Today has been a busy day. My brother and hubby went out golfing in the morning and I had the morning to myself.
Love having time to myself. Don't know why, but I do. I cleaned up some before they got back. Then afterward I vacuumed and laundry. We then went out for the afternoon and stopped and got a pizza. While we were leaving, noticed the "tent" at VF factory, and went over to see how much the Seattle Seahawk clothing was. I had to get some!! I ended up with a "hoodie" and a shirt. I have the shirt washing now, so I can wear it tomorrow! lol
I worked on this block last night. Looking at the photo, looks like I need to redo the "tips, because they are a bit off. lol - Must be because of the lighting at night and working on black. I'll fix them tonight. I'm down to my very last bit of floss, so I'm sure I can fix them and still have a small piece left. The block is looking a little better. Just wish my embroidery looked a little better. lol - I'll work on it tonight.
Still Happy Quilting!
This is a blog that shows my quilting, Brazilian embroidery, cross stitch, beading and more. It's a daily blog that shows how busy I can be with too many projects and how lazy I can get at times. Even boring at times. It was originally for my children who where miles away. Now, it's just a blog.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
Quilters that Give Away There Stuff
Okay, now what?! Went to our meeting today at mom's house. Wouldn't you know it, I arrived at mom's house to find about three other members already there. Bev told me when I arrived to go through all the patterns and books on the table and take what I wanted. She told everyone that, because she was cleaning up all her patterns and things. She wanted to get rid of what she wasn't going to use. NOT a good thing on my part!! I usually say, "thank you, but I'm good." Did I do that today?! NO!! I ended up with a few more books and patterns! THEN
on top of that, Nancy brings in this box of fabrics!! She puts the box in the middle of the floor and tells everyone to "help yourselves to free fabric." OUCH....I have plenty of fabric in the house!! Really, I do! But no, I had to get more fabric!! I saw fabrics that are pretty and would work great with applique......NOT SMART!!
Bev even had an Ott light, that doesn't work good with the battery, but works great plugged in. So, I took it. I can use it when I'm at a retreat.
So, check out the PILE of fabrics, patterns and books I ended up with!! Can you believe this?! As if I didn't have enough already! Now I have to put them on the boards and get them put in with the REST of my fabrics I have. WHEN AM I GOING TO LEARN! And I thought I was doing SO good!
That's how I feel right now! Ugh.
I marked the last AOTH block and I appliqued the sides of the basket in the basket block I'm working on. So, I'm defiantly Happy Quilting!
on top of that, Nancy brings in this box of fabrics!! She puts the box in the middle of the floor and tells everyone to "help yourselves to free fabric." OUCH....I have plenty of fabric in the house!! Really, I do! But no, I had to get more fabric!! I saw fabrics that are pretty and would work great with applique......NOT SMART!!
Bev even had an Ott light, that doesn't work good with the battery, but works great plugged in. So, I took it. I can use it when I'm at a retreat.
So, check out the PILE of fabrics, patterns and books I ended up with!! Can you believe this?! As if I didn't have enough already! Now I have to put them on the boards and get them put in with the REST of my fabrics I have. WHEN AM I GOING TO LEARN! And I thought I was doing SO good!
That's how I feel right now! Ugh.
I marked the last AOTH block and I appliqued the sides of the basket in the basket block I'm working on. So, I'm defiantly Happy Quilting!
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Quilt Group Day
Today was our quilt group day. I was really surprised at how many people showed up! We had 13 members there, and most of them even beat me there. Usually I'm the first one there. We are working on blocks for the pot luck next month.
While at our meeting, mom called and asked if Patrick and I would like to join them for supper. My father and brother were in Seattle and had crabs. They went fishing for crabs today, and came home with 10 crabs.
Each one bigger than the first.
So we all had a great meal! I went over to mom's after quilting and help set everything up for when everyone arrived.
Well worth it!! Now that's seafood!! I realize I can't get this in Michigan, but I can enjoy it while I can! lol
While at quilting I worked on getting my baskets going.
