Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Count Down to Christmas!

Another day closer to Christmas. Spirit is in the air.

Today started out with a good walk. I was happy to get out there again to walk. Ruth texted and asked if I was going to walk today...told her "Yep!" We had a good walk. I forgot to take her gift down to her.

After getting back from walking, I started the laundry. I have been getting behind on the laundry. I did get my whites in today. For some reason I hate washing white clothes. Love doing the others! Go figure.

I worked on my secretary work for the water system. I have to send out bills for everyone to pay after the first of the year. I'll be going to the bank off and on between January and March with payments.

I worked a little on the puzzle as well. It's almost done. I'll have to take another photo of it. It's been fun to work on. I really should get it done so I can put the case away. I have to wrap a couple gifts and that case is in the way. I'll just move it and wrap them tonight. They are for the guys at the bowling alley that have been really nice to us over the years.

I did get some quilting in.

I didn't get a lot done. I could have but wasn't in the mood for some reason. I did get started on the sashing and will work on the upper sashing tonight. If I don't play with the puzzle instead.

I'm thinking about what I did today....can't remember....don't think it was that long ago that I would forget it already! UGH. I did get two calls from my two doctors offices. One nurse called to say she sent the form off on my prescription to the insurance company. I've been working on this for 3 months now. Insurance said they would approve it if the paperwork didn't get to them by next month. Ticked me off I've been working on this or over three months. Oh, well. The other doctors office set me up for an appointment....in three months! Something about 3 months with me!

Back to what I was thinking....or was I thinking?! Anyway, kept busy but not doing much in the way of crafts. I tend to get distracted at times. I did watch the shows "Librarians" that I had on the DVR. Enjoyed that! Other than that....my mind is going!.....Can't remember what I did! (Other than laundry. Only because I really don't like doing it some days!)

So, while I keep thinking....I'll wish everyone the best this Holiday Season! I will also hook everyone up to a couple blogs - Life In Pieces and VROOMANS QUILTS. Both seem busy this holiday season! Keep it up and Happy Quilting!

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