Tuesday, November 24, 2015

One Step At A Time....

Woke up with a headache, and haven't done that in awhile. It was raining and guess my neighbor had a headache as well. She was going to her family's today. So, we called off walking. She'll be back on Friday, so guess we won't be walking till Monday.

I got a little caught up on shows. I even watched a couple movies on Hallmark. While I was doing that, I worked on the pumpkin that I needed to finish cooking, laundry, and boiled eggs. I'm almost ready for Thanksgiving. I'll do the pumpkin pie tomorrow.

While I was in the middle of all that, I worked on a puzzle and then worked on the pot holders.

I was able to get two done with another one started. I had half of one done last night. I will have two sets done by tonight. Then all I have to do is two more sets. Not sure if my "ball' of yarn will be enough. I may have to go buy another one. I'm okay with that.

I also took a break from crocheting and I did a few stitches in on the quilting.

I have a few stitches in at a time. I figure even if I only get about 6" of quilting in, I'm doing good!

I also gave Charlie a bath (not in water, but used a wash rag to wash her). She had a couple spots that were matted and I wanted to get rid of them. One of them I finally cut out. She was purrring the whole time! I couldn't believe it. She likes it when I wash her with the rag.

All's good here. I'm still working on my projects....getting a few stitches in when I can. Loving Happy Quilting!!

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