Friday, February 16, 2018

Enjoyed My Crafts Today!

Today was an early day. Got up with Patrick then went back to bed. Slept for another hour. He took care of the cinnamon rolls.

Got up and went to see Cherrill. She was up and ready to go. We chatted awhile, then I left.

Came home and cleaned up a little before sitting down with "Perry Mason" and my cross stitch.

I fixed the mistake I made on the border - check out yesterday's photo and you'll see where it was. This is moving along pretty quickly - when I'm able to work on it. I'm really pleased with it. The blue isn't showing up right. It's a brighter color than it shows here. I was thinking that from a distance, it's a little harder to see the design. BUT it's also out of my comfort zone, so I'm okay with that. Not sure what I'll do with it when it's finished, but I do like working on this one. It reminds me of the "Ink Circles" patterns.

After supper, I decided to take a break from cross stitching....

So, I pulled out my quilt. Actually - Katt's quilt. I got a few more lines done. I'll try to get a lot more done tonight. I really do need to work on this. The soon I get this done, the better. I know Katt's wanting it.

This is the back. As you can see, I have gotten quiet a bit done. I just need to keep going. Remember this is a KING size quilt. I do like having it wrapped around me when I'm sitting in the chair. Might as well get moving on it, because summer is going to be way too hot to work on it.

So, as the day goes on, I'm getting more done. I'm enjoying my crafts and have a list in my head that I need to get done. I really do need to get my "UFO's" and "WIP's" done. The only way to do that, is actually sit and do that! So, this is a start.

I hope your doing as much with your crafts, chances are your doing better than me. Let me know what your working on! Would love to hear from you! Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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