Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day! - Last Day of Retreat!

Today is Day 4 and the last day of my retreat. I made it home by 1:00 pm today. The house was clean and tidy! Patrick had the house looking great - till I arrived! lol I did behave though, I put my stuff away. Maybe missed my cover to my computer because I see it on the couch while I type this. I'll get it put away in a sec!

Last night was "dress up" night. We had a bee and bee keeper, "Mama and Unise," among others. It was awesome! We had more dressed up this year than last.

Even David poised for the shot! It was so funny to see him all glittery!

We had an awesome quilt "show" of older quilts. This was the first quilt shown and the history of the quilt was well worth hearing.

This morning was our brunch and tail end of our retreat. We all got together and had a good goodbye. We also drew names of the winners of 50 blocks. There were 4 winners with 2 extra blocks going to the first two names drawn. Donna was lucky enough to get called. She was the last one called and picked out of all these quilt blocks.

We had fun watching them all pick the blocks. It was even funnier when a block was picked by one person and another wanted that block! Loved watching it.

This was all the people that attended (minus me - I was taking photos lol). We all had a great time. A lot of them signed up for next year already.

As for me, I think I will wait and see if I attend here next year or go to a different retreat. I like to change things up sometimes.

I worked on the eagle block last night. I didn't get a photo of it, but will be working on that later and take a photo then. This morning I started appliqueing another basket down on the basket blocks, and again will take a photo of that later to show off.

Came home with a sore throat, so it's going to be interesting how I end up! Have Brazilian embroidery tomorrow, and looking forward to that.

Mother's day is stopping off at my son's and daughter-in-laws then heading over to my parents to spend the time with them. I'm looking forward to it. Patrick bought me a beautiful flower basket that is on the deck. He even worked on all the plants in the yard.


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