I finished the basket as far as appliqueing it down. Now I need to work on the flowers and leaves.
Katt's block took me awhile to get the basket basted down. I just need to applique it down now. I'm thinking of doing the sides, top and bottom before appliqueing down the weave. I think it will make things easier than doing it the way I did my block. I'll think about that. Might work on that tomorrow at our meeting at mom's house.
Today was one of those busy days that one doesn't plan. One thing leads to another and before I know it, whatever I had planned just didn't happen.
Tomorrow will be another day of Happy Quilting!
While at our meeting, mom called and asked if Patrick and I would like to join them for supper. My father and brother were in Seattle and had crabs. They went fishing for crabs today, and came home with 10 crabs.
Each one bigger than the first.
So we all had a great meal! I went over to mom's after quilting and help set everything up for when everyone arrived.
Well worth it!! Now that's seafood!! I realize I can't get this in Michigan, but I can enjoy it while I can! lol
While at quilting I worked on getting my baskets going.
I finished the basket as far as appliqueing it down. Now I need to work on the flowers and leaves.
Katt's block took me awhile to get the basket basted down. I just need to applique it down now. I'm thinking of doing the sides, top and bottom before appliqueing down the weave. I think it will make things easier than doing it the way I did my block. I'll think about that. Might work on that tomorrow at our meeting at mom's house.
Today was one of those busy days that one doesn't plan. One thing leads to another and before I know it, whatever I had planned just didn't happen.
Tomorrow will be another day of Happy Quilting!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
A Day at the Dentist - UGH
This morning I spend the morning in a dental chair. I had to prepare for a cap on my tooth in the back. I was not thrilled to say the least! I ended up tightening up for about 2 hours. Not the most fun I've had, but then it wasn't near as bad as it was when I had my braces taken off. That was the day I found out the doctors doing my braces didn't bother to tell me I had to see the dentist! So, 7 cavities later......Bad memory...sorry. ;-)
When I got home today, I didn't feel like doing anything - and I mean anything! It reminded me of the time I would get "depressed" and go hide on the computer. Felt that way today, and couldn't believe it affected me like that. I still have to go back in a couple weeks for the last step. Not looking forward to it.
I did work more on the cross stitch but didn't get a lot done. I am going to work on the basket block as well. I have quilting tomorrow and Friday.
I will try and mark the embroidery areas for this on Friday. Mom has the stuff I need to do this with. I would love to have it done by the weekend.
I'm going to work on this block tomorrow at our group meeting. I need to grab a few pieces of fabric to take with me. I will need to put another leaf where the one is on the basket, as I didn't do the basket part right. I needed to just do the whole basket, so I wouldn't miss any areas, but I missed where the leaf went. So now I need to cover the open area. I'm just now appliqueing the top part of the basket, so the "tips" will be cut back and covered.
I'm getting excited for the weather to cool down some, so I can pull the Hawaiian quilt out and finish the hand quilting on it. Mom's (in-laws) quilt is still at Kathleen A's. She was busy with the fairs that are going on around here. I hope we can have it back by the first of Sept.
Mom and I will do the hand quilting as soon as we get it back.
Today was a "downer" day, but hopefully tomorrow will be one of those days I'm Happy Quilting!
When I got home today, I didn't feel like doing anything - and I mean anything! It reminded me of the time I would get "depressed" and go hide on the computer. Felt that way today, and couldn't believe it affected me like that. I still have to go back in a couple weeks for the last step. Not looking forward to it.
I did work more on the cross stitch but didn't get a lot done. I am going to work on the basket block as well. I have quilting tomorrow and Friday.
I will try and mark the embroidery areas for this on Friday. Mom has the stuff I need to do this with. I would love to have it done by the weekend.
I'm going to work on this block tomorrow at our group meeting. I need to grab a few pieces of fabric to take with me. I will need to put another leaf where the one is on the basket, as I didn't do the basket part right. I needed to just do the whole basket, so I wouldn't miss any areas, but I missed where the leaf went. So now I need to cover the open area. I'm just now appliqueing the top part of the basket, so the "tips" will be cut back and covered.
