Saturday, July 12, 2014


While Patrick is chatting to his mom, I decided I would get this written.

Today was and is a VERY HOT day! I don't care for it being this hot. Part of the reason for living in Washington is to get away from the 100 degree weathers, but this year, I'm not so lucky.

While Phil and I were picking blueberries - got another 2 gallon bags worth! - Patrick was working on the siding. He's started painting it, since we had it done last year, and the side of the house didn't match the rest!

Love the shadow effect on these photos! lol - not too worried about his painting...

He's been painting the siding of the house every chance he gets. He worked on it for a couple hours this morning and then called it quits because of the heat. Phil and I went and picked the blueberries, and I sent a lot of them with him when he left. It was awesome to have him helping - cut my time of picking in half. Course Patrick won't help me. He thinks I pick them too early. I like them any way they come!

While waiting on Phil to get here, I went around and took more photos. I'm not sure what this bush is, but I really like it. It reminds me of the plant I have in the house.

A fun day of photos.

After lunch, Patrick thought I should "do something constructive" by not being on the computer all day! lol - I told him I am "constructive" during the day, so he didn't need to worry! lol

One of Patrick's employees gave him this plant.

Not sure what it is, but I do like it. No clue where he's going to put it. Like I said before, the yard is Patrick's and I really try not go get into his yard or garden without him knowing about it. I do get to say what I like, but he does such an awesome job, that I let him have all the fun in the world! lol

So, I got "constructive" this afternoon. I went downstairs - my, oh my, is it cool down there! I loved it! 

Started pulling out the fabrics that where in the second shelf Remember, I just put all that fabric from the table to the shelf?! Well, it was clean up time. It's going to take longer than the 2 hours I already put into this "organization."

I even got tired of my pins all over the table, so I pulled out this tin, and put them in there! Now the fun part is remembering where I put them! But this will work, I won't have to keep moving one set of pins because I want the other.

I pulled out the comic book boards and started wrapping fabrics around them.

The more I pulled out, the more there was...

I got a LOT of them done, but still have more to do. I also need to get moving on cutting up the scraps again. I've been lucky enough to be able to give them away! I like the Listia because it's a good trade.

This is the stack that I need to put away.

So, I moved the boards around with the fabrics. I'm trying to group them by color.

I moved the blues and purples to this empty spot. The brown are on the side were the boxes are, and I really need to figure out where to put those boxes because my fabric is going to take up most of that space as well.

This is where I've gotten to, and like I sad, I've got more fabric to wrap, and more moving around to do. But I'm beginning to like what I'm doing. I believe it will be easier to see what I have, and go from there.

It was so weird! I was wrapping the fabrics and I did even remember where I got a lot of the fabrics. I know I got some as gifts - and believe me that would be the only way I would get some of the fabrics. I didn't remember a lot of the fabric and when I needed those colors, I couldn't find them! - Gee, I wonder why! Not this is so much easier and I can look at the fabrics to see if they work.

I've been putting two fabrics to a board at times too, because there isn't enough to worry about. Some I'm not too crazy about cutting that much fabric, so I wrapped them and grouped them with "similar" fabrics. I don't know if that will help me - as I tend to look for stuff and then can't find them, no matter how organized I get. It's getting better. I am putting a few things in a garage sale next month, as I really don't need them. A little of this and a little of that, won't help me at all. UGH.

My guilt wall was still making me feel guilty I haven't been working on the basket blocks, but that's okay, we will get there! ....****I hope***

May your day be a lot cooler than mine and you be Happy Quilting!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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