Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Two Days In One!

Yesterday -

I was up early and ready to go. I went to the church to meet up with Phyllis. I waited a good 20 mins, sent a text - no answer. Rose went into the room and found they had already set up. I went and gave them the two blocks I finished for Felicia. Then I was off to the folks. I called and told them I was on the way! I arrived at the folks at 9:45 am and we were loading the car and on the way. I parked my car in the garage in case we had to say the night. We were on the freeway and to all our surprise, we got up to Seattle in "10 years ago time." It took us 1 hr 45 mins. In today's time, it takes a good 3 hours or more.

Outside the window of his doctors was this view of Seattle.

That is Smith's Tower and the Emergency entrance.

Dad told me what these building were, but can't remember. He told me stories of when he was growing up in Seattle. It was fun to hear how he drove on these roads. Plus he talked about what he did in that brick building when he had to come over to the North side.

Pre-op and appointment went all the way to 4 pm yesterday. We headed home about 4:30 pm.

So, I-5 was nothing but stop and go around Tacoma! We took longer getting home. We stopped in Olympia for supper. Mom thought she lost her car key, so we were 10 mins in the parking lot trying to find them. She put them in her bag, so we finally found them.

I came home to "Happy Mail!" I was thrilled to get my Ed-Mar threads that I got off clearance.

I worked on my SAL cross stitch when I got home. It was nice to know we didn't have to stay the night. We just have to go back on Dec 2nd and stay a night or two. Actually slept great last night.

Today -

It felt good to get a good night sleep. I was up about 7:30 am. Katt was already up. I went out and gave Miss Kitty some TLC. I really missed her. She missed me too because when I took her out of my lap to come back in, I wasn't quick enough, she climbed back in my lap.

I came back in to find Harley on my table!

I went downstairs and brought up my threads box for BE.

Then I marked my "keepers" with my clearance thread numbers and added them to my box. Most of these I had no clue what they looked like, but I love everything I got! I was thrilled to get that package.

Later this week, I need to look for threads and fabric for the Christmas Stocking. I need one linen fabric for the family history and  need one for the stocking. I'm not sure if I want the family tree in white. I may do it anyway. Same for Katt's stocking.

After lunch and finishing up the threads, we were off to the movie. We saw "Magnificent 7." I loved it!! Denzel Washington isn't Yul Brynner, but he was almost as good!

Came home and now we are watching AFV. No one wants to see how it's going with the election. We are all so sick of it, that we really don't care anymore. We voted, now it's up to the election. We may or may not be happy with the turn out, but we will deal with it, just like we have dealt with those in the past. This country needs better people to run for office. We will be in bad shape either way with this election. The sad part is that we will be breaking records either way.

Now I'm going to try and finish up my cross stitch SAL so I can get back to working on my Nantucket Rose piece. - I need to post on yahoo first! Oh, well.....Happy Quilting!

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