Sunday, November 6, 2016

Interesting Day...........And Busy

Today I was up at 7 am and that was before we changed the clocks. So, technical I was up at 6 am. I didn't get a very good night sleep. I did my usual of relaxing and playing a few games on my tablet.

When Katt got up, I put the cinnamon rolls in the oven. Shortly after, Patrick woke up and I had him keep an eye on the rolls while I showered. They turned out awesome! Katt made the cream cheese frosting and it really made them good!

While Patrick and Katt were going through Katt's stored boxes, I worked on this block. I was able to finish it. I hope they like it. I'll be delivering it tomorrow.

This is a little closer - sorry to for my shadow on the bottom!

This is the other block I'm giving to the group for the quilt. I was thrilled to get it done for tomorrow. I washed and ironed them both.

I asked Katt to pick a Christmas Stocking she wanted me to make for her. She picked a penguin one.

I copied the pattern. Then I taped the pieces together so I could go and have them copied. I realized I didn't have the fabric I needed to start this tomorrow. But I do have it ready when I'm going to start this.

Had a guest will I was copying and pasting a couple patterns. I did three all together. All because I was trying to decide which one I would work on while at the hospital. The first two I wanted to do, I realized I didn't have the fabric I wanted to use with them. One was 28 ct linen. The other was 32 ct. Both were in the white color. I didn't have white, I have light green, light blue, yellow, pink, etc., in 14-18 ct aide. Not what I like working with anymore. Not sure what I will do. I can sell them but may use them yet. Yea I know, not like I need to start another project!! I was trying to stay with one cross stitch at a time....that's gone off the chart!

While I was down there, I pulled out the floss.

Made a mess on my table - as if it wasn't already messy! I went through my boxes of floss. Because I used some of them in one of the other patterns, I needed to go get more floss. So....I went to Staples to get copies of the Mayflower Sampler from Stoney Creek. Then I went to Michael's to get the floss and while I was there I got a smaller container for the floss I am taking, and another one for the scissors, pencils, markers, etc. I have floss to wrap, and that should keep me busy.

Got home and enjoyed a few minutes with the cat. Harley is Katt's cat, but my cat was the one I spent time with. Then I organized my stuff in a folder Patrick gave me.

I then worked on my cross stitch SAL. I ended up taking out what I put in the other day. Not one of  better days! Didn't get much done because we had bowling tonight.

I bowled AWFUL!  I dropped 4 pins in my average - not one game was at 150, if that tells anyone anything. Not telling how bad I did! Then I forgot my sweatshirt at the bowling alley, so texted Dan and asked him to bring it to me next week. He said he would.

I'm almost ready to go to the hospital with the folks tomorrow. I have my projects ready, and just need to get something to take my clothes in. Not looking forward to tomorrow and need to get moving asap. Mom and I will have to get lunch after we get up there, I'm thinking. We will find out if we need to get a hotel and if we do, will do that while dad's in the hospital for his procedure.

Okay, life is keeping me busy. Too much going on and my brain is working overtime. Will I be able to sleep tonight? Who knows......Happy Quilting!

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Lazy Day - All Day

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