Saturday, January 3, 2015

Slow Moving

Today was another one of those days. We went out to the movies - "Into The Woods" - and I recommend seeing that movie. It was different, but at the same time it was weird, funny, and interesting. A movie you didn't know what was coming. I really liked it. After the movie, we went grocery shopping. Amazing how prices have gone up on butter, cheese, and milk. I was surprised the sour cream hadn't gone up as much as the other stuff did.

I've been doing pretty good lately. I have been having trouble with my tooth - yep, another thing I have to worry about. Guess I'm not lucky in the last couple months. I had a filling fall out with part of my tooth. All this thankfully of having braces when I was a teenager, and the military didn't both to tell me I had to see a dentist as well. So, after 4 years of braces, I ended up with 7 cavities. Never had them till that happened. So, after all these years, my one filling gave way, and took out part of my tooth. I went into the dentist around the 12th of December. Since it didn't hurt, they let me go home and made my appointment for a "cap" at the end of this month. Well, since then, more has broken off, and more tooth has "fallen off." I'm beginning to wonder if I will have a tooth by the time I go in. All this, and still having trouble with my shoulder! So, between my shoulder, tooth, and stomach issues, I'm health - at least I hope I am! lol  No worries here! I decided I could live with the shoulder pain and do the posts as often as I want to.

Last night I worked on the Hawaiian quilt. Charlie isn't happy with me, because I'm not using a hoop that she can climb under.

I love the way she looks when she can't get under the quilt. So, last night we found a spot where the quilt had an "air hole" and went under it. Then she stretched and gave me one of her "pitty" looks. Took a photo when she decided to quit watching me. 

This is a bad photo, I know, but I took it to show the area I completed last night. That hump is done, and I'm now working on the curve area, then another hump comes up before getting to the corner. I'm thinking my binding is lined up right, but won't know till I get done. It's coming along great, and I'm getting excited with every area that I complete. 

I have been thinking of what I need to work on while away from the quilt. Tuesday's, Thursday's, and Friday's, I need to have something to work on that doesn't take a ton of supplies. I also need to think about what I'm going to do at the retreat in May. I have the pieces for the quilt that I was cutting pieces for and can't remember the name of that quilt. I also have the old quilt blocks that I started over 10 years ago. (Yep, I have a LOT of those, that were started over 10 years ago!) I have the blocks on the guilt wall, and I have the Baltimore Liberty quilt blocks, as well as the Dresden Plate pieces that are being appliqued to blocks. That's just a few things I need to do. THEN, there is that quilt I have in my head, that I want to start!! I need to figure out what I want to do! BUT I'm one of those people that can't make up my MIND! OH, let's not forget the cross stitch I started while in MI, AND the afghan I want to do for my nephew and his wife. What should I do??? What am I going to do?? UGH! 

Well, I do know I'm going to finish the Hawaiian, and after that I need to finish the butterfly quilt on the frame downstairs, so that's a start. I can honestly say, I'm going to be busy and Happy Quilting!

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All Day At Garage Sale

Today, I had to be at the garage sale before it opened. I had the cash box and had to give it out.  Arrived early and helped a bit. Then whe...