Sunday, August 10, 2014

Not Much going on Yet.

Today was a little bit busy, not as much as it could have been. I worked on the laundry. Even put some out on the line, and Patrick went to get it off the line since I left the other stuff on the line for 4 days. lol - Completely forgot I had towels out there! Love my hubby!

This is a kit mom brought back from her cruise for me. I'm excited about this one! I need to behave and not look at it for awhile. I don't need to start another project! At least, that's what I keep telling myself. Now the fun part - how long will I be willing to let it sit before getting started on it?!

I picked up all this floss and nylon thread at the garage sale. One of the other "sellers" was selling this with a lot more, for $2. I bought the box and then I took out what I didn't want and put it back out for sale. Got a lot of DMC pearl cotton floss.

I also picked up this light box. Not sure if I want it or not, but if I don't, I can give it to another quilter. I think this will help me out, at least I'm hoping!

I did get started on the third corner of my last block. It's looking good. I'm a lot happier with this block than I was with the one I started before taking it all out.

We went to the movies today to see "Into The Storm" and I was actually disappointed in it. It was along the lines of "reality TV" and movie mixed together. I would have rather had a movie and not reality TV mix. It was good, just not great.

Life is good and I'm still Happy Quilting.

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