Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Looking Forward To Tomorrow

Today I was able to sleep in, and to my surprise, I did. I actually slept till 8:30 am and that is sleeping in for me. It felt good. At first I woke at 7:30 am closing my eyes, thinking I needed to get up, but didn't.

I got moving on cooking.

I found a recipe that called for eggnog and not "pet" milk. Patrick wanted something different, so I did it. Not sure how it will come out, because I wasn't paying too much attention on the spices, and added double what it called for. I hope it's good. lol

Then I decided to make grandma's treats,

She always took the unused pie crusts (homemade - only way I do it), and cover it with butter, cinnamon and sugar. Bake it. It comes out crispy. Mine came out a little chewy, but it is still good. I should have let it cook another 5 mins or more.

I haven't done anything on the craft front. I did work on the crocheted pot holders. I have two sets done, started another one. I need to get more yarn to finish another set.

I'm not really looking at websites or shops for Christmas items. I don't do Black Fridays or Cyber Mondays. I found deals every day, so I'm not going to worry about gifts this weekend. We have already found a few things we want to do, and will do that. I would rather give or receive stuff we can use. I try not to get kitchen stuff for my kids. I like for hobby stuff or things I know they will need. Mom and dad is hard to buy for, because they don't use what we give them. They usually wind up in the garage. So, we talked to them and said, "no gifts." That way we won't get stuff we won't use and they won't put what we give them in the garage or give them away.

Looking forward to tomorrow. It will be like when we were first married....just the two of us. I'd love to have it with family, but one part went to Vegas, and the other part doesn't come around. The last part doesn't live close by.

I'm looking forward to getting the quilt done. I'm even happier that the pot holders aren't taking up a lot of time. Think Charlie is enjoying that too. She's been getting very "needy" lately. She follows me everywhere and meows at me. No clue what she wants other than attention.

May you have a Happy Thanksgiving and stay Happy Quilting!

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