Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Getting Ready for Garage Sale!

Today was a pretty good day. I got a lot done. One of the things I did get done was pricing all the garage sale stuff. We are having a garage sale this weekend, so it should be pretty good. Took me a couple hours of pricing.

Stuff the stuff in boxes! lol - love the way that came out.

My big mess of putting prices out, and going through stuff. This is mom's mess. Must be nice knowing your daughter will do all the work for the garage sale.

They won't even be around. They are still on their cruise. Talked to them the last couple days. They were sick the first 2 days of the cruise. So, they were quarantined till about 9 pm Monday night. They finally got to check out the ship! lol - Count on mom to get sick on the cruise! lol

Just love these flowers! Was checking them out when I was working on the garage sale stuff.

After working on the the pricing, I decided to get back to the Affairs of the Heart quilt block.

This is were I got last night, after taking out all the pieces I already had on it. I couldn't believe I had such mess with the block when I first worked on it.

Before Patrick got home, I was able to get this much done. In between laundry, dishes, and playing games. I'm working on one of the flower pieces now. I'm a lot happier with this block now that I redid it. I told everyone I would NOT take it apart and start over. Guess what I did?! I did exactly what I said I wouldn't do! UGH!

Once this gets done, I can get started on the hearts that go in the border.

Love the way peppers grow! Patrick has this one in a pot out on the deck.

His flowers are awesome! They are growing great, and I hope they won't be dead when we get back.

Things are going great. I'm able to work on more of my applique blocks. I have more UFO's to get done, so hopefully I'll have one more done before the year is over. I'm feeling pretty good about having 3 UFO's done this year. That means I can actually start one more, but I'm not going to right now. I will do the cross stitch while at my in-laws. Looking forward to starting that. I still plan on being Happy Quilting!

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