Monday, January 12, 2015

Better Day Than Thought!

As the day goes on, I'm finding the day to be a heck of a lot better than I had thought it would.

Started out sleeping in! Then I went next door and played cribbage and had breakfast with him. He wants me to go over and breakfast with him every day, and I can't do that. So, I need to find a way to tell him I can't do breakfast with him anymore.

After that, I had time to kill before my doctors appointment. I went downstairs, and TRIED to start the fireplace. No such luck. My gas fireplace refused to light. I am going to have Patrick deal with it this time.

I did work downstairs for about an hour and a half, till Patrick came home.

I was able to get the basting on for the basket block. Remember this is a "back basting" applique block. I was trying to figure what colors I could you on this quilt, because Katt told me NO purple or blue. Well, she's have to suck it up, because a couple of the blocks already have purple and blue. I'm making sure to "cut back" on the purples and blues. Doesn't bother me, I'll just put the blues and purples on mine! (actually happy about that!)

While I was basting - Charlie had to inspect it. She wanted my attention and wasn't going to let me get away. I had to move her bed (sitting on it) so she wouldn't be laying on my block. She wanted attention more than she wanted to "let" me work on projects. It was cold down there. Patrick will fix it so I can use it tomorrow.

I pulled out the P3 Design's BOM blocks for this month. Picked out the colors for the basket block and ironed the freezer paper to the fabric. 

I had a little problem with the rounded edges of the basket. I went ahead and ironed the seam allowance and placed the basket on the block. I think I'm going to sew that down before I do the flower. I want to be able to fix it with applique work. Then I will know if it will work when I do the others. I'm trying to iron the seam allowance and use glue to put the pieces together before applique. I'm still thinking about how to do it, and it's funny, I find myself going back to my method. I need to relax and enjoy what I'm doing. 

I'll get to quilt tonight in front of the TV. Don't think it's going to be College Football, even though it's the OR Ducks. I quiet paying attention to college games since we left Pullman (WSU). My kids didn't do college games much, other than the games they saw as students. 

Once I get the quilt done, I can work on the basket blocks and the blocks for next months group meeting at the Mt St Helen's group. I have the basket block for Betty, my guilt wall block, and the new mini basket blocks. For those of you that don't remember what my guilt wall looks like...

There is more on the wall, so will take another photo later for you to get the idea. Three different projects are showing here.

My doctors appointment (cardiologist) went well. I don't have to go back for another year. I'm still high on cholesterol but I was a few lbs higher too. We talked about what I need to do to get my cholesterol down, and he told me I should try and get rid of all carbs. I'm not quiet there, because I slipped up with eating bread again. I will work on cutting it out as much as I did with the potatoes. This is hard, but I know I have to do it. We stopped at the store on the way home, and picked up oranges, and other things I can eat. Life changes take a lot, and temptations are out there.  If I can behave and pay attention to what I'm doing, I should be even more than just Happy Quilting!

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