Sunday, December 20, 2015

Getting Used to Ripping Things Out!

Today started out fast. I got up and played for about an hour. When Patrick got up he told me we would be leaving in about 30 mins. I had to get my shower and get ready to go.

We went to the Star Wars movie! It was AWESOME! Reminded me of the original movies. I won't give out the "surprise" in the movie. I did love it! We picked Phil up to join us. He had a good time and we had a good time with him. I enjoyed seeing him, since we see little of him these days.

Last night after I typed my blog, I worked on Phil's quilt. I was so ticked off at myself again!! I did the sashing between the two blocks on the left side.

I actually had it all quilted! Then I realized I hadn't done the sashing between the middle row and the bottom row....duh! When I ran my hand over the square that matches them up, it buckled! AGAIN. I thought I could keep going till I tightened the area to quilt.....nope, that doesn't work! So, after putting all that work in, it came out.

This time I am going to work on the top sashing and side sashing, marking as I go. I will do what I can before moving my hoop. One would think I never quilted before! I know better than that. I have done it twice so far.....let's see if I learned anything with this quilt when I get to the top row. I did finish the lower right side and it looks good.

Am I excited about finishing this and not paying attention? Am I just not paying attention? Good questions...thinking "yea to both" but who knows. The quilt has been waiting 20 years. Don't think another week is going to kill it. I'll try and behave this week and see if I can get it done.

Tomorrow is Brazilian embroidery. Then I'll come home and see what I can do with this quilt!

Tonight is bowling and we have a pot luck at the bowling alley. I'm hoping I can pick up my bowling and get some good games in. We won't do the exchange. We are taking my "other son" a container of cookies. I couldn't think of what to get him and I forgot to check with Phil to see what he could use. I'll work on that next year. I've called him my "son" for close to 10 years now. He's been a part of the family when Phil was in HS and when he was back home.

I'm still working on my stuff...getting back to the feeling of working on them without Charlie around. We talked about her the other day. Saying how we missed her and what she used to do when we were around. She would follow Patrick around in the yard and keep an eye on him. Every time he was out there, she wanted out to follow him. Otherwise she was following me around the house. I'm doing better, still missing her. Think of her while I'm Happy Quilting!

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