I'm getting excited for the weather to cool down some, so I can pull the Hawaiian quilt out and finish the hand quilting on it. Mom's (in-laws) quilt is still at Kathleen A's. She was busy with the fairs that are going on around here. I hope we can have it back by the first of Sept.
Mom and I will do the hand quilting as soon as we get it back.
Today was a "downer" day, but hopefully tomorrow will be one of those days I'm Happy Quilting!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Had Plans - Just didn't happen
I love days where I have ideas of what I need to do. Yep, NEED to do, and then don't do any of them. lol - I will try and do some of them tonight. I just took the day off for myself. That's rare, but I did enjoy getting my pogo games done. lol
Last night I got a little farther on the cross stitch. I'm enjoying working on it. I know I need to get back to quilting and will pull out a few to work on. I need to get them ready. Don't know what I'll do when my finger will be out of commission. Not looking forward to it. Just hope it's quick, easy, and not complications.
Hoping tonight will be another day of Happy Quilting.
Last night I got a little farther on the cross stitch. I'm enjoying working on it. I know I need to get back to quilting and will pull out a few to work on. I need to get them ready. Don't know what I'll do when my finger will be out of commission. Not looking forward to it. Just hope it's quick, easy, and not complications.
Hoping tonight will be another day of Happy Quilting.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Busy Day
Today was a busy day. Forgot how much "sh**" one has to do when one gets back from 2 weeks of fun.
I had a doctors appointment today to figure out what to do with my finger on my left hand. I have a bump on the middle finger, that is painful. So, we talked about it today, and I decided they can go in and remove it. It will take me 7-10 days of recovery, so bowling is out till the stitches are out. I will go in on the 4th to have it removed. Not looking forward to it.
Took Patrick his phone, since he forgot it this morning. After the doctors appointment went to mom's and gave her the pattern I bought for her. I also played a couple games with her on the computer. She was asking for help. I left around noon and went to the eye doctors to pickup my glasses. I'm still not too crazy about them, but everyone else seems to like them. Sent a selfie to Katt to see what she thought. I need to work on "selfies" as she "texted" back what mistakes I took when taking the photo. lol
While at the doctors, I was able to get some of the basket done. Not a lot, but it was the only thing I had ready to work on. I need to mark the last block of the Affairs of the Heart to do the embroidery. I also need to get ready to do the border of the AOTH quilt.
Since I've been home, I've been working on this cross stitch. It's getting along nicely. I've started on the cat, which you can see coming along. I really like the way it's coming along, and at times I try to decided where I'm going to go next.
I went next door to play cribbage and see who Flo is doing. She's the one with stage 3 cancer in her lungs. She was off getting her hair done, and the good news is that she has a positive attitude with all this. She acts like this is in her way of what she has planned, and wants to get it over with. I love her attitude and she has everyone around her positive! Patrick's Uncle has bone marrow cancer, and we where thankful for the time we had with him while we were in MI. Hopefully he will be there when we go back.
I made a dessert last night, and was disappointed! It didn't turn out as good as it looked. Patrick's not eating it - can't blame him! - so this may end up in the trash in a couple days. When something is good around here, it goes fast.
Life is good, and I'm still Happy Quilting!
I had a doctors appointment today to figure out what to do with my finger on my left hand. I have a bump on the middle finger, that is painful. So, we talked about it today, and I decided they can go in and remove it. It will take me 7-10 days of recovery, so bowling is out till the stitches are out. I will go in on the 4th to have it removed. Not looking forward to it.
Took Patrick his phone, since he forgot it this morning. After the doctors appointment went to mom's and gave her the pattern I bought for her. I also played a couple games with her on the computer. She was asking for help. I left around noon and went to the eye doctors to pickup my glasses. I'm still not too crazy about them, but everyone else seems to like them. Sent a selfie to Katt to see what she thought. I need to work on "selfies" as she "texted" back what mistakes I took when taking the photo. lol
While at the doctors, I was able to get some of the basket done. Not a lot, but it was the only thing I had ready to work on. I need to mark the last block of the Affairs of the Heart to do the embroidery. I also need to get ready to do the border of the AOTH quilt.
