Friday, June 20, 2014

Sad Day -

Today was a good day to start...till I received a text from my brother. Facebook had the information on my cousin, Debbie. She passed away last night at 10 p.m. This is what my cousin, Cheri, had to say:

Dear FB family & friends. It is with a heavy heart that I ask for prayers for myself and my family. Our oldest sister passed away last night at 10:20. Pancreatic cancer took her from us very swiftly, only 2 1/2 months after being diagnosed. My husband, myself, and a niece were blessed to be with her for the past 3 days in the hospital. It has been a very emotional time for us, but full of tender, precious moments. She was the best person ever. Never had an enemy and not a mean bone in her body. She treated everyone the same. Never a kinder person than our Debby. She fought hard to the very last second. Sis, you are loved by so many! You will be forever in our hearts and the topic of many conversations to come. We miss you so much already. This is gonna be a rough road to walk for quite some time. You have always been there for me. I am lost without you. I'm so sorry you had to suffer this illness. You were the bravest of the brave, never complaining at all. Saying there was no pain, even when we knew there was. On top of the cancer, you somehow got hit with MRSA and your already compromised immune system just couldn't handle anymore. I am so sorry for your pain & suffering. Rest in peace, dear sweet sister. We love you so!

Debbie was an awesome person, who rarely was upset about anything. She always had a smile for everyone. She will be missed. We knew it was coming, but were surprised to see it on Facebook today. On top of that, I found out my Uncle's second wife passed away on the 10th. I haven't seen her since my Uncle's funeral. Guess she had water on the brain, which explains here craziness. This year hasn't been a good year.....

I was able to get more done on my blocks. I have the third one done with the exception of the missing body. I started the fourth one, and have two bodies done. I'll have more done tonight. 

I ordered some fabric from Red Rock Threads. They are selling out all their fabrics. I"m not getting anything out of this, I'm just telling you what a good deal I got! I bought $43 worth of fabric! I got a lot of fabrics that will work great with applique, and I got some oranges for Katt's quilt. Remember - that's the one on my guilt wall! - I got some green that will work great for leaves. AND I just had to buy some purple. The best part is paying only $5 for shipping. I could deal with that The fabrics I bought were $6.95 a yard! You can't buy yardage around here for less than $9. The best part - I received the fabric in the mail today!! I love packages! I want to open packages the minute they hit the house! I have a lot of issues having to wait for the person to come home and open their packages! lol 

I need to go downstairs and cut up the black and white fabrics as well. I'm not quite there yet, because of my mother-in-laws quilt. If she see this, then the surprise is no longer a surprise, but then she'll know I'm working on it! lol

May quilters out there be Happy Quilting!

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Casino Day!

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