Friday, April 29, 2016

Received An Awesome Gift Today

This morning I slept in till 7:30 am. Ruthie left for awhile. I'll be without a walking partner for a little bit. I was up and ready to go. I worked on MTurk for some money. I didn't want to go to the quilt meeting today, so stayed home.

I then went and worked on my genealogy and added another 200 names. While I was doing that, Patrick came home early and found a box at the door.

We opened the box from his father. It was the stuff we were asked to pick from while we were there last week.

This is one of her table runners she made. Judie did an awesome job on her quilts and cross stitch. This quilt top still needs a few more stitches and I will finish it for her. It's really pretty and I was surprised at how beautiful her work was. She would always tell me her work wasn't that good. She said her work wasn't as good as mine. While looking at her work, I found she did a heck of a lot better than me! Her points are so perfect! Her quilting is so small....I'm jealous, and only wish I could tell her that in person!

She made these blocks. I'm thinking about how I want to put them in a quilt. I may just put them in a table runner, but not sure yet.

The blue quilt was one I really liked. This is the one Katt picked out for herself. It's big and really pretty! The black quilt was a wall hanging I made (photo below) and the one under that is another table runner she made.

This is the quilt.

I made it back in 1988. It's a year older than Katt! I just realized that. I remember stuffing the kangaroos.

This is one of several afghans I made for her. When we were first married I found out my mother-in-law collected afghans and showed them in her white family room. I made her afghans to go in her collection. Patrick liked this one and wanted to bring it back home. It's got a sparkle to it in the whit areas.

I found this in the cross stitch stuff Judie was working on. This is so tiny!! It's perfect stitches!! She taught me how to do "counted" cross stitch and I thought my work was pretty good till I saw hers! I learned a lot from her, but at the same time, I wish I learned a little more.

This is one of the cross stitches she was working on before her hands couldn't do any more work. She wasn't able to work on any crafts in the past 5-10 years. She really missed it. She was outlining this and I'm going to finish it for her.

She started this for my father-in-law and I'm going to finish it for him. He told me I didn't have to do that, but I'm going to. I love her work! She did a beautiful job!

This is a cross stitch I did in 1993 for her. It was a Christmas gift to her. Now it's back here. I forgot I had made this for her. I did have fun making this one.

After going through the box (and yes, there was more in there), I put some of the stuff away. She had some cutting rulers, fabric and other quilt supplies. It was hard at times going through them. It was different when she was alive and giving me things, but now, it's different. Partly because I know she won't be around to show her what I've done for her.

We went out to eat and saw the movie "Dead Pool." Not a movie I would go to, but it was cheap and we had dinner at the movies. If they would have taken the gore out and the language as well as the sex, then it could have been entertaining. Not something I was all that crazy about and was a little grossed out on some of it. Patrick liked it, but agree the gore and stuff was a little much.

We stopped to see mom and dad. We played a game of gin, and I won the first two rounds, to end up in last place by the time we were done. Funny how that happens. Found out I need to get blocks ready for the group to work on. Not sure what quilt I want them to work on. I'll have to think about it.

I've been more interested in genealogy lately. I'm hoping to get back into working on my crafts, it was inspiring to see mom's stuff and mine. I was thinking I need to do an afghan for my nephew. I still have a couple months yet...I can keep thinking of it.

We all are doing good...Happy Quilting!

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