Since I've been home, I've been working on this cross stitch. It's getting along nicely. I've started on the cat, which you can see coming along. I really like the way it's coming along, and at times I try to decided where I'm going to go next.
I went next door to play cribbage and see who Flo is doing. She's the one with stage 3 cancer in her lungs. She was off getting her hair done, and the good news is that she has a positive attitude with all this. She acts like this is in her way of what she has planned, and wants to get it over with. I love her attitude and she has everyone around her positive! Patrick's Uncle has bone marrow cancer, and we where thankful for the time we had with him while we were in MI. Hopefully he will be there when we go back.
I made a dessert last night, and was disappointed! It didn't turn out as good as it looked. Patrick's not eating it - can't blame him! - so this may end up in the trash in a couple days. When something is good around here, it goes fast.
Life is good, and I'm still Happy Quilting!
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Back Home!
After 10 days of being in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, we arrived home last night around 11 pm. We dropped our luggage and went to bed. I was up at 6 am today. You'd think I'd sleep after the long day we had yesterday.
Patrick took his bowling ball on the plane. You should have seen the looks he was getting for taking on a bowling ball. One guy even asked him why he was taking a bowling ball on "carry on." He told him he flew 2000 miles to get a bowling ball fitted because the "pros" around here don't know how to drill a ball. (My ball works great). You should have heard him when we were trading planes! "I should have gotten a lighter ball."
I will miss Max, but the I have Charlie, whom I missed a great deal.
We did a lot of traveling around the area. I was able to see Green Bay and where Patrick grew up. It was a small city compared to what is around here. I loved the water front and enjoyed the time he showed me where he grew up. I wish at times I could do the same, but since I traveled all my life, that wouldn't be possible.
The packer stadium is huge. We ate at Kole's across the street from here. We stopped here when we toured the city on a Friday, and then when we came back before the flight out, it cost us double for the food that we ordered. We ordered the same thing both times, and because there was a Packer game last night, the prices were double!
The other day we toured the train museum, and like I said before, I was disappointed. But my photo's turned out pretty good.
Patrick on the look out of a train 40 plus years old.
I took a photo of this bench because I liked the wording on it.
This is poison ivy! I never did figure out what it looked like till we took that walk at Door County. They had a sign showing everyone what it looked like. I now know what I got into when I was a lot younger and playing in the woods! lol
I was able to get this photo while driving in Door County, WI. I saw at least 4 different quilt designs but didn't get a chance to get a photo of the others. One was a crazy quilt! I had to get Patrick to pull over so I could get this photo!
This is the troll that guards the house by the restaurant we couldn't get into. This was in Sisters, Door County, WI.
I thought we had a lot of construction work in our area, but Green Bay really knows how to do it up BIG! They stretched their construction work a good 10-20 miles!! It was the longest construction work I have ever seen!
Yesterday on the way to Green Bay, and still in Escanaba, we found 5 older Ford cars going off on a trip. It was awesome to see, and they had kids in the back of a couple of the cars. It was probably a club that was traveling around the country side for the day.
Loved the clouds as we flew over them. OH! I accidentally walked into the men's room in Detroit!! I saw the "men" sign on one side of the wall, and walked around the center to the other side - like most rest room have - men on one side, women on the other! - When I saw the gentleman changing his shirt I knew I was in the wrong room!! I'm glad it wasn't crowded in there! I was embarrassed at first, then I had to laugh! I did find the women's room, and went there.
Okay, now I can show you all the goodies I bought at the 4 quilt shops I went to. These are from the quilt shop in Escanaba, MI.
The one yesterday was AWESOME!! I went to the quilt shop in Marinette, WI and I loved it!! It was the best one out of all the shops I went to. At first I thought it was just quilts for sale. BUT NO! It was a shop! And it had a waiting room for Patrick to sit in with magazines for men!! Loved it, and even Patrick said it was a great shop.
