Saturday, April 9, 2016

Got Some Ironing In!

Today started out unusual. I woke and noticed Patrick wasn't there. Came into the living room thinking I must have kept him up with my snoring. Usually only snore when my allergies kick in. He was sitting up on the couch! That wasn't normal for him! lol Come to find out, he had been up so many times last night, he decided to quit trying to sleep.

We went to the casino. I hit a big (no not that big) jackpot. Surprised the heck out of me. Then we headed back home for about an hour before heading to the movies.

While we were home, Patrick worked in the yard. Planted a few plants, and I went downstairs and ironed all those half square triangles I made yesterday.

I tore off all the paper last night, and have a good stack for ironing. I got it all done. I'm happy to see my stack that's done. I was thinking I need to get a couple boxes and have them set up for QOV blocks and "work in progress" when it comes to sewing on the machine.

We went to the movie "The Boss." It was pretty good, but I still don't like swearing and the sexual remarks. It would have been a lot better, if they got rid of the "rude" stuff.

We got home and I went to work on my genealogy. I want to get a lot of the documents done that I've got in a pile. I'm slowly going through my boxes of genealogy stuff. I'm finding it's actually connecting in my head now, so I'm figuring out what happened. At least I want to believe that.

Other than that, my day went well. Not quite what I hoped for but won't complain! Enjoying the day and Happy Quilting!

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