Saturday, May 23, 2015

Finished Basket #9

Last night I was able to work on the basket block. 

I worked on the center pieces last night. I found that I didn't care for the center piece on the left. I had it all appliqued on the block. Then I found it didn't fit right and was a little of center. So, I pulled it apart. I can give myself some credit, it was so hard to take out. I guess you can say I do a great job of applique when it doesn't want to come out. 

I did the embroidery on the right flower and called it a night. 

This morning I worked on the block as I was playing my game on the tablet. I liked the center better today then I did last night. 

I was able to get the block done this morning. This is block #9 of Bountiful Baskets.

Once I had that done, Patrick woke up. lol  We then went and cleaned out the garage and went through a few boxes we had. We stacked Katt's boxes up. Now I can get to my stuff and she can get to hers. After that, we went to the movies. We saw "Tomorrowland" and I would recommend it! It was a great movie. Good points in it too. 

We then went to Red Lobster down in Kelso. It was Patrick's Birthday meal for me. He's a sweetie. We had crab and came home. 

I needed to get more walking in, so I walked the neighborhood. I chatted with 3 of our neighbors as I walked by. It's so nice to have wonderful neighbors like we have. They are very friendly. We may not see each other every day, but when we do see each other we stop and get caught up. 

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get back to the Black and White quilt downstairs. Patrick wants to get some work out in the garden. While he's in the garden, I can work downstairs. 

Tonight I will be working on block #8.

This morning I finished that petal and basted the next one. I'm going to work on the rest of this and hope to have it finished. I will work on getting the 5 blocks marked for this month. June is going along pretty fast, so I may have to mark 10 instead of 5. lol 

Looking forward to being Happy Quilting!

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