I picked this up at Marinette.
As well as this one. I loved the applique patterns she had. She also has a BOM coming up in January that is of Birds. It's pretty and I'm thinking of joining that one too!!
I bought these fabrics at the Quilt Barn in Sturgeon, WI.
This is the pattern I got there. I'm giving that to mom as a gift.
This one is also from Sturgeon. I was telling you about this in an earlier post.
This is the one I got in Escanaba. I'm giving this to a friend of ours that collects chickens and roosters.
I bought this fabric for backgrounds. It was the only thing I bought in Marquette, MI.
This was the row 'round robin pattern from Marquette.
All of this is from Marinette! I had so much fun looking at fabrics and seeing all those patterns. They even had a wall hanging that was applique of the Green Bay Packers. I almost bought that as well!! I had fun going over all the fabrics and patterns I purchased on vacation. I have more fabrics for the next quilt I want to start, but that will be later. I'm excited to be back to be Happy Quilting!
Patrick took his bowling ball on the plane. You should have seen the looks he was getting for taking on a bowling ball. One guy even asked him why he was taking a bowling ball on "carry on." He told him he flew 2000 miles to get a bowling ball fitted because the "pros" around here don't know how to drill a ball. (My ball works great). You should have heard him when we were trading planes! "I should have gotten a lighter ball."
I will miss Max, but the I have Charlie, whom I missed a great deal.
We did a lot of traveling around the area. I was able to see Green Bay and where Patrick grew up. It was a small city compared to what is around here. I loved the water front and enjoyed the time he showed me where he grew up. I wish at times I could do the same, but since I traveled all my life, that wouldn't be possible.
The packer stadium is huge. We ate at Kole's across the street from here. We stopped here when we toured the city on a Friday, and then when we came back before the flight out, it cost us double for the food that we ordered. We ordered the same thing both times, and because there was a Packer game last night, the prices were double!
The other day we toured the train museum, and like I said before, I was disappointed. But my photo's turned out pretty good.
Patrick on the look out of a train 40 plus years old.
I took a photo of this bench because I liked the wording on it.
This is poison ivy! I never did figure out what it looked like till we took that walk at Door County. They had a sign showing everyone what it looked like. I now know what I got into when I was a lot younger and playing in the woods! lol
I was able to get this photo while driving in Door County, WI. I saw at least 4 different quilt designs but didn't get a chance to get a photo of the others. One was a crazy quilt! I had to get Patrick to pull over so I could get this photo!
This is the troll that guards the house by the restaurant we couldn't get into. This was in Sisters, Door County, WI.
I thought we had a lot of construction work in our area, but Green Bay really knows how to do it up BIG! They stretched their construction work a good 10-20 miles!! It was the longest construction work I have ever seen!
Yesterday on the way to Green Bay, and still in Escanaba, we found 5 older Ford cars going off on a trip. It was awesome to see, and they had kids in the back of a couple of the cars. It was probably a club that was traveling around the country side for the day.
Loved the clouds as we flew over them. OH! I accidentally walked into the men's room in Detroit!! I saw the "men" sign on one side of the wall, and walked around the center to the other side - like most rest room have - men on one side, women on the other! - When I saw the gentleman changing his shirt I knew I was in the wrong room!! I'm glad it wasn't crowded in there! I was embarrassed at first, then I had to laugh! I did find the women's room, and went there.
Okay, now I can show you all the goodies I bought at the 4 quilt shops I went to. These are from the quilt shop in Escanaba, MI.
The one yesterday was AWESOME!! I went to the quilt shop in Marinette, WI and I loved it!! It was the best one out of all the shops I went to. At first I thought it was just quilts for sale. BUT NO! It was a shop! And it had a waiting room for Patrick to sit in with magazines for men!! Loved it, and even Patrick said it was a great shop.
I picked this up at Marinette.
As well as this one. I loved the applique patterns she had. She also has a BOM coming up in January that is of Birds. It's pretty and I'm thinking of joining that one too!!
I bought these fabrics at the Quilt Barn in Sturgeon, WI.
