Saturday, August 30, 2014

Another Good Day

Today has been a busy day. My brother and hubby went out golfing in the morning and I had the morning to myself.

Love having time to myself. Don't know why, but I do. I cleaned up some before they got back. Then afterward I vacuumed and laundry. We then went out for the afternoon and stopped and got a pizza. While we were leaving, noticed the "tent" at VF factory, and went over to see how much the Seattle Seahawk clothing was. I had to get some!! I ended up with a "hoodie" and a shirt. I have the shirt washing now, so I can wear it tomorrow! lol

I worked on this block last night. Looking at the photo, looks like I need to redo the "tips, because they are a bit off. lol - Must be because of the lighting at night and working on black. I'll fix them tonight. I'm down to my very last bit of floss, so I'm sure I can fix them and still have a small piece left. The block is looking a little better. Just wish my embroidery looked a little better. lol - I'll work on it tonight.

Still Happy Quilting!

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