Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day Out and About

Today has been a busy day at that. We started out getting ready for  bike ride. We were off and on the way to Tenino, WA. There is were we start our biking. We then bike 8 1/2 miles to Rainier, WA.

We stopped and had our "picnic" lunch. After a 20 minute stop we headed back to Tenino. I did have some problems with breathing while biking. I would get into the "woods" and then I couldn't breath. You should have seen me, "huff, huff, huff, I can do this, huff, huff." We stopped a couple times on the way, since I was huffing so much. It "bites" being allergic to so much stuff that we have in the state! I'm allergic to trees along with a lot of other stuff. I made it. It was fun and I did enjoy the ride. The fun part is when you get on the down hill areas, and your riding so much faster! The worst part is when "those bikers" pass you like your standing still! That's when you wonder if I just don't know how to bike, or if I'm just that bad at biking. No worries, that not stopping me from doing it again. We took 1 1/2 hrs going and coming back.

After biking, mom and dad where waiting for us at home. While we were waiting for them to finish their game of cribbage, we found a couple visitors....

Look closely and you'll see two deer. They seems to love the apple tree we have. While they were visiting - and I was taking photos from the deck - Patrick was clueless!

He was on the other side of the property, watering the garden.  Dad and I were chatting about how Patrick may or may not have seen the deer. I told dad, if he saw them, he would have chased them off the property - because they eat his flowers. lol - Dad thought he knew, I knew he didn't. 

They kept checking to see if he was paying attention too!

So, he walks back, and turns the water off - which is about 50 feet from where the deer were. He came up to the deck, - they were still there - and went in the house to get ready. As we leave, mom noticed they left, so she asked Patrick if he shoo'ed the deer off. You should have seen the look on his face! He didn't even know they were there! Dad laughed and said we were talking about it on the deck, and since he walked under the deck, he figured Patrick would have figured it out. NOPE, he had no clue!! And I thought I was the blonde one in this family!!

Too funny!

Okay, we then left for Longview, WA to eat out. We had a great meal at Red Lobster. Then came home. Mom and I played a game, then they left. Now, I'm tired! I still need to do my exercises and then I'm going to call it a night and read my book!

Mom and I figured out we have 10 blocks done so far. I gave her the three I finished (one has the missing body). The block I'm working on now needs two wings on and then it's done too.

Even though I wasn't quilting today, I will be tomorrow!

Mom gave me my great grandmother's needle "case." This is hand made and belonged to my great grandmother - who died at the age of 23. My grandfather was 2 years old when she passed of lock jaw. This is a treasure to me.

I know if she would have lived longer, we would have quilts made by her. I know one quilt that was made by her mother is in a museum in KS. My mother has seen it.

So, through the years, we all have been Happy Quilting!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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