This is the pattern I got there. I'm giving that to mom as a gift.
This one is also from Sturgeon. I was telling you about this in an earlier post.
This is the one I got in Escanaba. I'm giving this to a friend of ours that collects chickens and roosters.
I bought this fabric for backgrounds. It was the only thing I bought in Marquette, MI.
This was the row 'round robin pattern from Marquette.
All of this is from Marinette! I had so much fun looking at fabrics and seeing all those patterns. They even had a wall hanging that was applique of the Green Bay Packers. I almost bought that as well!! I had fun going over all the fabrics and patterns I purchased on vacation. I have more fabrics for the next quilt I want to start, but that will be later. I'm excited to be back to be Happy Quilting!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Getting Stuff Done
Today was yet another day to relax. Patrick and his father went out and played 9 holes of golf. Mom and I baked a cake.
I did finish the qpplique block. This is the last block of the Affairs of the Heart. Now I need to do the embroidery.
Once I finished that block, I worked on the cross stitch. I'm happy with the way things are going.
I still have missed stitches that I'll fill in when I get the chance. I've started on the cat today. I won't be doing any cross stitch tomorrow because we'll be heading home. We fly out tomorrow afternoon.
I've had a great time here in the UP. I look forward to getting back home but at the same time I will miss the family here.
May your day be awesome, and I'll see you on Saturday when we are back home. May you have a day of being Happy Quilting.
I did finish the qpplique block. This is the last block of the Affairs of the Heart. Now I need to do the embroidery.
Once I finished that block, I worked on the cross stitch. I'm happy with the way things are going.
I still have missed stitches that I'll fill in when I get the chance. I've started on the cat today. I won't be doing any cross stitch tomorrow because we'll be heading home. We fly out tomorrow afternoon.
I've had a great time here in the UP. I look forward to getting back home but at the same time I will miss the family here.
May your day be awesome, and I'll see you on Saturday when we are back home. May you have a day of being Happy Quilting.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Trip to Marquette
Patrick and I took a road trip to Marquette, MI. It was a good drive from Gladstone. We did stop off at Alley Kat Quilt Shop. I picked up the row pattern and 3 yards of fabric for a background. I'm really surprised there realy isn't a lot of applique up in this area. All three shops had very little in way of applique. I am surprised that both row patterns are applique.
We went to Lake Superior. The view is awesome!
They have signs for no swimming. They do have stations like this for emergencies.
This lake is pretty and rocky compared to Lake Michigan that is more sandy. I did notice the restrooms here are cleaner and well kept for parks. Reststops here are waste sides and it makes me laugh, no toilets.
I've been getting a lot done on the cross stitch. Hopefully I'll keep this up when we get back. OH! I had 1 gb for my camera, and it got filled up in no time. We had to go to Shopko for another one since I left my 8gb behind. Ugh! Was so ticked when I found out I didn't have my 8gb. Then again blondie here has been known to forget the stuff she needs.
At least I have something to work on while I'm here.
In the meantime, I'm enjoying the Upper Peninsula (UP).🇺🇸
Go support your favorite quilt shop and may you be Happy Quilting.
We went to Lake Superior. The view is awesome!
They have signs for no swimming. They do have stations like this for emergencies.
This lake is pretty and rocky compared to Lake Michigan that is more sandy. I did notice the restrooms here are cleaner and well kept for parks. Reststops here are waste sides and it makes me laugh, no toilets.
I've been getting a lot done on the cross stitch. Hopefully I'll keep this up when we get back. OH! I had 1 gb for my camera, and it got filled up in no time. We had to go to Shopko for another one since I left my 8gb behind. Ugh! Was so ticked when I found out I didn't have my 8gb. Then again blondie here has been known to forget the stuff she needs.
At least I have something to work on while I'm here.
In the meantime, I'm enjoying the Upper Peninsula (UP).🇺🇸
Go support your favorite quilt shop and may you be Happy Quilting.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
A Quiet Tuesday
Today is a quiet day. Did a lot of the same as yesterday.
