Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Back on Schedule....I hope!

Yesterday wasn't much to report. We spent the day at my parents, so  was't able to get any quilting done.

Today was a different story. I was able to send the morning to myself. Then had to head over to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned and FINALLY get my cap put on. I sat there a little less tease, but still tease. Once that was over, I was thrilled. It felt a little differently but over all I'm glad that's over.

I called mom (she told me to) and told her I was done. I also told her I would meet her at Sister's quilt shop in town but if she was going to be longer than 20 mins I would go home. She said she'd be there, and I went to the grocery store before meeting her. Hard to believe she was entering the shop as I was parking. That really surprised me, as she's usually making me wait. We looked for fabric to go with the baby quilt we designed for my nephew. While we were there, we picked up another panel for a baby quilt. We also got the background for both panels for the other two baby quilts. I was amazed at the cost of the fabric! I remember when we used to go buy fabric for at least two BIG quilts and it would cost about $80 total. Today, it cost more than that! I couldn't believe fabric has gone up to $12-15 a yard!! What happened to those $8 yards of fabric?! Is cotton that hard to find?! Guess I'm going to wait for sales or just go with kits anymore. It's a shame that fabric is so expensive.

Treated mom to lunch. We shared a sandwich. It was really good. First time I'd be there to eat. Heard a lot about it. We talked about the quilts, we talked about how my nieces still haven't bothered to tell me they are expecting. Since they have been posting it on Facebook and showing photos, I'm not taking that as notice. Family should be told in person! So, as far as I'm concerned, they are not getting a baby gift from me. I've told both of them they need to communicate with me if they want me a part of their lives. Apparently they don't. Which is okay by me. Their brother is awesome, as he told me just before he told my folks. I'm so excited for him. He's been chatting with me off and on throughout the process. Now that is family!!

I came home and put the backing and batting out on the table. After I put the batting on the backing, I decided I'm going to wait till tomorrow before I start to baste it together.

This is the quilt I'm going to baste to have ready to quilt. I haven't quite decided what kind of a design I'm going to have on it. I have a few ideas, but until I get to quilting it, I really won't know what I'm going to do. I have grey for quilting thread. That way it will be seen.

Art gave me Flo's yarn basket. I had to wash it because it had a stain on it. Don't know if she dropped coffee in the basket or not. Really wasn't sure if I could wash it, but I did. I put it in the sink and used my finger brush to scrub it a little. I sprayed it with Oxi spray and it did help, but not as much as I was hoping. I could have been more patient and let it soak for awhile in the spray. BUT NO, I'm not that patient. I rinsed it and put it out on the deck. I took a photo because it was "steaming" when I set it out there. It was chilly out there, but nothing like what the East Coast is going on. It did dry and I brought it in by my chair. Patrick hasn't seen it yet, but I think he won't mind too much. I may be a little more organized and get some of the stuff off the table....I can hope! lol - Patrick would love it if I did....let's see if it works. Right now it has the yarn for the afghan I'm making. I have a few more rows done on it.

Sun going down....

Charlie can't make up her mind if she's coming in or going out. Gave up and she's going out!

I've been getting more stitches in on my class table runner. Each step and each day, I'm keeping Happy Quilting!

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