Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Back to Normal - I hope!

So, I'm back to normal - or so I hope! I've been getting back to what I normally do. Today was one of those days where I was on the run.

I met with Rose in town so she could give me her extra parsley plants. After picking them up, I went on over to my parents, because I had physical therapy today. I gave the plants to mom and dad. After that, I went to my therapy. Figured out I'm getting closer to fixing my back, but there are still problems. I need to work more on my back. The hip pains are from the back. So, I guess one can say, my "core" isn't there yet! I told my therapist that it's a 50 year old core that never happened. So, I'm trying to fix a "core" that never was! lol - Getting interesting.

After all that, I went back to mom's. Mom and I worked on more applique pieces to use on the blocks. Then we talked about the quilt that we are going to make for the "Gathering Place."

I was able to get this far last night. I brought home the wing for the other block that only needs one wing. Then I can call that one finished. I counted 5 done at mom's but I think we should be at 6 and not 5. Think mom had one by her chair, or maybe we are at 5. That would be the pits! lol - If I can finish this one tonight and the other one, then we'll be 2 more closer to being done. I have 4 more ready to be worked on.

I'm beginning to think about doing a blog of Charlie. She's really got the life!! She is out there sleeping on Patrick's swing. She couldn't make up her mind to come in or go out. She must have done the 'yo-yo' route. Then she stretches as she leaves the door!

I'm off to be Happy Quilting!

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