Last night I had this much of the cross stitch done. It's slowly showing the flowers. The one thing about this kit I don't like is the way the floss is organized. I have to look at the pattern for the symbol, then look at the number that goes with the symbol, THEN check my list to see what color goes with the number.
This afternoon I was able to get quiet a bit done. It's starting to take shaoe. Now you can tell they are flowers.
We went out to eat today and I ordered the special - sirlion steak and shrimp. Steak was good. I will say people up here in the U.P. know how to cook a steak! As for shrimp, uh, nah. The shrimp I had was "fishy." plus I only got 2!! I couldn't help laughing over 2 shrimp!
Had to take a photo and send it to my daughter. Think she laughed harder than I did. Guess us Washingtonians are spoiled when it comes to shrimp and crab.
Patrick and I passed these deer on the way into town around noon. We passed them again tonight on the way back from supper. A mother with her two fawns.
If you think my Charlie is spoiled, you haven't met Max. This is Patricks mom holding Max, a good way back from supper. We drive an hr to the restaurant! Max knows howto enjoy himself.
This is a group shot of Patricks brother, Dennis, his wife Christine, myself, and Patrick. We all had a great time at supper tonight.
Patrick and I are taking another road trip around the U.P. Hopefully I'll get to a couple mre quilt shops, but that depends on Patrick. Lol
Looking forward to seeing quilt shops to be Happy Quilting!
Last night I had this much of the cross stitch done. It's slowly showing the flowers. The one thing about this kit I don't like is the way the floss is organized. I have to look at the pattern for the symbol, then look at the number that goes with the symbol, THEN check my list to see what color goes with the number.
This afternoon I was able to get quiet a bit done. It's starting to take shaoe. Now you can tell they are flowers.
We went out to eat today and I ordered the special - sirlion steak and shrimp. Steak was good. I will say people up here in the U.P. know how to cook a steak! As for shrimp, uh, nah. The shrimp I had was "fishy." plus I only got 2!! I couldn't help laughing over 2 shrimp!
Had to take a photo and send it to my daughter. Think she laughed harder than I did. Guess us Washingtonians are spoiled when it comes to shrimp and crab.
Patrick and I passed these deer on the way into town around noon. We passed them again tonight on the way back from supper. A mother with her two fawns.
If you think my Charlie is spoiled, you haven't met Max. This is Patricks mom holding Max, a good way back from supper. We drive an hr to the restaurant! Max knows howto enjoy himself.
This is a group shot of Patricks brother, Dennis, his wife Christine, myself, and Patrick. We all had a great time at supper tonight.
Patrick and I are taking another road trip around the U.P. Hopefully I'll get to a couple mre quilt shops, but that depends on Patrick. Lol
Looking forward to seeing quilt shops to be Happy Quilting!
Monday, August 18, 2014
A Day To With Family
Today was a day to relax ith family. Patrick's sister wasn't able to get on the early this morning, so she spent time with us instead. She took Patrick and I out for lunch before catching the next flight out.
Today I pulled out the cross stitch i started the other day. Gusswhat was missing?! Yep, the needle. I should know how to put a needle in fabric, that wouldn't loose a needle, but NO, not me. After lunch Patrick and I went to the post office, Staples (returning), and then Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart was for needles to replace the ONE needle I lost.
This was my starting point for today.
I wanted to show you one of the patterns I bought yesterday. This one is for mom.
Today I pulled out the cross stitch i started the other day. Gusswhat was missing?! Yep, the needle. I should know how to put a needle in fabric, that wouldn't loose a needle, but NO, not me. After lunch Patrick and I went to the post office, Staples (returning), and then Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart was for needles to replace the ONE needle I lost.
This was my starting point for today.
This is how much got done today so far. It's coming along nicely.
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Presentation Day & Genealogy
This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet. Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...

We were up at 6 am and out the door by 6:45 am. My first appointment was at 8 am. We were early and actually got in early for my next 2 app...
Yesterday - Patrick had a rough night. I was watching him fall back in bed when he got up. I told him I would call 911 and he told me he w...