Thursday, May 14, 2015

Still Haven't Learned!

Today I got up early. The good news is that I had a good nights sleep. I played cribbage and won 2 games. Made the mistake of saying I needed to go to the store. He wanted me to read a meat package that was at Walmart. So, I drove over to Walmart with him to pick up what I needed. In the meantime, he suggested that I come over for supper while Patrick is gone. Not wanting to go there! I did say I would have supper with him tomorrow. We picked up a steak, since he's been hungry for a home cooked meal. Can't blame him, since Flo was the cook in that family. He does a lot of microwave and frozen foods. So, I will have supper with him tomorrow. Just not wanting to do any more as I'm betting my parents will want me over again too.

After lunch, I decided to come downstairs and get some more work done on the butterfly quilt top. I would love to get this done today. I'm no going to push it.

I've been working on the blocks and watching Diagnosis Murder. I forgot how much I like the show. I would have been watching my DVR shows but the TV down here doesn't have it set up. lol

The funny part is that I think of things to say on here, but when I start typing I can't remember what I was thinking. The brain takes off in another direction! lol

As I pick each block, I found two blocks alike. So, I need to have one on one side and one on another.

I decided to go ahead and cut the borders from the fabric so that I would have them when I was done. That was a mistake, as I came up short. First thing I did was get in the car and drive 45 mins to Yelm, WA and went to GeeGee's Quilting Shop. I could not believe I came up short. It wasn't by much and if I would have rethough the border piece, I could have made it. Maybe. The pits of it all is that they were out of the fabric. Then on the way home I remembered I bought the last of the bolt. So, I picked up the red that was the same fabric design. I could not find anything I would be happy with. I'm not happy that it is a bright red, but I can live with it. Now I am going to take out the two pieces I put in and replace them with red. I think it will look better with the red on the top and bottom and not on he sides.

I just wanted to see what it would look like. I do like it. Just wish I had more of the green. 

While I was writing the blog for the Thursday group, my mother called and we talked about this. I believe I may have a way to fix my problem. I will do it and see how I like it. 

Who knows I may use a similar layout for the Japanese dolls. I really do want to get them done as well. Still need to work on Katt's black and white quilt first. I will do that as soon as this one is done. 
I'm thrilled to be Happy Quilting!! 

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All Day At Garage Sale

Today, I had to be at the garage sale before it opened. I had the cash box and had to give it out.  Arrived early and helped a bit. Then whe...