Sunday, December 27, 2015

A Little of This And a Little of That

Today started out slowly. Just wanted to relax. Then Patrick decided we'd go downstairs and enjoy the fireplace while we watched the Seahawks game. UGH! What an awful game that was! Oh, well, we're still in the game....

This morning I started out taking photos of my cross stitch work and put them on the Instagram. I finally signed up last night. I was surprised at how many people followed me when I only posted one thing. So, this morning I went and pulled out a few of my finished embroidery works. Cross stitch as well. The funny part of all this is that Patrick even got himself an account! He put my quilt with the ribbons on it in his! I signed up so I could see my sons art work. He doesn't show it other than on Instagram. So, if you want to see more of my work go to "lynnwiltzius" on Instagram. I was surprised at how many Wiltzius' are out there! One of them took my userid that I've been using for over 20 years! Young'ins!

After posting all that it was downstairs to clean up my cutting board! It was a mess - AGAIN!

Started with this.......

Even get up a couple sets of half square triangles to sew when I get in the mood.

Showed Patrick my next "2 Fabric applique" quilt. He thought I was doing it for Katt. I may yet, hard to say. I asked if the combo was okay. I'm still not set on this, but that is my next quick project later next year.

Once I got it this far, I decided that would be fine for now. I have more to work on. I put a couple things on my guilt wall and I will be trying to get a few more things done this year. In the upper left side is the eagle that I need to take out and try again...that will be worked on later...guess I'm into embroidery right now.

I pulled out my cross stitch from earlier this year. This is the project that Phil and Emily game me last year. I wanted to get back to it and get it moving again. I haven't touched it in over 6 months, so it really does need to get moving!

I worked on the cat and the flower on the bottom left. I thought I took a photo of what I had done but it's just the cat that I had the photo of. I put the yellow in under the pot. I added the left half of the flower with adding more dark yellow on the right side. I had about half that done. I ended up taking out about 1/3 of what I put in, because I had put it in a while back and was working off it. Good thing the right side was done right! I think the coloring of this flower is a little off, but betting it will look great when it's done. I moved the roll so I could work on the bottom part. I need to finish up the bee. I got distracted and went to the flower instead. Just like my daily life - distraction is part of my life.

I go from one thing to another. Even my family know how I can't seem to stay with one thing. I have prided myself on doing one cross stitch picture at a time. I'm trying to keep that same process with the embroidery. I'm not that smart when it comes to quilting.....just can't seem to stay working on the same thing when it comes to quilting. Think that's why I love applique - no repeat if I don't want to repeat it.

Tonight is bowling. Should be interesting. I tend to be all over the place lately when it comes to bowling.

This week will be interesting as well. I do not have any place to go....Patrick is off from Tuesday on because he's in that "use it or loose it" stage. So, I'm going to have him home all week.....wonder oh wonder what he's going to come up with to do! I can do this. I'm going to work on trying to finish my Brazilian embroidery this week. I need to work on the acorn top. I haven't tried it yet, but going to work on it. I have a "sampler" that I'm doing my "learning" pieces on.

I've still got to work on this. I have the bullion bars and now just need to do the double buttonhole stitch. Like I said yesterday...this is going to be interesting. It is like a knotted stitch. I never learned tatting and think that would come in handy right now. It is going to take a little getting used to.....I'll let everyone know how many times I had to take it out to get it right.....once so far! Took a break for a short time with that. It's on the coffee table waiting for me to pick it up and get back to trying it out....I'm going to do that.....I'm going to do that....I'm getting there....I'm going to do this!

Keep happy, be good, and may we all be Happy Quilting!

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