Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Another Quilt Meeting Day

Today was another quilt meeting day. I had to take my neighbor to the doctor, but that wasn't till the afternoon. I worked fast and got ready to head over to the Mt. St. Helen's group to spend a couple hours with them.

I worked on the block for Betty. I put the stems on the block and started with the basket. It's coming along pretty nicely.

I did take my neighbor to the doctors. Talked with my daughter-in-law part of the time and the other part, worked on the basket part of this block. I had the stems done at the meeting. I took my Hawaiian quilt to show, and was reminded to take it next week. They want me to enter it into the Fair this year, not sure if I will.

Tomorrow is going to be interesting, as it's going to be a day at home because of the procedure I have on Thursday. Should be interesting if I get anything going.

OH! I signed up for Nancy Lee Chongs online class! I couldn't believe I did that! But I'm excited about doing it, as it's a Celtic table runner. Should be fun and hopefully quick. LOL - Yea right! The Academy of Quilting has a lot of great classes one can take. I did get a "cheaper" price on Nancys class! I was surprised! The best news is that it doesn't start till the 30th, and for $31 it's worth the price. I have had to pay $75 for her classes in the past, so for $31, I'm in! She even has a class for her 2 fabric applique. Check out the sight! It's worth looking into. AND YES, I'm going to be having fun and Happy Quilting!

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