he's gone. Whether he's outside working in the yard or if he's down the hall. It seems like he has radar! If I change the channel, he comes in and sits down, "did you change the channel? I was watching that." So, we change the channel back and within 5-10 mins, he gone again. So, I sit here wondering what he's trying to tell me. TV is his or watch this food channel and cook something good for me?! Which is it? Heck if I know.

So, after awhile of this, I did my ball exercises and headed downstairs.

I put the two rows together that I had done yesterday. Then I started on the other blocks.

Just as I was getting the blocks put together - the fun part of sewing on a machine - the bobbin went empty and I sewed at least 3 blocks before I even noticed the thread was out.

So, I had to get more bobbins ready. I loaded three bobbins so I wouldn't have to do that again! Now they are ready for when I run out again.

As I was getting close to having all the blocks done, I realized I need 4 more squares. I had to go and cut more 2 1/2" squares. I also cut some of my border fabric to make sure I had enough to cut more squares. Thankfully I have plenty.

I lined the rows on my quilt frame. I also worked on the bottom row. I need to complete the work on the bottom row, and then I can sew the 3rd, 4th and 5th rows together. I have rows 1 and 2 already sewn on. I did come across some problems with a couple blocks, and had to take it out and put it back together. Then I was able to get back on track.

This should give you a better idea. The row on the left still needs to be sewn together, and the row on the right is done. I have the other rows under that row. This is a good size quilt, and I hope mom likes this. (Actually mother-in-law but I call her mom)

The more I work on this, the more I'm beginning to like this. Yes, it was a pain to do all those applique bees, and yes, I was getting bored with it, but now that it's coming to a close, I'm liking it.

Tomorrow I'm going to a friends house again, then quilting this week is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Not sure which ones I will be going to. I don't want to go to all of them.

I did start back on the basket block for the guilt wall quilt. I may get more done on that block this week, so I guess it's a wait and see. I'm hoping to get this quilt top done by tomorrow, but with having to go to Rose's and then come home, not sure if I'll be ready to do that. I don't want to drag this out. Plus the best part of all this, is that one more UFO will be done.

If all goes well, I'll still be Happy Quilting!

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