Monday, April 18, 2016

Enjoying A Day of Quilting

Today we took our walk. Afterwards I got my quilts ready to take to the quilt class. I got the registration information together for the annual meeting. I then sent off a few emails explaining where I will be this week.

Once all that was done, I headed to mom's to give her the registration information to give to Nancy. Mom wasn't going to see Nancy, so I dropped it off. She was meeting at another gals house in the same area. Then I stopped to see Art to tell him we were still on for tomorrow.

After that, headed to the quilt shop for the hand quilting class. I took about 7 of my quilts to show my hand quilting. I brought my first two quilts. I even showed my first applique quilt that is falling apart. I also showed how I quilt. I was showing how I rock and how I hide my stuff. Everyone has a different way to quilt, and my way is another one. I forgot to take the tool I use to pull my threads when it gets hard.

I took Phil's quilt with me. I quilted on it while we were there.

I marked and started quilting the water area on the top middle block. I'm happy to say, I was able to get some stitching done! I got more done than I have been able to get in a long time. I seriously need to finish this quilt for Phil.

I went and got my hair trimmed. Then after that I stopped and got some nylons for the dress I'm going to wear. I just need to find the shoes I'm taking with me to wear. Really don't want to have to stop and buy shoes if I forget them.

I'm still doing the genealogy and it's fascinating at what I'm finding. There are mistakes, but I'll fix them when I get back to paying for ancestry. This way I will have the names and then go look for the documents that back up what I'm entering.

Tomorrow will be busy. Hopefully....Happy Quilting!

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