Saturday, December 26, 2015

Peace And Quiet Day

Today was a good day. We left early this morning to the casino. We played for a couple hour before coming back home. The traffic was slow but not bad.

When we got home, I pulled out my embroidery. I'm so close to finishing it, "I can taste it!"

I finished the flower. The photo looks good. I'm not happy with the petals, but that will come with time and practice. I do like the way this is coming out. Who knows, I may actually have one more thing done this year!

I'm not sure how to do the acorn piece. So, I'm practicing before actually doing it on the design. If it doesn't work, I saw a couple other acorn designs I could use.

Let's see if I can figure it out. Remember - lefty here! - AND dyslexic! - this is going to be fun to see how much more backwards I can do it - smiling.

We sat and watched a couple older movies. Both were in black and white. I love those movies! They are so much fun. We did start to watch one movie but it was too slow in the beginning that we changed to another movie.

I'm enjoying the quiet. I'm having fun working on my projects. I was thinking I need to pull out the cross stitch of a cat and finish it. I have about 1/3 of it done. I may do that yet! Phil's quilt will be next too.....okay which one....finish one then the other?....maybe on two at once....or three....that sounds more like me!

We got word yesterday that my Nephew is expecting his first child in Aug. Both Jason and Lisa called me last night. I'm excited. Trouble is, now I need to make something for them. I noticed I had some white and baby green yarn downstairs. May make an afghan for them. That usually goes fast. Oh, crap...ANOTHER project. Oh, well, I'm having fun! Happy Quilting.

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